The shape and size of the Earth. The internal structure of the Earth. Types of crust. Evolution of the earth's crust. The chemical composition of the earth's crust. Minerals. Rocks.
The shape and size of the Earth. The internal structure of the Earth. Types of crust. Evolution of the earth's crust. The chemical composition of the earth's crust. Minerals. Rocks.
Este documento presenta una evaluaci坦n diagn坦stica de competencias comunicativas para estudiantes de primer grado. Contiene instrucciones para los estudiantes, un ejemplo de pregunta y respuesta, y cinco preguntas cortas sobre un texto de lectura, incluyendo preguntas de selecci坦n m炭ltiple, verdadero/falso y completar un dibujo. El prop坦sito es evaluar la comprensi坦n lectora y habilidades comunicativas de los estudiantes.
Shangri-La is an imaginary lost city described in the 1933 novel "Lost Horizon" as being hidden in Tibet. The novel portrays Shangri-La as a harmonious utopia where inhabitants live long lives and possess great wisdom. While the city was fictional, the concept may have been inspired by Asian traditions of hidden lands. There is also 16th century evidence that some sought a hidden place of harmony in Tibet, as described in tales told to a Western priest in India.
The document discusses strategies for combating winter blues, including a workshop with several activities. The objectives are to learn new vocabulary words related to winter blues, learn the signs and symptoms, and ways to overcome it. Activities include a class discussion on winter feelings, reviewing vocabulary like "seasonal" and "mood", and a fill-in-the-blank exercise about ways to boost serotonin and expose yourself to more sunlight in the winter. The goal is to educate people on seasonal affective disorder and milder winter blues, as well as strategies to feel better during winter months.