This document describes Bloom's Taxonomy, a classification of learning objectives into six levels: Knowledge, Comprehension, Application, Analysis, Synthesis, and Evaluation. It provides examples of the cognitive processes and thinking skills demonstrated at each level, from the basic recall and understanding at the lower levels, to the more complex abilities to evaluate, create new ideas, and make judgments at the higher levels. Question cues are also given to help assess the level of learning being tested.
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Classroom Walkthrough
Learner Level of Cognition
Knowledge - The remembering of previously learned mate-
rial. This may involve the recall of a wide range of material,
from specific facts to complete theories, but all that is required
is the bringing to mind of appropriate information. Knowledge
represents the lowest level of learning outcomes in the cognitive
• Observation and recall of information
• Knowledge of dates, events, places
• Knowledge of major ideas
• Mastery of subject matter
• Question Cues: list, define, tell, describe, identify,
show, label, collect, examine, tabulate, quote, and
name who, when, where, etc.
Comprehension - The ability to grasp the meaning of mate-
rial such as translating (words to numbers), explaining or sum-
marizing, and predicting consequences of effects. These learning
outcomes go one step beyond the simple remembering of mate-
rial, and represent the lowest level of understanding.
• Understanding information
• Grasp meaning
• Translate knowledge into new context
• Interpret facts, compare, contrast
• Order, group, infer causes
• Predict consequences
• Question Cues: summarize, describe, interpret,
contrast, predict, associate, distinguish, estimate,
differentiate, discuss, extend
Application - The ability to use learned material in new and
concrete situations. This may include the application of such
things as rules, methods, concepts, principles, laws and theories.
Learning outcomes in this area require a higher level of under-
standing than those under comprehension.
• Use information
• Use methods, concepts, theories in new situations
• Solve problems using required skills or knowledge
• Question Cues: apply, demonstrate, calculate,
complete, illustrate, show, solve, examine, modify,
relate, change,
classify, experiment, discover
Analysis - The ability to break down material into component
parts so that its organizational structure may be understood.
This may include the identification of parts, analysis of the
relationship between parts, and recognition of the organizational
principles involved. Learning outcomes represent a higher intel-
lectual level than comprehension and application because they
require an understanding of both the content and the structural
form of the material.
• Seeing patterns
• Organization of parts
• Recognition of hidden meanings
• Identification of components
• Question Cues: analyze, separate, order, explain,
connect, classify, arrange, divide, compare, select,
explain, infer
Synthesis - The ability to put parts together to form a new
whole. This may involve the production of a unique communica-
tion, a plan of operations (research proposal), or a set of abstract
relations (scheme for classifying information). Learning out-
comes in this area stress creative behaviors, with major emphasis
on the formulation of new patterns or structure.
• Use old ideas to create new ones
• Generalize from given facts
• Relate knowledge from several areas
• Predict and draw conclusions
• Question Cues: combine, integrate, modify, rearrange,
substitute, plan, create, design, invent, What if?,
compose, formulate, prepare, generalize, rewrite
Evaluation - The ability to judge the value of material for
a given purpose. The judgements are to be based on defini-
tive criteria. These may be internal criteria (organization) or
external criteria (relevance to the purpose) and the student may
determine or be provided the criteria. Learning outcomes in this
area are highest in the cognitive hierarchy because they contain
elements of all the other categories, plus conscious value judge-
ments based on clearly defined criteria.
• Compare and discriminate between ideas
• Assess value of theories, presentations
• Make choices based on reasoned argument
• Verify value of evidence
• Recognize subjectivity
• Question Cues: assess, decide, rank, grade, test,
measure, recommend, convince, select, judge, explain,
discriminate, support, conclude, compare