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郁規 覿 螳
3D Anthropometry
伎 蟲
蟲 鴛遺意谿曙矧覿
Body Size & Product Design
Body Size & Product Design
Anthropometry | 語牡豸′
3D Scan Tech & 3D Anthropometry
語牡 豸′ 襭 脚
1 head height 334 238.7 9.6 212.5 263.0 214.7 223.3 255.0 258.8
2 head breadth 335 160.9 6.4 123.5 180.5 146.4 151.4 171.2 175.3
3 head length 335 187.0 6.9 162.0 204.0 168.2 177.0 198.5 202.0
4 head circumference 335 564.5 13.5 516.5 604.5 533.4 543.2 587.2 596.2
5 face length 336 123.4 6.1 106.7 140.4 108.0 113.1 133.2 136.6
6 lower face length 336 69.1 4.5 57.5 83.6 58.6 61.8 76.3 79.4
7 sellion-bottom lip length 336 97.1 5.2 80.7 114.1 85.3 88.3 104.7 109.4
8 bottom lip-menton length 336 26.4 3.0 18.6 36.2 19.7 21.4 31.0 34.6
9 nasal bridge-menton length 336 109.1 5.5 93.2 124.3 95.8 99.8 117.7 120.8
10 nasal bridge-chin length 336 95.8 5.6 78.2 108.9 83.7 86.7 104.9 108.1
11 chin-menton length 336 13.3 2.5 4.9 20.6 7.9 9.5 17.6 19.1
12 nose length 336 54.3 3.4 43.2 62.2 46.6 48.6 60.3 61.9
13 nose protrusion 336 18.4 1.9 12.9 23.9 14.2 15.3 21.6 23.0
14 face width 336 154.8 6.4 132.4 171.5 138.6 144.0 164.2 168.2
15 chin width 336 130.3 8.6 105.4 156.7 112.5 116.5 144.6 150.8
16 minimum nasal bridge breadth 336 20.0 2.8 12.3 27.7 14.0 15.2 24.6 26.8
17 maximum nasal bridge breadth 336 30.5 2.8 22.3 37.7 24.2 25.6 35.3 36.7
18 nose width 336 37.6 2.7 30.3 45.8 31.8 33.4 42.4 43.8
19 lip width 336 49.1 3.8 38.5 58.2 40.7 42.6 55.5 57.4
20 bitragion-menton arc 336 313.7 16.2 269.0 361.1 273.5 284.1 339.1 347.3
21 bitragion-subnasale arc 336 283.0 12.9 234.9 319.6 252.1 263.1 304.5 312.1
22 bizygomatic-menton arc 336 304.8 14.5 261.3 339.6 267.0 277.8 327.6 336.2
No. Anthropometric dimension
語牡 豸′ 襭 脚
語牡 豸′ 襭 脚
語牡 豸′ 襭 脚
Size Korea | 蟲 語牡豺譟一
 1979 ~ 2020 豐 8
  10襷 覈 伎 豸′
 1襷 覈 伎 3D 語牡 れ 一危
 200螳 伎 豸′ 覈
Anthropometry Study  Big Picture
Direct Measurement
3D Measurement Shape Feature
Sizing System
Size Analysis
3D Body Scanning
Editing / Post-Processing
Shape Variation
Shape Models
Virtual Fit
Product Design
Anthropometry Big Data
豺 一危  一危
脚  豺 轟 覿
 讌覲 豺 觜蟲
 豺豌願 螳覦
  蠍 覿 
  れ 覿
 螳 谿 覿
 襷豢ろ り 
Format  Table 朱 襴 (: Excel)  PLY, OBJ, STL  れ
 覲 landmark, texture  
   (Excel 覓語)
 Excel 蠍: 200螳 覈  100,000覈
 3D data 覲: ~ 100 MB/person

 糾 覿   3D data 豌襴/覿 
 Advanced data analytics
(Machine Learning, Deep Learning,
Virtual Fitting, FEA, )
 Computer vision/graphics
3D Database
 [Face] Korean Air Force pilots (n = 336)
 [Head] Koreans (n = 8,500)
 [Head] North Americans & Europeans (n = 4,500)
 [Full body] Koreans (n = 13,500)
 [Full body] North Americans & Europeans (n = 4,500)
 [Ear] Koreans and Caucasians (n = 326 + )
 [Hand & Foot] Korean (n = 10,000)
3D Scan Data : Ears
Outside Inside Merged
Post-Processing | 一危 豌襴/螳螻
CAESAR heads (N = 2,299)
for head product designs
(total processing time: 260h)
(ref: CGAL example)
語牡豸′ 谿
Where to measure?
Dimensions | 豸′覈
 General body dimensions: 132 (US Army database)
 Detailed head dimensions: 122 (Lee et al. 2015)
 Detailed hand dimensions: 169 (Lee et al. 2013)
Landmarking | 豸′ 蠍一 
 手 豺 覦  覿  轟 蠍一朱 一危 襴 
All 3D scans are misaligned All aligned in one coordination
Template Model Registration | 襴 
Template Model

Template-registered model 轟
  豕(350覈 手鬼: 1.3GB  14MB, 1% 譴)
 一危一襴/覿  レ
  data 螳 parameterize  轟 覿 覿, 覿螳  谿 糾 覿
37,918 vertex 47,831 vertex
810 vertex
810 vertex
豺 覿
1 head height 334 238.7 9.6 212.5 263.0 214.7 223.3 255.0 258.8
2 head breadth 335 160.9 6.4 123.5 180.5 146.4 151.4 171.2 175.3
3 head length 335 187.0 6.9 162.0 204.0 168.2 177.0 198.5 202.0
4 head circumference 335 564.5 13.5 516.5 604.5 533.4 543.2 587.2 596.2
5 face length 336 123.4 6.1 106.7 140.4 108.0 113.1 133.2 136.6
6 lower face length 336 69.1 4.5 57.5 83.6 58.6 61.8 76.3 79.4
7 sellion-bottom lip length 336 97.1 5.2 80.7 114.1 85.3 88.3 104.7 109.4
8 bottom lip-menton length 336 26.4 3.0 18.6 36.2 19.7 21.4 31.0 34.6
9 nasal bridge-menton length 336 109.1 5.5 93.2 124.3 95.8 99.8 117.7 120.8
10 nasal bridge-chin length 336 95.8 5.6 78.2 108.9 83.7 86.7 104.9 108.1
11 chin-menton length 336 13.3 2.5 4.9 20.6 7.9 9.5 17.6 19.1
12 nose length 336 54.3 3.4 43.2 62.2 46.6 48.6 60.3 61.9
13 nose protrusion 336 18.4 1.9 12.9 23.9 14.2 15.3 21.6 23.0
14 face width 336 154.8 6.4 132.4 171.5 138.6 144.0 164.2 168.2
15 chin width 336 130.3 8.6 105.4 156.7 112.5 116.5 144.6 150.8
16 minimum nasal bridge breadth 336 20.0 2.8 12.3 27.7 14.0 15.2 24.6 26.8
17 maximum nasal bridge breadth 336 30.5 2.8 22.3 37.7 24.2 25.6 35.3 36.7
18 nose width 336 37.6 2.7 30.3 45.8 31.8 33.4 42.4 43.8
19 lip width 336 49.1 3.8 38.5 58.2 40.7 42.6 55.5 57.4
20 bitragion-menton arc 336 313.7 16.2 269.0 361.1 273.5 284.1 339.1 347.3
21 bitragion-subnasale arc 336 283.0 12.9 234.9 319.6 252.1 263.1 304.5 312.1
22 bizygomatic-menton arc 336 304.8 14.5 261.3 339.6 267.0 277.8 327.6 336.2
No. Anthropometric dimension
Representative Models |  蠍 覦  
豺 覿 ろ
Rep. models
sizing system
Target population
Key dimensions
 覈語 伎  り
Digital rep. models 3D-printed rep. models
螻蟯 覲危瑚規
Size Korea
elderly woman
(n = 270)
 覈語 脚
(1) 覲 襾碁Μ
襴 覈  
(2) Mesh 讌
レり 蠏 覈 覦一
(3) 螳螻 襭 (4) Mesh 覈語
NURBS 覈碁 覲
れ/覲 覿
for designing one of critical part
in medical oxygen mask
Shapes of
nasal root part
Variation of nasal root
  覦 譟一覯 り
 譟一覯 り
<video clip>
Virtual Fitting | 螳 谿 覿
Virtual Fitting | 螳 谿 覿
Virtual Fitting | 螳 谿 覿
Virtual Fitting | 螳 谿 覿
 覿(finite element analysis) 蠍磯 語牡 覦  覓殊煙 螻ろ
覦 覿
郁規 覿 : Programmatic Data Handling
 一危 豌襴 覦 螳螻旧 螳 襷 碁 
  覦,  豌 覈 一危一  豌襴(editing, landmarking, alignment )
 郁規 覿
 Template registration 蠍一 脚 企語   覦 generic DB 蟲豢
 Deep learning 蠍一 伎  landmarking, 豺/  覿
 Virtual fit 蠍一 伎 襷豢ろ り 覦 豕 り
郁規 覿 : System Dev
 一危 覿 伎 螻谿 覿 蠍一  
 一豌伎 3谿 語牡 豺 一危磯ゼ 危蟆 伎蠍 伎 所
 郁規 覿
 豺 覦 豺豌願 覿 ろ (Web)
 3谿 語牡  覿 ろ (Web)
 Virtual fit 覦  豕 り ろ (Web)
Thank You
伎 蟲
蟲 鴛遺意谿曙矧覿

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3D Anthropometry (Kor)

  • 1. 郁規 覿 螳 3D Anthropometry 伎 蟲 蟲 鴛遺意谿曙矧覿
  • 2. Body Size & Product Design
  • 3. Body Size & Product Design
  • 5. 3D Scan Tech & 3D Anthropometry
  • 6. 語牡 豸′ 襭 脚 1st 5th 95th 99th 1 head height 334 238.7 9.6 212.5 263.0 214.7 223.3 255.0 258.8 2 head breadth 335 160.9 6.4 123.5 180.5 146.4 151.4 171.2 175.3 3 head length 335 187.0 6.9 162.0 204.0 168.2 177.0 198.5 202.0 4 head circumference 335 564.5 13.5 516.5 604.5 533.4 543.2 587.2 596.2 5 face length 336 123.4 6.1 106.7 140.4 108.0 113.1 133.2 136.6 6 lower face length 336 69.1 4.5 57.5 83.6 58.6 61.8 76.3 79.4 7 sellion-bottom lip length 336 97.1 5.2 80.7 114.1 85.3 88.3 104.7 109.4 8 bottom lip-menton length 336 26.4 3.0 18.6 36.2 19.7 21.4 31.0 34.6 9 nasal bridge-menton length 336 109.1 5.5 93.2 124.3 95.8 99.8 117.7 120.8 10 nasal bridge-chin length 336 95.8 5.6 78.2 108.9 83.7 86.7 104.9 108.1 11 chin-menton length 336 13.3 2.5 4.9 20.6 7.9 9.5 17.6 19.1 12 nose length 336 54.3 3.4 43.2 62.2 46.6 48.6 60.3 61.9 13 nose protrusion 336 18.4 1.9 12.9 23.9 14.2 15.3 21.6 23.0 14 face width 336 154.8 6.4 132.4 171.5 138.6 144.0 164.2 168.2 15 chin width 336 130.3 8.6 105.4 156.7 112.5 116.5 144.6 150.8 16 minimum nasal bridge breadth 336 20.0 2.8 12.3 27.7 14.0 15.2 24.6 26.8 17 maximum nasal bridge breadth 336 30.5 2.8 22.3 37.7 24.2 25.6 35.3 36.7 18 nose width 336 37.6 2.7 30.3 45.8 31.8 33.4 42.4 43.8 19 lip width 336 49.1 3.8 38.5 58.2 40.7 42.6 55.5 57.4 20 bitragion-menton arc 336 313.7 16.2 269.0 361.1 273.5 284.1 339.1 347.3 21 bitragion-subnasale arc 336 283.0 12.9 234.9 319.6 252.1 263.1 304.5 312.1 22 bizygomatic-menton arc 336 304.8 14.5 261.3 339.6 267.0 277.8 327.6 336.2 No. Anthropometric dimension Percentile Max Min SD Mean n
  • 10. Size Korea | 蟲 語牡豺譟一 1979 ~ 2020 豐 8 10襷 覈 伎 豸′ 1襷 覈 伎 3D 語牡 れ 一危 200螳 伎 豸′ 覈
  • 11. Anthropometry Study Big Picture Direct Measurement DATA COLLECTION 3D Measurement Shape Feature Extraction SIZE ANALYSIS Descriptive Statistics Sizing System Analysis Repreresentative Size Analysis 3D Body Scanning Landmarking Editing / Post-Processing Shape Variation Analysis Representative Shape Models SHAPE ANALYSIS Virtual Fit Analysis Design Customization/ Optimization DESIGN Product Design Guideline/Strategy
  • 12. Anthropometry Big Data 13 豺 一危 一危 脚 豺 轟 覿 讌覲 豺 觜蟲 豺豌願 螳覦 蠍 覿 れ 覿 覿 螳 谿 覿 襷豢ろ り Format Table 朱 襴 (: Excel) PLY, OBJ, STL れ 覲 landmark, texture (Excel 覓語) Excel 蠍: 200螳 覈 100,000覈 3D data 覲: ~ 100 MB/person 蟲 糾 覿 3D data 豌襴/覿 programming Advanced data analytics (Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Virtual Fitting, FEA, ) Computer vision/graphics
  • 13. 3D Database 14 [Face] Korean Air Force pilots (n = 336) [Head] Koreans (n = 8,500) [Head] North Americans & Europeans (n = 4,500) [Full body] Koreans (n = 13,500) [Full body] North Americans & Europeans (n = 4,500) [Ear] Koreans and Caucasians (n = 326 + ) [Hand & Foot] Korean (n = 10,000)
  • 14. 3D Scan Data : Ears Outside Inside Merged
  • 15. Post-Processing | 一危 豌襴/螳螻 16 CAESAR heads (N = 2,299) for head product designs (total processing time: 260h) (ref: CGAL example)
  • 17. Dimensions | 豸′覈 General body dimensions: 132 (US Army database) Detailed head dimensions: 122 (Lee et al. 2015) Detailed hand dimensions: 169 (Lee et al. 2013) 18
  • 18. Landmarking | 豸′ 蠍一 19 CAESAR Head Ear
  • 19. 一危 手 豺 覦 覿 轟 蠍一朱 一危 襴 20 All 3D scans are misaligned All aligned in one coordination
  • 20. Template Model Registration | 襴 21 registration Template Model Template-registered model 轟 豕(350覈 手鬼: 1.3GB 14MB, 1% 譴) 一危一襴/覿 レ data 螳 parameterize 轟 覿 覿, 覿螳 谿 糾 覿 37,918 vertex 47,831 vertex 810 vertex 810 vertex
  • 21. 豺 覿 22 1st 5th 95th 99th 1 head height 334 238.7 9.6 212.5 263.0 214.7 223.3 255.0 258.8 2 head breadth 335 160.9 6.4 123.5 180.5 146.4 151.4 171.2 175.3 3 head length 335 187.0 6.9 162.0 204.0 168.2 177.0 198.5 202.0 4 head circumference 335 564.5 13.5 516.5 604.5 533.4 543.2 587.2 596.2 5 face length 336 123.4 6.1 106.7 140.4 108.0 113.1 133.2 136.6 6 lower face length 336 69.1 4.5 57.5 83.6 58.6 61.8 76.3 79.4 7 sellion-bottom lip length 336 97.1 5.2 80.7 114.1 85.3 88.3 104.7 109.4 8 bottom lip-menton length 336 26.4 3.0 18.6 36.2 19.7 21.4 31.0 34.6 9 nasal bridge-menton length 336 109.1 5.5 93.2 124.3 95.8 99.8 117.7 120.8 10 nasal bridge-chin length 336 95.8 5.6 78.2 108.9 83.7 86.7 104.9 108.1 11 chin-menton length 336 13.3 2.5 4.9 20.6 7.9 9.5 17.6 19.1 12 nose length 336 54.3 3.4 43.2 62.2 46.6 48.6 60.3 61.9 13 nose protrusion 336 18.4 1.9 12.9 23.9 14.2 15.3 21.6 23.0 14 face width 336 154.8 6.4 132.4 171.5 138.6 144.0 164.2 168.2 15 chin width 336 130.3 8.6 105.4 156.7 112.5 116.5 144.6 150.8 16 minimum nasal bridge breadth 336 20.0 2.8 12.3 27.7 14.0 15.2 24.6 26.8 17 maximum nasal bridge breadth 336 30.5 2.8 22.3 37.7 24.2 25.6 35.3 36.7 18 nose width 336 37.6 2.7 30.3 45.8 31.8 33.4 42.4 43.8 19 lip width 336 49.1 3.8 38.5 58.2 40.7 42.6 55.5 57.4 20 bitragion-menton arc 336 313.7 16.2 269.0 361.1 273.5 284.1 339.1 347.3 21 bitragion-subnasale arc 336 283.0 12.9 234.9 319.6 252.1 263.1 304.5 312.1 22 bizygomatic-menton arc 336 304.8 14.5 261.3 339.6 267.0 277.8 327.6 336.2 No. Anthropometric dimension Percentile Max Min SD Mean n
  • 22. Representative Models | 蠍 覦 23 Medium (50%ile) Smallest (2.5%ile) Largest (97.5%ile) Small (25%ile) Large (75%ile)
  • 23. 豺 覿 ろ 24 Rep. models sizing system Accommodation Target population Key dimensions
  • 24. 覈語 伎 り Digital rep. models 3D-printed rep. models 螻蟯 覲危瑚規 25 Size Korea elderly woman (n = 270)
  • 25. 覈語 脚 26 (1) 覲 襾碁Μ 襴 覈 (2) Mesh 讌 レり 蠏 覈 覦一 (3) 螳螻 襭 (4) Mesh 覈語 NURBS 覈碁 覲
  • 26. れ/覲 覿 for designing one of critical part in medical oxygen mask Shapes of nasal root part Variation of nasal root variation 27
  • 27. 譟一覯 り 28 Filtering り 譟一覯 り <video clip>
  • 28. Virtual Fitting | 螳 谿 覿 29
  • 29. Virtual Fitting | 螳 谿 覿 30
  • 30. Virtual Fitting | 螳 谿 覿 31
  • 31. Virtual Fitting | 螳 谿 覿 覿(finite element analysis) 蠍磯 語牡 覦 覓殊煙 螻ろ 覦 覿 32
  • 32. 郁規 覿 : Programmatic Data Handling 一危 豌襴 覦 螳螻旧 螳 襷 碁 覦, 豌 覈 一危一 豌襴(editing, landmarking, alignment ) 郁規 覿 Template registration 蠍一 脚 企語 覦 generic DB 蟲豢 Deep learning 蠍一 伎 landmarking, 豺/ 覿 Virtual fit 蠍一 伎 襷豢ろ り 覦 豕 り 33
  • 33. 郁規 覿 : System Dev 一危 覿 伎 螻谿 覿 蠍一 一豌伎 3谿 語牡 豺 一危磯ゼ 危蟆 伎蠍 伎 所 ろ 郁規 覿 豺 覦 豺豌願 覿 ろ (Web) 3谿 語牡 覿 ろ (Web) Virtual fit 覦 豕 り ろ (Web) 34