Presentationlungsmorwenna2This document provides an overview of lung anatomy, function, common diseases, and herbal treatment approaches. It describes the lungs' role in oxygenating the blood and expelling carbon dioxide. Common lung diseases are discussed, including those from external causes like smoking, and internal causes. Two case studies are presented, one on bronchiectasis treated successfully with herbal medicines, and another on lung cancer where herbal support helped recovery from surgery. Prevention strategies emphasize not smoking, exercise, diet, and limiting toxic exposures. Herbal protocols are tailored specifically for patients' needs.
Genocide in GazaMohammad IhmeidanThis document is a tribute to the innocent civilians who were killed in Gaza during the 2008-2009 Israeli offensive. It summarizes that over 2500 air raids dropped almost 1000 tons of missiles on the densely populated 365 square kilometer Gaza Strip. This resulted in 1335 civilian deaths, including 88 elderly, 111 women, and 418 children. 5450 civilians were injured, and thousands of homes, schools, mosques, and hospitals were destroyed. The people of Gaza suffered immense hardship with shortages of food, water, electricity, and medical care.
How to create a slideshare finalpaochmThis document provides instructions for uploading a PowerPoint presentation to ݺߣshare and then embedding it in a blog page. It outlines the following steps:
1. Export the PowerPoint presentation to JPEG files and save it.
2. Create an account on ݺߣ and upload the PowerPoint presentation file. Select a title and tags.
3. To embed the presentation on a blog, copy the embed code from the ݺߣshare page, paste it into a new blog post, and publish the post.
Cisco asa dhcp servicesIT TechThe document discusses configuring DHCP services on a Cisco ASA firewall. The ASA DHCP daemon operates as a simple DHCP server, providing dynamic IP addresses, DNS servers, default gateway, and domain information. It is configured per interface by specifying an address range. DNS servers and the gateway address are also configured separately. After configuring the basic DHCP scope and options, the DHCP daemon must be enabled on the interface. The document includes an example configuration where DHCP services are set up on an ASA to provide addresses to an inside network segment.
13210831 pss7madaohhhRFID (radio-frequency identification) is a technology that uses radio waves to automatically identify objects. It consists of a small chip attached to an antenna that can be embedded in tags, cards, or labels. The tag transmits data such as a serial number to an RFID reader when queried by radio waves. Common applications of RFID include access control, asset tracking, authentication, and electronic toll collection. A survey found that respondents thought RFID could be applied to library management, logistics/supply chain management, and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. While RFID offers benefits like contactless reading and rewritable data, its adoption faces challenges from higher costs compared to barcodes and developing RFID standards.
Apache DeviceMap - ApacheCon core Europe 2015Werner KeilWe experience a growing number of mobile and similar devices flooding the market almost every day. Capturing the specification of each device is a tough job. If you want to create a great UX you need dynamic content matching hardware and browser specs of your device. That’s why Device Description Repositories (DDR) exist. Apache DeviceMap is a collaborative effort to create a comprehensive open-source and open-data repository of device information and other relevant data for various devices. The project began in January 2012 after which OpenDDR contributed data and APIs for Java and. NET. DeviceMap left Apache Incubator Nov 2014. After modularization, DeviceMap 2.0 aims to make classification generic, so people can introduce their own detection domains. Support further languages like JavaScript/Node.js, common web UI frameworks, etc. and a JSON representation of device data.
Harvest project Stamford Green.pptxJavier SellersStamford Green Primary School students (England) have shared their fantastic presentations with students in our school (Spain). They tell us about their charity project for Harvest.
Sist. genital masculinoDeby Fernández YorgEste documento describe las principales estructuras del sistema genital masculino. Detalla los órganos que comprenden los testículos, epidídimos, conductos deferentes, vesículas seminales y glándula prostática. Describe las células y tejidos que componen cada órgano, incluidos los túbulos seminíferos en los testículos que contienen espermatocitos, espermatogonios y células de Sertoli.
11 November 8, 2015, Genesis 18;20-25 & 19;12-17, Where Wickedness RulesFirst Baptist Church JacksonThis document contains a sermon summary from Genesis 18-19 about God's plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah due to their wickedness. The summary includes:
1) God tells Abraham of his plan to investigate the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah and destroy the cities if their sins are as bad as reported.
2) Abraham pleads with God not to destroy the cities if righteous people are found within.
3) The angels warn Lot and his family to flee the impending destruction of Sodom, but Lot's sons-in-law do not believe the warning.
Final Research PaperSarah LuxThis document discusses issues with some charity organizations and how donation funds are used. It notes that while some charities do help those in need, many use most donations for operational costs, administrative salaries, and marketing instead. Some charities are even complete scams that don't help anyone. The document advises donors to research charities to verify they are legitimate and that a significant portion of funds go to the actual cause. Cause marketing partnerships between for-profit companies and charities are also criticized as mainly benefiting the companies. Large charity events on TV are noted as being very expensive to produce.
Alan KoerberAlan KoerberAlan Koerber has over 28 years of commercial airline experience as a flight engineer and captain on aircraft such as the B-727, DC-10, MD-80, and B767. He also has 23 years of military experience as a lieutenant colonel in the US Air Force and reserves, where he flew aircraft like the C-141 and accumulated over 12,000 flight hours. Additionally, he has 40 years of private aircraft experience, currently operating an RV-4 kitfox and has a commercial pilot certificate with multiple ratings and degrees in business administration and finance.
La socialización rrusell rivera urbina1. La educación rural en Perú es importante pero se descuida a las zonas rurales donde las condiciones de educación y vida son peores. 2. La educación rural depende de múltiples factores como la pobreza, acceso, y expectativas de las comunidades. 3. Se necesita un enfoque descentralizado y participación del estado, comunidades y estudiantes para mejorar la educación rural.
13210831 pss7madaohhhRFID (radio-frequency identification) is a technology that uses radio waves to automatically identify objects. It consists of a small chip attached to an antenna that can be embedded in tags, cards, or labels. The tag transmits data such as a serial number to an RFID reader when queried by radio waves. Common applications of RFID include access control, asset tracking, authentication, and electronic toll collection. A survey found that respondents thought RFID could be applied to library management, logistics/supply chain management, and pharmaceutical manufacturing industries. While RFID offers benefits like contactless reading and rewritable data, its adoption faces challenges from higher costs compared to barcodes and developing RFID standards.
Apache DeviceMap - ApacheCon core Europe 2015Werner KeilWe experience a growing number of mobile and similar devices flooding the market almost every day. Capturing the specification of each device is a tough job. If you want to create a great UX you need dynamic content matching hardware and browser specs of your device. That’s why Device Description Repositories (DDR) exist. Apache DeviceMap is a collaborative effort to create a comprehensive open-source and open-data repository of device information and other relevant data for various devices. The project began in January 2012 after which OpenDDR contributed data and APIs for Java and. NET. DeviceMap left Apache Incubator Nov 2014. After modularization, DeviceMap 2.0 aims to make classification generic, so people can introduce their own detection domains. Support further languages like JavaScript/Node.js, common web UI frameworks, etc. and a JSON representation of device data.
Harvest project Stamford Green.pptxJavier SellersStamford Green Primary School students (England) have shared their fantastic presentations with students in our school (Spain). They tell us about their charity project for Harvest.
Sist. genital masculinoDeby Fernández YorgEste documento describe las principales estructuras del sistema genital masculino. Detalla los órganos que comprenden los testículos, epidídimos, conductos deferentes, vesículas seminales y glándula prostática. Describe las células y tejidos que componen cada órgano, incluidos los túbulos seminíferos en los testículos que contienen espermatocitos, espermatogonios y células de Sertoli.
11 November 8, 2015, Genesis 18;20-25 & 19;12-17, Where Wickedness RulesFirst Baptist Church JacksonThis document contains a sermon summary from Genesis 18-19 about God's plan to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah due to their wickedness. The summary includes:
1) God tells Abraham of his plan to investigate the outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah and destroy the cities if their sins are as bad as reported.
2) Abraham pleads with God not to destroy the cities if righteous people are found within.
3) The angels warn Lot and his family to flee the impending destruction of Sodom, but Lot's sons-in-law do not believe the warning.
Final Research PaperSarah LuxThis document discusses issues with some charity organizations and how donation funds are used. It notes that while some charities do help those in need, many use most donations for operational costs, administrative salaries, and marketing instead. Some charities are even complete scams that don't help anyone. The document advises donors to research charities to verify they are legitimate and that a significant portion of funds go to the actual cause. Cause marketing partnerships between for-profit companies and charities are also criticized as mainly benefiting the companies. Large charity events on TV are noted as being very expensive to produce.
Alan KoerberAlan KoerberAlan Koerber has over 28 years of commercial airline experience as a flight engineer and captain on aircraft such as the B-727, DC-10, MD-80, and B767. He also has 23 years of military experience as a lieutenant colonel in the US Air Force and reserves, where he flew aircraft like the C-141 and accumulated over 12,000 flight hours. Additionally, he has 40 years of private aircraft experience, currently operating an RV-4 kitfox and has a commercial pilot certificate with multiple ratings and degrees in business administration and finance.
La socialización rrusell rivera urbina1. La educación rural en Perú es importante pero se descuida a las zonas rurales donde las condiciones de educación y vida son peores. 2. La educación rural depende de múltiples factores como la pobreza, acceso, y expectativas de las comunidades. 3. Se necesita un enfoque descentralizado y participación del estado, comunidades y estudiantes para mejorar la educación rural.
1. План-график
проведения встреч главы управы Пресненского района А.С. Тарасова
с населением на IV квартал 2013 года.
Место проведения
Шмитовский проезд, д. 2
Шмитовский проезд, д. 2
Шмитовский проезд, д. 2
Тематика встречи
О работе управляющих организаций на
территории района.
Об организации зимнего отдыха на
территории района.
О выполнении Программы комплексного
развития района.