Registry-registrar relationsDNS Entrepreneurship Center DNS Entrepreneurship Center
Cairo, April 2015
DNS Entrepreneurship Center
Cairo, April 2015
Registry Best Practices Workshop
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SoallatihanobservasidaneksposisiNeyla LyaTeks tersebut merupakan lembar soal untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia kelas X yang berisi 25 soal pilihan ganda dan petunjuk-petunjuk untuk mengerjakan soal. Teks kedua merupakan prosedur yang harus dilakukan jika terkena tilang.
2Rong YuThis document discusses a study on the effect of micro-grooved fins on the thermal and hydraulic performance of fin-and-tube heat exchangers. It fabricated fins with parallel micro-grooves using photolithography and chemical etching. It then tested four full-scale heat exchangers with these fins, measuring dry and wet air-side pressure drop and heat transfer coefficients. The micro-grooved fins reduced wet air-side pressure drop by 9.3-53% while having a negligible impact on dry and wet heat transfer coefficients. This novel fin design improved performance by better managing condensate, demonstrating potential benefits for HVAC&R systems. It also evaluated the durability of an alkyl silane coating applied
How To Write a Impressive Resume for FreshersFirm NextA resume, by definition is a document prepared with the primary motive of marketing an individual’s skill set, achievements and potential.
Verb to bePilar MendozaThis document provides examples of sentences using pronouns and verbs to be (am, are, is) along with questions using the verb to be. It shows sentences with singular pronouns like I, he, she, it followed by verbs to be and sentences with plural pronouns like we, they followed by verbs to be. It also includes negative sentences and questions using the verb to be.
Inhibitor TableJacob YuThe document reports the Ki and Ki* values for various inhibitors of two methyltransferase enzymes, HpMTAN and SaMTAN. Ki is the inhibition constant and Ki* is the inhibition constant of time-dependent inactivation. For both enzymes, the best inhibitors were PT03-159, DHL-159, and PCLMT-O-A, with Ki values in the low nanomolar range. The para-substituted analogues generally had higher Ki values than the meta-substituted analogues.
Hai Au Aviation Presentation - Halong Bay by SeaplaneHainam TravelEnjoy the stunning view of Halong Bay, Phan Thiet and the Mekong Delta with Hai Au Aviation’s brand new seaplanes and experienced flight crew
Caf presentation finalRavishekhar kumarThe document provides details of a loan application submitted by M/s Jaihind Auto Spare Manufacturers to State Bank of India, Panipat for a term loan of INR 19 crores and working capital loan of INR 2 crores. It includes background of the promoters, project details, financial projections, credit appraisal, and key financial ratios. The bank manager will review the application and supporting documents to make a decision on approving or rejecting the loan.
Appearance b04Mariana Castillo CarrascoThe document introduces several people - Whoopi Goldberg, Richard Gere, Belinda, Daniel, Ashley Tisdale and Miley Cirus. It provides physical descriptions and some biographical details about each person, such as their name, hair color, eye color, age and nationality. Richard Gere and Daniel are described as handsome. Belinda and Ashley Tisdale are described as beautiful.
LinuxThenmozhi DivyaThe document discusses Linux, an open-source operating system that can be installed on various devices. It notes that Linux is free, powerful, stable, and provides security without viruses. Some key advantages are that Linux systems are stable, free from viruses, and never slow down over time like other OSes. The document also provides a brief history of Linux and operating systems before it, and discusses how Linux is now widely used on PCs, supercomputers, and by about 29 million users worldwide. It lists some common Linux distributions and notes that desktop Linux is free, secure, and user-friendly.
Sixth sense technology presented by romiyaRomiya BoseI have prepared this presentation with the help of slideshare's previous ppt. But my presentation includes a brief history and applications.May it will help the others..
Accounting 0137 chapter 9 lecture 11Cambriannews1. The document provides financial information from a statement issued by Avijit on December 31, 2012, including details of sales, purchases, expenses, salaries, assets, and liabilities.
2. Key notes include total inventory being worth 211,150 BDT, outstanding payables of 350 BDT for employees and 5,000 BDT for expenses, and prepaid expenses of 7,800 BDT for advertising expenses.
3. The statement also lists total equity of 200,000 BDT for Avijit and net profit of 20,900 BDT.
Updated santosh ResumeRoyala SantoshRoyala Santosh Nath is seeking a position that allows him to utilize his skills and improve his knowledge. He has over 5 years of experience in customer service and operations roles. Currently working as an Executive at MOL Information Processing Services, his responsibilities include invoicing, reporting, system updates, and issue resolution. Previously he worked at Smart Drive Systems handling driver monitoring, behavior analysis, and client feedback. He has a Bachelor's degree in Commerce with a focus on Computers.
RękoDZIEŁO, handmade, dizajn – czy (i jak) biblioteka może wspierać lokalnych...Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa InformacyjnegoPrezentacja do wystąpienia Julity Wojczakowskiej (, na trzecim ogólnopolskim kongressie bibliotek publicznych "Biblioteka z wizją", 11-12 października 2012 r
Mineral pembentuk batuan bekuPratama PutraBowen menguraikan urutan stabilitas mineral dalam batuan beku yang membentuk kelompok diskontinuitas dan kontinuitas. Kelompok diskontinuitas meliputi perubahan mineral seperti olivin menjadi piroksen, sedangkan kelompok kontinuitas meliputi variasi komposisi plagio klas. Urutan ini menunjukkan tingkat stabilitas mineral pada suhu tertentu dan membantu menentukan asosiasi mineral dalam batuan berdasarkan derajat keasaman dan kebasaannya
Registry-registrar relationsDNS Entrepreneurship Center DNS Entrepreneurship Center
Cairo, April 2015
DNS Entrepreneurship Center
Cairo, April 2015
Registry Best Practices Workshop
Website :
Facebook :
Twitter :-
SoallatihanobservasidaneksposisiNeyla LyaTeks tersebut merupakan lembar soal untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia kelas X yang berisi 25 soal pilihan ganda dan petunjuk-petunjuk untuk mengerjakan soal. Teks kedua merupakan prosedur yang harus dilakukan jika terkena tilang.
2Rong YuThis document discusses a study on the effect of micro-grooved fins on the thermal and hydraulic performance of fin-and-tube heat exchangers. It fabricated fins with parallel micro-grooves using photolithography and chemical etching. It then tested four full-scale heat exchangers with these fins, measuring dry and wet air-side pressure drop and heat transfer coefficients. The micro-grooved fins reduced wet air-side pressure drop by 9.3-53% while having a negligible impact on dry and wet heat transfer coefficients. This novel fin design improved performance by better managing condensate, demonstrating potential benefits for HVAC&R systems. It also evaluated the durability of an alkyl silane coating applied
How To Write a Impressive Resume for FreshersFirm NextA resume, by definition is a document prepared with the primary motive of marketing an individual’s skill set, achievements and potential.
Verb to bePilar MendozaThis document provides examples of sentences using pronouns and verbs to be (am, are, is) along with questions using the verb to be. It shows sentences with singular pronouns like I, he, she, it followed by verbs to be and sentences with plural pronouns like we, they followed by verbs to be. It also includes negative sentences and questions using the verb to be.
Inhibitor TableJacob YuThe document reports the Ki and Ki* values for various inhibitors of two methyltransferase enzymes, HpMTAN and SaMTAN. Ki is the inhibition constant and Ki* is the inhibition constant of time-dependent inactivation. For both enzymes, the best inhibitors were PT03-159, DHL-159, and PCLMT-O-A, with Ki values in the low nanomolar range. The para-substituted analogues generally had higher Ki values than the meta-substituted analogues.
Hai Au Aviation Presentation - Halong Bay by SeaplaneHainam TravelEnjoy the stunning view of Halong Bay, Phan Thiet and the Mekong Delta with Hai Au Aviation’s brand new seaplanes and experienced flight crew
Caf presentation finalRavishekhar kumarThe document provides details of a loan application submitted by M/s Jaihind Auto Spare Manufacturers to State Bank of India, Panipat for a term loan of INR 19 crores and working capital loan of INR 2 crores. It includes background of the promoters, project details, financial projections, credit appraisal, and key financial ratios. The bank manager will review the application and supporting documents to make a decision on approving or rejecting the loan.
Appearance b04Mariana Castillo CarrascoThe document introduces several people - Whoopi Goldberg, Richard Gere, Belinda, Daniel, Ashley Tisdale and Miley Cirus. It provides physical descriptions and some biographical details about each person, such as their name, hair color, eye color, age and nationality. Richard Gere and Daniel are described as handsome. Belinda and Ashley Tisdale are described as beautiful.
LinuxThenmozhi DivyaThe document discusses Linux, an open-source operating system that can be installed on various devices. It notes that Linux is free, powerful, stable, and provides security without viruses. Some key advantages are that Linux systems are stable, free from viruses, and never slow down over time like other OSes. The document also provides a brief history of Linux and operating systems before it, and discusses how Linux is now widely used on PCs, supercomputers, and by about 29 million users worldwide. It lists some common Linux distributions and notes that desktop Linux is free, secure, and user-friendly.
Sixth sense technology presented by romiyaRomiya BoseI have prepared this presentation with the help of slideshare's previous ppt. But my presentation includes a brief history and applications.May it will help the others..
Accounting 0137 chapter 9 lecture 11Cambriannews1. The document provides financial information from a statement issued by Avijit on December 31, 2012, including details of sales, purchases, expenses, salaries, assets, and liabilities.
2. Key notes include total inventory being worth 211,150 BDT, outstanding payables of 350 BDT for employees and 5,000 BDT for expenses, and prepaid expenses of 7,800 BDT for advertising expenses.
3. The statement also lists total equity of 200,000 BDT for Avijit and net profit of 20,900 BDT.
Updated santosh ResumeRoyala SantoshRoyala Santosh Nath is seeking a position that allows him to utilize his skills and improve his knowledge. He has over 5 years of experience in customer service and operations roles. Currently working as an Executive at MOL Information Processing Services, his responsibilities include invoicing, reporting, system updates, and issue resolution. Previously he worked at Smart Drive Systems handling driver monitoring, behavior analysis, and client feedback. He has a Bachelor's degree in Commerce with a focus on Computers.
RękoDZIEŁO, handmade, dizajn – czy (i jak) biblioteka może wspierać lokalnych...Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa InformacyjnegoPrezentacja do wystąpienia Julity Wojczakowskiej (, na trzecim ogólnopolskim kongressie bibliotek publicznych "Biblioteka z wizją", 11-12 października 2012 r
Mineral pembentuk batuan bekuPratama PutraBowen menguraikan urutan stabilitas mineral dalam batuan beku yang membentuk kelompok diskontinuitas dan kontinuitas. Kelompok diskontinuitas meliputi perubahan mineral seperti olivin menjadi piroksen, sedangkan kelompok kontinuitas meliputi variasi komposisi plagio klas. Urutan ini menunjukkan tingkat stabilitas mineral pada suhu tertentu dan membantu menentukan asosiasi mineral dalam batuan berdasarkan derajat keasaman dan kebasaannya
презентация старцева3604Valtria ValtriaПрезентация лекарственной траве, которая очень актульна в 21 веке. Присутствуют слайды: Описание, Ботаническое описание, Таксономия,Распространение, Лекарственное применения, Другие виды применения.
Рома́шка (лат. Matricária) — род многолетних цветковых растений семейства Астровые, или
Сложноцветные (Asteraceae), объединяет около двадцати видов невысоких пахучих трав, цветущих в
первый год жизни. Наиболее известный вид — Ромашка аптечная (Matricaria chamomilla, syn. Matricaria
recutita), это растение широко используется в лечебных и косметических целях.
Орган растения Описание
Стебель Высота 20 — 40 см, тонкий.
Листья просто- или дважды- перисторассечёнными
листьями, состоящими из многочисленных тонких
Цветы Соцветие — полусферические корзинки
диаметром 4—20 мм объединены в щитковидное
соцветие. В корзинках имеются цветки двух типов:
на диске находятся жёлтые трубчатые обоеполые
цветки, с краю — белые ложноязычковые
пестичные (изредка встречаются корзинки только
с трубчатыми цветками). Цветоложе полое, часто
Плоды семянка с тремя или четырьмя тонкими рёбрами,
с едва заметным хохолком (иногда без него)
Дикорастущая ромашка аптечная встречается в
Сибири, на Алтае, Кузнецком Алатау, в степной
части Забайкалья. После введения в культуру в
средней полосе России она широко расселилась
по краям полей, обочинам дорог, около жилья,
на пустырях и залежных лугах — как сорное
растение. Её культивируют для получения
лекарственного сырья на специальных
В медицине
Высушенную и свежую ромашку аптечную издавна применяют в
медицине: (отвары, экстракты) — как противовоспалительное,
слабое антисептическое и вяжущее средство, наружно — для
полосканий, примочек и ванн. Ромашка принимается внутрь в виде
чая (традиционное английское домашнее средство) или настоя, её
используют при спазмах кишечника, метеоризме и диарее, а также
как потогонное средство. Препараты — Рекутан, Ротокан.
В косметологии
Экстракт ромашки аптечной входит в состав многих косметических
средств, прежде всего кремов. Настоем ромашки аптечной
ополаскивают волосы для придания им золотистого оттенка.
Культивар ромашки исключительной
В ароматерапии
Эфирное масло ромашки аптечной («немецкой ромашки»)
применяется в ароматерапии; чаще — как успокаивающее средство.
Из-за высокой цены его нередко фальсифицируют, в том числе
подменяют маслом римской ромашки (Chamaemelum nobile).
В садоводстве
Некоторые виды используются как декоративные
красивоцветущие садовые растения, известно
большое число сортов. Растения выращивают в
рокариях и бордюрах, соцветия некоторых видов
красиво выглядят в букетах.
В культуре
Помимо видов ромашки, культивируемых как
декоративные растения, в европейских странах как
культурное лекарственное растение достаточно
широко распространена ромашка аптечная.
Агротехника Представители рода предпочитают
хорошо дренированную рыхлую песчаную почву,
лучше всего растут на открытых местах. Обладают
высокой морозостойкостью. Размножение —