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3Com 3C95308M-STP
3Com 3C95308M-STP
Online module
How to Buy
Call: 1-877-878-9134 for this product Email: sales@launch3.net Click to send an RFQ:
Part number: 3C95308M-STP Datasheets:
Manufacturer: 3Com Weight: N/A
Title: Online module Category: N/A
Description: Online module Genre: N/A
Heci: N/A
Part Page URL:
About Us
Launch 3 Telecom is your one stop shop for all your Telecom and Data/Networking
Hardware needs and genuine 3Com replacement parts. We have loyally served our
customers since 2003. Our product expertise, quality customer service, competitive pricing
-on items like this 3Com 3C95308M-STP -- are a few of the reasons why more telecom
professionals buy from Launch 3 Telecom every day.
Payment and Processing
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Paypal payments for this 3Com
3C95308M-STP. We can also accept Purchase Orders for Net Terms upon approval. Launch
3 Telecom does have a Government Cage Code so if this is for a Government purchase
please tells us! You may also call us at 877-878-9134 or email us at sales@launch3.net for
our credit card form. Please call us today to purchase this 3Com 3C95308M-STP item while
inventory and sale last.
Same Day Shipping, Order Confirmation and Order
Once your order is placed for the 3Com 3C95308M-STP, you may select from several
shipping methods, including UPS, Federal Express, DHL, USPS, 3 day, 2 day, overnight and
international methods. Orders received and approved before 3PM EST will generally ship
the same business day. You will receive an order confirmation email for your 3Com
3C95308M-STP along with the tracking number as soon as it is available. The tracking
number will allow you to track your shipment in real time. We pack the 3Com 3C95308M-
STP in anti-static bubble wrap to ensure safe delivery. We will combine multiple items in
one shipment whenever possible to save on shipping time and costs. Because we have
several distribution points and vendor locations, sometimes orders will be divided into
multiple shipments, but never at extra cost to you.
Every item you purchase from us includes a warranty and our hassle-free return policy. We
stand by our product and your satisfaction is our goal. If you ever have questions or
concerns about your 3Com 3C95308M-STP order, simply contact our Customer Service
Department at 877-878-9134, Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM EST. Friendly customer service
reps are available to assist you with your order.
Services from Launch 3 Telecom
Launch 3 Telecom can also repair the 3Com
3C95308M-STP, provides maintenance
contracts, De-installation, Telecom
Consignment and Recycling. Please contact
Launch 3 Telecom to learn more about these
services! Launch 3 Telecom specializes in
installation of all telecom related systems. Our
team is equipped to handle all telecom
equipment including cellular, Fixed Wireless,
WiMAX, Central Office, and more. No project is
too small or too big, and each is handled by a
dedicated telecom professional.
De-Installation - Our Network Installation
Experts will properly de-install your equipment,
package it, and ship it to our warehouse for
Testing - Our team of technicians will inspect
each piece of equipment thoroughly. If a piece
of equipment needs repair, well provide the
resources and technology to guarantee each
piece is ready to be sold.
Asset Recovery - We can store your equipment
in one of our expansive warehouses located
around the country until your equipment is
sold so you can save on storage costs and avoid
cluttering your equipment floor.
Repair Services - Launch 3 Telecom is your one-
stop solution to your entire Telecom
Equipment & System repair. Our team of
dedicated professionals will get your system
back up and running quickly and efficiently. We
repair cell sites, central office switching,
combiners, data networking, transmission,
power supplies, microwave, radios, IP Cameras,
Sonet /SHD, power, power amps, CDMA, GSM,
TDMA, and PBX Keyphone.
Third Party Logistics - If you are currently
operating a direct route or if you are interested
in setting one up, Launch 3 Telecom would like
to discuss the opportunity of sending you
traffic. Contact us today to speak to a Call
Termination Specialist for more details at

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3Com 3C95308M-STP

  • 2. 3Com 3C95308M-STP Online module _______________________________________ How to Buy Call: 1-877-878-9134 for this product Email: sales@launch3.net Click to send an RFQ: http://www.launch3telecom.com/3com/3c95308mstp.html
  • 3. Part number: 3C95308M-STP Datasheets: Manufacturer: 3Com Weight: N/A Title: Online module Category: N/A Description: Online module Genre: N/A Heci: N/A Part Page URL:
  • 4. About Us Launch 3 Telecom is your one stop shop for all your Telecom and Data/Networking Hardware needs and genuine 3Com replacement parts. We have loyally served our customers since 2003. Our product expertise, quality customer service, competitive pricing -on items like this 3Com 3C95308M-STP -- are a few of the reasons why more telecom professionals buy from Launch 3 Telecom every day. _______________________________________ Payment and Processing We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Paypal payments for this 3Com 3C95308M-STP. We can also accept Purchase Orders for Net Terms upon approval. Launch 3 Telecom does have a Government Cage Code so if this is for a Government purchase please tells us! You may also call us at 877-878-9134 or email us at sales@launch3.net for our credit card form. Please call us today to purchase this 3Com 3C95308M-STP item while inventory and sale last.
  • 5. Same Day Shipping, Order Confirmation and Order Tracking Once your order is placed for the 3Com 3C95308M-STP, you may select from several shipping methods, including UPS, Federal Express, DHL, USPS, 3 day, 2 day, overnight and international methods. Orders received and approved before 3PM EST will generally ship the same business day. You will receive an order confirmation email for your 3Com 3C95308M-STP along with the tracking number as soon as it is available. The tracking number will allow you to track your shipment in real time. We pack the 3Com 3C95308M- STP in anti-static bubble wrap to ensure safe delivery. We will combine multiple items in one shipment whenever possible to save on shipping time and costs. Because we have several distribution points and vendor locations, sometimes orders will be divided into multiple shipments, but never at extra cost to you. _______________________________________ Warranty Every item you purchase from us includes a warranty and our hassle-free return policy. We stand by our product and your satisfaction is our goal. If you ever have questions or concerns about your 3Com 3C95308M-STP order, simply contact our Customer Service Department at 877-878-9134, Monday - Friday, 9 AM - 5 PM EST. Friendly customer service reps are available to assist you with your order.
  • 6. Services from Launch 3 Telecom Launch 3 Telecom can also repair the 3Com 3C95308M-STP, provides maintenance contracts, De-installation, Telecom Consignment and Recycling. Please contact Launch 3 Telecom to learn more about these services! Launch 3 Telecom specializes in installation of all telecom related systems. Our team is equipped to handle all telecom equipment including cellular, Fixed Wireless, WiMAX, Central Office, and more. No project is too small or too big, and each is handled by a dedicated telecom professional. De-Installation - Our Network Installation Experts will properly de-install your equipment, package it, and ship it to our warehouse for storage. Testing - Our team of technicians will inspect each piece of equipment thoroughly. If a piece of equipment needs repair, well provide the resources and technology to guarantee each piece is ready to be sold. Asset Recovery - We can store your equipment in one of our expansive warehouses located around the country until your equipment is sold so you can save on storage costs and avoid cluttering your equipment floor. Repair Services - Launch 3 Telecom is your one- stop solution to your entire Telecom Equipment & System repair. Our team of dedicated professionals will get your system back up and running quickly and efficiently. We repair cell sites, central office switching, combiners, data networking, transmission, power supplies, microwave, radios, IP Cameras, Sonet /SHD, power, power amps, CDMA, GSM, TDMA, and PBX Keyphone. Third Party Logistics - If you are currently operating a direct route or if you are interested in setting one up, Launch 3 Telecom would like to discuss the opportunity of sending you traffic. Contact us today to speak to a Call Termination Specialist for more details at voip@launch3telecom.com