The document announces upcoming events for the ASME student chapter at UCF including workshops on soldering, hovercraft design using SolidWorks, restoring human powered vehicles, and using a 3D printer. It provides details on the events such as dates, times, locations, and contact information for projects. Upcoming chapter meetings and officer elections are also listed.
2. Soldering Workshop
Learn how to solder!
Limited to 30 people so sign up asap at
When: March 17th , 6:00pm
Where: Innovation Lab
3. Project: Hovercraft/ SolidWorks
When: March 18th at 4:30pm
Where: Engineering 2 room 304
Large enough for 1 person, Travel up
to 20 mph, Go over any flat surface
Land or Water
If interested contact Victor De Marco
(Projects Chair) at
4. HPV Restore
Great hands on experience with many Mechanical systems
Restore and upgrade previous Human Powered Vehicles
Meeting: (March 16th )Every Monday at 2:30pm
Contact: or
5. 3-D Printer
We have a 3D Printer available
use! We have a Makerbot
Replicator 2, which uses PLA
The cost to print
10 Cents per gram
1 Dollar per hour of print time.
We will round the final cost to the
nearest dollar.
All money collected will go
towards buying more filament
and upgrades for the printer.
6. ASME Events
Date Event Info Time Where
March 16th HPV Restore
Weekly meeting to work on
restoring the HPVs
2:30pm Engineering Atrium
March 17th Soldering Workshop Workshop 6:00pm Innovation Lab
March 18th Hovercraft/ Solid
Works workshop
Learn SolidWorks and work on
the Hovercraft Design!
4:30pm Engineering 2 room
March 19th 4th Meeting Robotic arm 7:30pm HPA room 116
March 23rd HPV Restore
Weekly meeting to work on
restoring the HPVs
2:30pm Engineering Atrium
March 25th Hovercraft/ Solid
Works workshop
Learn SolidWorks and work on
the Hovercraft Design!
4:30pm Engineering 2 room
April 2nd 5th Meeting Meeting 7:30pm HPA room 116
April 16th 6th Meeting Officer Elections 7:30pm HPA Room 116