Влияние вторичного использования упаковочных материалов на качество хранимых ...poloeschoolРаботу выполнили:
Беккужинова А., ученица 9 класса МОУ СОШ с. Полозаозерье,
Кутырева Е., ученица 9 класса МОУ СОШ с. Полозаозерье.
Development of-fragility-curves-for-seismic-vulnerability-assessment-of-high-...Leahcim NolyabThis document summarizes Esra Mete Güneyisi's 2007 doctoral thesis on developing fragility curves to assess the seismic vulnerability of high-rise reinforced concrete (R/C) buildings retrofitted with added viscous dampers. The thesis describes selecting a 12-story non-ductile R/C office building in Istanbul as a case study, and retrofitting it with passive fluid viscous damper systems or shear walls to provide different levels of effective damping. 240 artificially generated ground motions were used to develop fragility curves representing the probability of exceeding damage states at various seismic intensities. The fragility curves, combined with seismic hazard analysis, allowed evaluating the effectiveness and cost-benefit of retrofitting using dampers
Iccee2012 paper baylonLeahcim NolyabThis document discusses using internet and social networking tools in engineering education. It describes research showing social networking can positively impact student learning and relationships with mentors. A study is described that assessed engineering students' use of a Facebook group page for a class, finding most believed it helped their learning and goals. The document also provides details on the anatomy and uses of Facebook, SkyDrive, graphic software, mathematical packages, and multimedia in engineering education.
SantoriEfraín Carrera Figueroa1) El documento describe varios mecanismos y procesos cognitivos involucrados en la adquisición de habilidades motrices, incluyendo los mecanismos sensoperceptivo, de toma de decisiones, generador de movimiento y de control.
2) Se mencionan varias funciones cognitivas como la percepción, atención, memoria y toma de decisiones que juegan un papel importante en el aprendizaje motor.
3) La fatiga moderada puede afectar principalmente la ejecución de habilidades motrices, mientras que alt
Nisc jury pitch template nsdc format final - UdhyogmithraPrasad PasamUDHYOGMITHRA, Innovation of Dr.Prasad Pasam, CEO of Shar Technologies Group wins the prestigious "NSDC INNOVATION FOR SKILLS CHALLENGE 2014".
Влияние вторичного использования упаковочных материалов на качество хранимых ...poloeschoolРаботу выполнили:
Беккужинова А., ученица 9 класса МОУ СОШ с. Полозаозерье,
Кутырева Е., ученица 9 класса МОУ СОШ с. Полозаозерье.
Development of-fragility-curves-for-seismic-vulnerability-assessment-of-high-...Leahcim NolyabThis document summarizes Esra Mete Güneyisi's 2007 doctoral thesis on developing fragility curves to assess the seismic vulnerability of high-rise reinforced concrete (R/C) buildings retrofitted with added viscous dampers. The thesis describes selecting a 12-story non-ductile R/C office building in Istanbul as a case study, and retrofitting it with passive fluid viscous damper systems or shear walls to provide different levels of effective damping. 240 artificially generated ground motions were used to develop fragility curves representing the probability of exceeding damage states at various seismic intensities. The fragility curves, combined with seismic hazard analysis, allowed evaluating the effectiveness and cost-benefit of retrofitting using dampers
Iccee2012 paper baylonLeahcim NolyabThis document discusses using internet and social networking tools in engineering education. It describes research showing social networking can positively impact student learning and relationships with mentors. A study is described that assessed engineering students' use of a Facebook group page for a class, finding most believed it helped their learning and goals. The document also provides details on the anatomy and uses of Facebook, SkyDrive, graphic software, mathematical packages, and multimedia in engineering education.
SantoriEfraín Carrera Figueroa1) El documento describe varios mecanismos y procesos cognitivos involucrados en la adquisición de habilidades motrices, incluyendo los mecanismos sensoperceptivo, de toma de decisiones, generador de movimiento y de control.
2) Se mencionan varias funciones cognitivas como la percepción, atención, memoria y toma de decisiones que juegan un papel importante en el aprendizaje motor.
3) La fatiga moderada puede afectar principalmente la ejecución de habilidades motrices, mientras que alt
Nisc jury pitch template nsdc format final - UdhyogmithraPrasad PasamUDHYOGMITHRA, Innovation of Dr.Prasad Pasam, CEO of Shar Technologies Group wins the prestigious "NSDC INNOVATION FOR SKILLS CHALLENGE 2014".