The Workbar Network started as a single coworking space in Boston founded by Bill Jacobson to improve work-life balance and foster community. It grew to two successful locations using a flexible membership model. However, rising rents made the model difficult to scale. The Workbar Network was created, which partners with existing coworking spaces and operators to create a network of shared workspaces under consistent operational guidelines. This allows for greater geographic reach while maintaining the community focus. The network includes different partnership models like dedicated desks, powered-by locations, and industry-specific hubs. The goal is to build a people-centric network of 25 partner locations across various cities and fields.
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Evolving Business Models Workbar Boston
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Bill Jacobson
15. Convenient and Enjoyable
through a flexible membership model
occasional 24/7
backpack lots of stuff
times # people
All card carrying members
Companies have members with different membership types
17. It Worked!
800 sq m center A membership of:
~ 100 monthly members
~ 50 daily members
50-80 people each weekday
30-35% profit margin,
nothing to write home about with
only 800 sq m.
(sort of)
20. Open Another Location
Great Location Larger Space 1,200 sq m
Urban live/work neighborhood,
steps from transit,
young demographic
Better to amortize costs and
improve rev/profit potential
21. Evolve the 80/20 Space Model
Caf辿 Commons Study Switchboard
Street access, setup like a caf辿, only for members, no dedicated or
office seats, doubles as event space
22. Evolve the 80/20 Space Model
Study Switchboard
collaborative area a quiet zone phone friendly
Each neighborhood with slightly different setup,
All with a mix of open, dedicated seating and teamrooms
23. It Worked!
(even better!)
Cambridge membership of:
~ 250 monthly members
~ 70 daily members
120-160 people each weekday
Still 30-35% profit margin due to
higher rent, but
Bigger is better.
24. but Trouble in Paradise
Rents keep going up Hard to scale a real community
Problem 2: 150 people is upper limit for
a cohesive community
Problem 3: 4,000 sq m would mean 800+
paying members
Problem 1: Model struggles
with rising rents
25. and Commute Matters
Problem 4: 10-20 min ideal commute means locations beyond dense
urban cores
Redmond & Mokhtarian, 2001, Transportation
32. Workbar Network Package
Member Connection and Space
Management Tools
Financial, Operational and
Community Procedures and Advisors
33. Workbar Network Package
Member Connection and Space
Management Tools
Financial, Operational and
Community Procedures and Advisors
34. Workbar Network Outerspaces
Stuart Levinson
Provides month-to-month
Receive license fee for space
Jon Steiman
Steffan Berelowitz
Nina McIntryre
Kit Sirota
Rick OHalloran
Alec Sibilia
Dave Silva
Mary Monat
Kim Courtney
dedicated workspace at their
(~85% membership fee)
Card carrying Workbar
Dedicated space at
Network location
Part Time Access to
Workbar Locations
Network Host
35. Workbar Network Powered-By
Vetted set of regional coworking
space operators
Operates using Workbar provided
management platform and
operational guidelines
Reciprocal Part time access to
Workbar and Workbar Network
One membership community
10% recurring revenue fee to
Area Coworking Spaces and Incubators
36. Workbar Network Center of Excellence
Industry Specific Locations
Members companies apply to be part
of the center
Network partner provides
Dedicated workspace
Beta-client opportunities
Members are part of Workbar
community with access to Workbar
locations and events
Host pays Workbar program fees
FinTech AdTech HealthTech
37. A People-Centric Workspace Network
Urban Hubs
25 Location or Industry
partner locations
Events Members Digital
38. Thats the
Bill Jacobson
#26: Average one way ideal: 16 min
14% want more than 25 min
12% want less than 10 min
Remaining 74% want 10- 25 min
#28: We saw a need to support our members through all the stages of their business. Even if it meant leaving the nest, we could all still thrive in the same community tree. Outerspaces allowed us to do this. Heres a great success story. We had two members, Jessica and Shannon who were running a legal practice out of Workbar Boston.
They grew their team and needed more space. We worked with them to help support their space needs by placing other Workbar members in their new space, thus keeping them in the community. This symbiotic relationship allowed them to thrive. Keeping them in the Workbar community even resulted in a marriage between Shannon and another one of our members
#29: We saw a need to support our members through all the stages of their business. Even if it meant leaving the nest, we could all still thrive in the same community tree. Outerspaces allowed us to do this. Heres a great success story. We had two members, Jessica and Shannon who were running a legal practice out of Workbar Boston.
They grew their team and needed more space. We worked with them to help support their space needs by placing other Workbar members in their new space, thus keeping them in the community. This symbiotic relationship allowed them to thrive. Keeping them in the Workbar community even resulted in a marriage between Shannon and another one of our members