The document presents a proof that 3-coloring is NP-hard. It first defines 3-SAT and 3-coloring problems. It then describes a reduction that maps a 3-SAT formula 陸 to a graph G陸 such that 陸 is satisfiable if and only if G陸 has a 3-coloring. The reduction uses literal and clause gadgets to encode the formula as a graph. It is proved that a satisfying assignment for 陸 can be used to 3-color G陸, and vice versa, showing that solving 3-coloring is at least as hard as solving 3-SAT.
2. Algorithm Design Homework 02
Outline of the presentation
1. Denition of 3-Satisability.
2. Denition of 3-Coloring.
3. Proof that 3-Sat P 3-Color.
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3. Algorithm Design Homework 02
The problems
Input CNF formula 陸 where each clause contains exactly 3 dierent
Output Satisfying truth assignment for the formula 陸.
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4. Algorithm Design Homework 02
The problems
Input CNF formula 陸 where each clause contains exactly 3 dierent
Output Satisfying truth assignment for the formula 陸.
Input A graph G = (V , E) with |V | = n vertices and |E| = m
Output A k-Coloring c : V {1, . . . , k}, s.t.
(x, y) E, C(x) = C(y).
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5. Algorithm Design Homework 02
The reduction
3-Coloring is in NP
Certicate A 3-Coloring c : V {1, 2, 3}
Certier Check if (u, v) E, c(u) = c(v)
Show that the formula 陸 is satisable IFF exist a 3-Coloring for the
graph G.
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6. Algorithm Design Homework 02
The gadgets
Literals Gadget Clause gadget
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7. Algorithm Design Homework 02
The gadgets
Literals Gadget Clause gadget
x1 測x1
x2 測x2
xn 測xn
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8. Algorithm Design Homework 02
The gadgets
Literals Gadget Clause gadget
x1 測x1
x2 測x2
xn 測xn
ci1 ci2 ci3
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9. Algorithm Design Homework 02
The construction
x1 測x1
x2 測x2
xn 測xn
c 3
c 2
c 1
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10. Algorithm Design Homework 02
The theorem
A CNF Formula 陸 is satisable exists a 3-Coloring for the graph G陸.
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11. Algorithm Design Homework 02
The theorem
A CNF Formula 陸 is satisable exists a 3-Coloring for the graph G陸.
陸 is satisable = G陸 is 3-Colorable
Take a truth assignment for 陸 and color the literals gadgets;
Each clause have at least 1 literal set to True;
All the clause gadget can be colored with respect to the constraint;
We have a 3-Coloring.
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12. Algorithm Design Homework 02
The theorem
A CNF Formula 陸 is satisable exists a 3-Coloring for the graph G陸.
G陸 is 3-Colorable = 陸 is satisable
Take a 3-Coloring for G陸;
If a literal is colored with True, set it to True in the formula 陸;
For any clause, it cannot be that all the literals are True or False.
Otherwise we would have a clause gadget colored to False, but this is
impossible since they are connected to Base and False and we have
started from a 3-Coloring for G陸;
We have hence correct a truth assignment for 陸
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