This document lists various awards given to 3rd junior students, including nicest smile awarded to Azul Ozzan, most talkative awarded to Renata Azzarone, most hard working awarded to Natalia Pinto, quietest awarded to Federico Guimera, best dressed awarded to Sofia Morel, most serious awarded to Luciana Pinto and Ivan Vallejo, laziest awarded to Federico Guimera, and friendliest awarded to Azul Ozzan.
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3rd junior awards!!!
1. 3rd junior awards!!!
The student with the nicest smile : Azul
The most talkative student: Renata Azzarone
The most hard working student: Natalia Pinto
The quietest student: Federico Guimera
The best dressed student: Sofia Morel
The most serious student: Luciana Pinto
Ivan Vallejo
The laziest student: Federico Guimera
The friendliest student : Azul Ozzan