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General Aviation Applications, 3D s.a.
 Societe Anonyme with nominal shares, founded in 1976
 One of its kind in Europe and just one out of the 4 worldwide
 A well established Greek company in the aviation field, providing
custom made services and applications covering all contemporary
aviation activities in Greece
 Accorded an area of 2250 m2 for the construction of a hangar and top
of the line Command and Control Centre which is currently in the
planning stage.
 Owns 4 Piper Cheyenne II (PA-31T) aircrafts specially modified for
cloud seeding programs and two weather radars EEC-WSR100C &
EEC 100-2 C-BAND
 Member of the Weather Modification Association since 1981
 Protection from Extreme
Weather Phenomena
(Weather Modification)
 Rain Enhancement Cloud Seeding
 Snow Enhancement Cloud
Seeding Programs
 Hail Suppression Cloud Seeding
Activities (contd.)
 Pilot Training & Aircraft
Maintenance Services
 T.R.T.O Pilot training school operating under the JAR-
FCL Standards  Class Rating (A) : PA 31T
 EASA Part M - Continuing Airworthiness Management
Organizations (CAMO)
 EASA Part 145 Maintenance Organization Approval.
Qualified for the maintenance of aircraft and
 Weather Radar Maintenance
 Operation maintenance
 Systems upgrading
 In 1946 at General Electric labs in
Schenectady, New York, it was discovered
that various materials can initiate the
formation and growth of water droplets and
ice crystals leading to cloud seeding
 3D S.A. has adopted the airborne cloud
seeding methodology, where particles are
incorporated in flares and burned to
release ice nuclei to the atmosphere
 Rain/Snow Enhancement is the process by
which particles are injected in clouds in
order to accelerate the development of
precipitation or snow
 Hail Suppression is the process by which
particles are injected in clouds in order to
decelerate the formation of ice particles
and convert them to simply rain droplets
Protection from Extreme Weather Phenomena
 Weather modification
Cloud Seeding Programmes Worldwide
Weather Modification Outweighing Benefits
 Cloud seeding technologies have
been around since the 1950s. We
have been utilizing them since the
late 1970s
 In contrast to other weather
management methodologies, our
operations are mobile, with no
requirement for new infrastructure
buildings or additional maintenance
 We employ professionals with
worldwide experience
 All our programs have been carried
out through partnerships with
academic institutions and
government organizations
 We focus on our customer needs
and provide innovative custom
made solutions
3D s.a. Rain Enhancement Methodology
Physical Methodology:
 Warm Rain Process: (Collision and
 Cold Rain Process: (Bergeron-Findeisen
Physical Hypothesis:
 Identify super cooled liquid water content
 Nucleation: Deposition, Contact-Freezing,
Seeding Methodology:
 Cloud Base Seeding
 Cloud Top Seeding
Seeding Hypothesis or Concept:
 Static Mode: (Hygroscopic or/and
 Dynamic Mode: (Hygroscopic or/and
Seeding Agent:
 Hygroscopic nucleant (CaCl, KCl, etc.)
 Glaciogenic nucleant (mostly AgI, also Dry Ice)
Prior to applying any methodology it is of trivial importance to be in a position to distinguish
the clouds (Continental or Maritime), by measuring the CCN (Cloud Condensation Nuclei)
3D s.a. Rain Enhancement Programs
 Winter 1994: Rain enhancement program EYDAP (Athens Water
 June- July 2001: Pilot program for rain enhancement in Central
 February  November 2006 : Participation in rain enhancement
program, Saudi Arabia
ISO 9001-2000 Certificate for Design, Development and Service Provision of
Weather Modification Programs (2004)
3D s.a. Rain Enhancement Programs
Winter 1994 - Rain Enhancement Program For EYDAP
(Athens Water Supply & Sewage Company)
 Programs aim to increase rainfall and
enrich the Mornos and Yliki drainage
basins. Mornos is the main reservoir
supplying water for the city of Athens,
 1086 Silver Iodide (Agl) flares used as
seeding agents: combination of 20gr (918
flares), 70gr (122 flares) & 150 gr (46 flares)
 Two aircrafts type Piper Cheyenne II PA31T
 Flight hours : 311,5 hours
3D s.a. Rain Enhancement Programs
TargetedArea(km2) June - July 2001

 Programs aim to increase rainfall and
enrich the greater catchment basin of the
Pineios River, Thessaly, Central Greece
 Joint Partnership with ELGA (Agricultural
Insurance Organization)
 Supervised by the Department of
Meteorology of the Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece
 Seeding agent: Silver Iodide (Agl) flares
combination of 20gr & 70gr
 Flight hours : 15 hours & 44 minutes
June  July 2001
Rain Enhancement Pilot Program
3D s.a. Rain Enhancement Programs
February  November 2006
Participation in the Program for Cloud Physics, Research
and Rain Enhancement in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
 Program lead by the Weather Modification Incorporated
 3D S.A.s contribution:
 One Piper Cheyenne II PA31T aircraft custom
 Two trained pilots
 Total Flight hours: 54
Protection From Extreme Weather Phenomena
 Rain Enhancement vs. Drought
 In Europe, the total cost of
droughts over the past 30 years
amounts to  100 billion
 The Rain Enhancement Program
for EYDAP (Athens Water Supply
& Sewage Company) conducted
in 1994 by 3D S.A. managed to
successfully provide an additional
30 days of water supply
1995 1999 2000 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008billions
Economic cost of drought in Europe
Source: FRIEND, http://www.geo.uio.no/edc/downloads/living_with_drought_in_europe_2009.pdf
Cloud seeding provided water for 30 days, Eleutherotupia , 22 February, 1994 13
3D s.a. Greek National Hail Suppression
Programs (contd.)
 1981-82: Hail suppression program of O.G.A. (Agricultural Insurance
Organization), technical advisor of French company RUGGERI
 1986-88: Hail suppression program of EL.G.A. (AGRICULTURAL
INSURANCE ORGANIZATION), representative and technical advisor of
company INTERA
 Spring-Summer 1992-93: Hail suppression program of EL.G.A.
 Spring-Summer 1997-98: Hail suppression program EL.G.A.
3D s.a. Greek National Hail Suppression
Programs (contd.)
 Spring-Summer 1999-2000: Hail protection program EL.G.A.
 Spring-Summer 2001- 2002: Hail protection program EL.G.A.
 Spring-Summer 2004- 2008: Hail protection program of
 Spring-Summer 2009- 2013: Hail protection program of
Hail Protection Coveragekm2
虜留侶 竜旅凌ホ 虜略了侶 虜留侶 竜旅凌流 虜略了侶 粒旅留 劉僚留 留竜凌了略僚凌Total Coverage of Protected
Areas (km2)
Total Coverage of Protected Areas per Plane (km2)
3D s.a. Hail Suppression Program
Decreased Insurance Costs by 66%
Areas Protected
by The NHSP
Total Compensations (millions )
(% reduction)Average Period
1971  1983
(before NHSP)
Average Period
(during NHSP)
A1. Pella - Hmathia 1.310.000 550.000 -58%
A2. Serres 340.000 150.000 -56%
A.3 Karditsa 960.000 180.000 -81%
TOTAL 2.610.000 880.000 -66%
 Within the first years
of the program, 3D
S.A. managed to
decrease the amount
of agricultural
insurance costs by
 Reductions in the total
amount of
reached up to 81% for
the area of Karditsa
Source: UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY, LABORATORY OF AGROMETEOROLOGY, An Overview of Environmental Hazards Related to Crops in
Compensations for crops damaged by hail given by ELGA before &
during the National Hail Suppression Program (NHSP)
Weather Modification Equipment
Aircraft: 4 Piper Cheyenne II PA31T
 six/eight-seat executive transport
Power plant:
 two 620-ehp (462 ekW) Pratt & Whitney Aircraft of
Canada PT6A-28 turboprops
 cruising speed 325 mph (523 km/h) at 11,000 ft (3355 m)
 cruising speed 287 mph (462 km/h) at 29,000 ft (8840 m)
 service ceiling 31,600 ft (9630 m)
 range at long range power with maximum fuel, allowances
and 45-min reserves 1, 737 miles (2795 km) at 29,000 ft
(8840 m)
 empty 4,980 lb (2259 kg); maximum take off 9,000 lb
(4082 kg)
 span over wingtip tanks 12 ft 81/4 in (13.01 m)
 length 34 ft 8 in (10.57 m)
 height 12 ft 9 in (3.89 m)
 wing area 229 sq ft (21.27 m)
Weather Modification Equipment (contd.)
 Seeding Equipment
 Ejectable Flares Seeding Racks
(Belly Type): 3 baskets of 103
ejectable Silver Iodide (AgI) 20 gr
 Burn in Place Seeding Racks
(Wing Mounted): 2 racks of 24
end-burner Silver Iodide (AgI) 70
gr flares
Weather Modification Equipment (contd.)
 Telemetry System
 Realtime telemetry of aircraft
position tracking on radar picture
 Position of fired flares, both
ejectable and end-burners
 Coverage range of more than
Weather Modification Equipment (contd.)
 Weather Radars Specifications
 2 C-Band Doppler radars with digital receivers and
digital signal processors and with solid state power
supply and modulator units.
 Transmitter: C-Band Solid State Transmitter
Pulse Systems Model Number TR-1001A
 Transmitter power: 300 KW C-Band Power
Supply / Modulator
 coaxial type model VMC-1891A
 Frequency: 5210-5700 MHz
 Duty: .001
 Magnetron Input: 25KV, 24 Amps
 Peak Power: 300 KW
Liopraso, Trikala
Filiro, Thessaloniki
Weather Modification Equipment (contd.)
 Weather Radars Specifications
 SIGMET, RVP8 Digital receiver and Digital
Signal Processor
 Dual point IF signal input and single point Burst
signal input
 Sample rate IF 72 MHz, 14-bit
 Programmed transmission waveforms
 Programmed zone band IF filters
 DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) processing and
GMAP (Gaussian Model Adaptive) processing
 Harmonic phase processing for 2nd trip echo
 PPI and RHI Volume scan with RCP8 Antenna
Control System (SIGMET)
 Software: IRIS (SIGMET) and TITAN
Weather Modification Equipment (contd.)
 Radar Recording
 Radar Data Acquisition System
 TITAN (Thunderstorm Identification
Tracking Analysis & Nowcasting)
Meteorological Equipment
 Automatic Weather Stations
 3DSA Automatic Weather Stations AMS6-P
 CE Certified
Weather Instruments
 Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor
 Barometric Pressure Sensor
 Sensor for measuring solar radiation
intensity (Pyranometer)
 Precipitation Sensor
 Wind sensors - Anemometer and wind vane

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3D General Aviation Applications SA (Company Profile)

  • 2. Profile Societe Anonyme with nominal shares, founded in 1976 One of its kind in Europe and just one out of the 4 worldwide A well established Greek company in the aviation field, providing custom made services and applications covering all contemporary aviation activities in Greece Accorded an area of 2250 m2 for the construction of a hangar and top of the line Command and Control Centre which is currently in the planning stage. Owns 4 Piper Cheyenne II (PA-31T) aircrafts specially modified for cloud seeding programs and two weather radars EEC-WSR100C & EEC 100-2 C-BAND Member of the Weather Modification Association since 1981
  • 3. Activities Protection from Extreme Weather Phenomena (Weather Modification) Rain Enhancement Cloud Seeding Programs Snow Enhancement Cloud Seeding Programs Hail Suppression Cloud Seeding Programs 3
  • 4. Activities (contd.) Pilot Training & Aircraft Maintenance Services T.R.T.O Pilot training school operating under the JAR- FCL Standards Class Rating (A) : PA 31T EASA Part M - Continuing Airworthiness Management Organizations (CAMO) EASA Part 145 Maintenance Organization Approval. Qualified for the maintenance of aircraft and components. Weather Radar Maintenance Services Operation maintenance Systems upgrading 4
  • 5. In 1946 at General Electric labs in Schenectady, New York, it was discovered that various materials can initiate the formation and growth of water droplets and ice crystals leading to cloud seeding 3D S.A. has adopted the airborne cloud seeding methodology, where particles are incorporated in flares and burned to release ice nuclei to the atmosphere Rain/Snow Enhancement is the process by which particles are injected in clouds in order to accelerate the development of precipitation or snow Hail Suppression is the process by which particles are injected in clouds in order to decelerate the formation of ice particles and convert them to simply rain droplets Protection from Extreme Weather Phenomena Weather modification
  • 7. Weather Modification Outweighing Benefits Cloud seeding technologies have been around since the 1950s. We have been utilizing them since the late 1970s In contrast to other weather management methodologies, our operations are mobile, with no requirement for new infrastructure buildings or additional maintenance costs We employ professionals with worldwide experience All our programs have been carried out through partnerships with academic institutions and government organizations We focus on our customer needs and provide innovative custom made solutions 7
  • 8. 3D s.a. Rain Enhancement Methodology Physical Methodology: Warm Rain Process: (Collision and Coalescence) Cold Rain Process: (Bergeron-Findeisen Mechanism) Physical Hypothesis: Identify super cooled liquid water content Nucleation: Deposition, Contact-Freezing, Condensation-Freezing Seeding Methodology: Cloud Base Seeding Cloud Top Seeding Seeding Hypothesis or Concept: Static Mode: (Hygroscopic or/and Glaciogenic) Dynamic Mode: (Hygroscopic or/and Glaciogenic) Seeding Agent: Hygroscopic nucleant (CaCl, KCl, etc.) Glaciogenic nucleant (mostly AgI, also Dry Ice) Prior to applying any methodology it is of trivial importance to be in a position to distinguish the clouds (Continental or Maritime), by measuring the CCN (Cloud Condensation Nuclei)
  • 9. 3D s.a. Rain Enhancement Programs RAIN ENHANCEMENT PROGRAMS Winter 1994: Rain enhancement program EYDAP (Athens Water Company) June- July 2001: Pilot program for rain enhancement in Central Greece February November 2006 : Participation in rain enhancement program, Saudi Arabia ISO 9001-2000 Certificate for Design, Development and Service Provision of Weather Modification Programs (2004)
  • 10. 3D s.a. Rain Enhancement Programs Winter 1994 - Rain Enhancement Program For EYDAP (Athens Water Supply & Sewage Company) Programs aim to increase rainfall and enrich the Mornos and Yliki drainage basins. Mornos is the main reservoir supplying water for the city of Athens, Greece 1086 Silver Iodide (Agl) flares used as seeding agents: combination of 20gr (918 flares), 70gr (122 flares) & 150 gr (46 flares) Two aircrafts type Piper Cheyenne II PA31T Flight hours : 311,5 hours
  • 11. 3D s.a. Rain Enhancement Programs 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 4500 5000 Seedingagent(gr) TargetedArea(km2) June - July 2001 Programs aim to increase rainfall and enrich the greater catchment basin of the Pineios River, Thessaly, Central Greece Joint Partnership with ELGA (Agricultural Insurance Organization) Supervised by the Department of Meteorology of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Seeding agent: Silver Iodide (Agl) flares combination of 20gr & 70gr Flight hours : 15 hours & 44 minutes June July 2001 Rain Enhancement Pilot Program
  • 12. 3D s.a. Rain Enhancement Programs February November 2006 Participation in the Program for Cloud Physics, Research and Rain Enhancement in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Program lead by the Weather Modification Incorporated 3D S.A.s contribution: One Piper Cheyenne II PA31T aircraft custom made Two trained pilots Total Flight hours: 54
  • 13. Protection From Extreme Weather Phenomena Rain Enhancement vs. Drought In Europe, the total cost of droughts over the past 30 years amounts to 100 billion The Rain Enhancement Program for EYDAP (Athens Water Supply & Sewage Company) conducted in 1994 by 3D S.A. managed to successfully provide an additional 30 days of water supply 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 1995 1999 2000 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008billions Economic cost of drought in Europe Source: FRIEND, http://www.geo.uio.no/edc/downloads/living_with_drought_in_europe_2009.pdf Cloud seeding provided water for 30 days, Eleutherotupia , 22 February, 1994 13
  • 14. 3D s.a. Greek National Hail Suppression Programs (contd.) 1981-82: Hail suppression program of O.G.A. (Agricultural Insurance Organization), technical advisor of French company RUGGERI 1986-88: Hail suppression program of EL.G.A. (AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE ORGANIZATION), representative and technical advisor of company INTERA Spring-Summer 1992-93: Hail suppression program of EL.G.A. (AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE ORGANIZATION), joint venture 3D- C.I.C.-Avionic Spring-Summer 1997-98: Hail suppression program EL.G.A. (AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE ORGANIZATION)
  • 15. 3D s.a. Greek National Hail Suppression Programs (contd.) Spring-Summer 1999-2000: Hail protection program EL.G.A. (AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE ORGANIZATION) Spring-Summer 2001- 2002: Hail protection program EL.G.A. (AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE ORGANIZATION) Spring-Summer 2004- 2008: Hail protection program of EL.G.A. (AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE ORGANIZATION Spring-Summer 2009- 2013: Hail protection program of EL.G.A. (AGRICULTURAL INSURANCE ORGANIZATION
  • 16. Hail Protection Coveragekm2 0 1,000,000 2,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 5,000,000 6,000,000 虜留侶 竜旅凌ホ 虜略了侶 虜留侶 竜旅凌流 虜略了侶 粒旅留 劉僚留 留竜凌了略僚凌Total Coverage of Protected Areas (km2) Total Coverage of Protected Areas per Plane (km2)
  • 17. 3D s.a. Hail Suppression Program Decreased Insurance Costs by 66% Areas Protected by The NHSP Total Compensations (millions ) Variance (% reduction)Average Period 1971 1983 (before NHSP) Average Period 1984-1988 (during NHSP) A1. Pella - Hmathia 1.310.000 550.000 -58% A2. Serres 340.000 150.000 -56% A.3 Karditsa 960.000 180.000 -81% TOTAL 2.610.000 880.000 -66% Within the first years of the program, 3D S.A. managed to decrease the amount of agricultural insurance costs by 66%. Reductions in the total amount of compensations reached up to 81% for the area of Karditsa Source: UNIVERSITY OF THESSALY, LABORATORY OF AGROMETEOROLOGY, An Overview of Environmental Hazards Related to Crops in Greece Compensations for crops damaged by hail given by ELGA before & during the National Hail Suppression Program (NHSP)
  • 18. Weather Modification Equipment Aircraft: 4 Piper Cheyenne II PA31T Type: six/eight-seat executive transport Power plant: two 620-ehp (462 ekW) Pratt & Whitney Aircraft of Canada PT6A-28 turboprops Performance: cruising speed 325 mph (523 km/h) at 11,000 ft (3355 m) cruising speed 287 mph (462 km/h) at 29,000 ft (8840 m) service ceiling 31,600 ft (9630 m) range at long range power with maximum fuel, allowances and 45-min reserves 1, 737 miles (2795 km) at 29,000 ft (8840 m) Weights: empty 4,980 lb (2259 kg); maximum take off 9,000 lb (4082 kg) Dimensions: span over wingtip tanks 12 ft 81/4 in (13.01 m) length 34 ft 8 in (10.57 m) height 12 ft 9 in (3.89 m) wing area 229 sq ft (21.27 m)
  • 19. Weather Modification Equipment (contd.) Seeding Equipment Ejectable Flares Seeding Racks (Belly Type): 3 baskets of 103 ejectable Silver Iodide (AgI) 20 gr flares Burn in Place Seeding Racks (Wing Mounted): 2 racks of 24 end-burner Silver Iodide (AgI) 70 gr flares
  • 20. Weather Modification Equipment (contd.) Telemetry System Realtime telemetry of aircraft position tracking on radar picture Position of fired flares, both ejectable and end-burners Coverage range of more than 200km
  • 21. Weather Modification Equipment (contd.) Weather Radars Specifications 2 C-Band Doppler radars with digital receivers and digital signal processors and with solid state power supply and modulator units. Transmitter: C-Band Solid State Transmitter Pulse Systems Model Number TR-1001A Transmitter power: 300 KW C-Band Power Supply / Modulator Magnetron: coaxial type model VMC-1891A Frequency: 5210-5700 MHz Duty: .001 Magnetron Input: 25KV, 24 Amps Peak Power: 300 KW Liopraso, Trikala Filiro, Thessaloniki
  • 22. Weather Modification Equipment (contd.) Weather Radars Specifications SIGMET, RVP8 Digital receiver and Digital Signal Processor Dual point IF signal input and single point Burst signal input Sample rate IF 72 MHz, 14-bit Programmed transmission waveforms Programmed zone band IF filters DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform) processing and GMAP (Gaussian Model Adaptive) processing Harmonic phase processing for 2nd trip echo PPI and RHI Volume scan with RCP8 Antenna Control System (SIGMET) Software: IRIS (SIGMET) and TITAN (NCAR)
  • 23. Weather Modification Equipment (contd.) Radar Recording Systems Radar Data Acquisition System TITAN (Thunderstorm Identification Tracking Analysis & Nowcasting)
  • 24. Meteorological Equipment Automatic Weather Stations 3DSA Automatic Weather Stations AMS6-P CE Certified Weather Instruments Temperature and Relative Humidity Sensor Barometric Pressure Sensor Sensor for measuring solar radiation intensity (Pyranometer) Precipitation Sensor Wind sensors - Anemometer and wind vane