The July meeting minutes of the 2009-2010 Dairy Steer Club summarized plans for their county fair booth to educate the public about 4H and their club. Members would create before-and-after posters of their calves from November to September. The club also ordered t-shirts and hoodies for fair wear and reminded members to seek sponsors for their calves. The next meeting was scheduled for August 19th.
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4 h minutes july
1. 2009-20104-H Dairy Steer ClubJuly 2010 Meeting MinutesMeeting: July 27thMinutes presented by Austin Brown, Club Secretary
3. Recite 4-H pledge and Pledge of Allegiance -Caroline led us in the pledges
4. Discussion of fair booth ideas Wayne addressed the fair booth and the commitment needed from the entire group. It was decided that we will make a fair booth to educate the public about 4H and our club. Everyone will need to participate as much as possible in getting the things together for the booth. Everyone will make a poster that shows how their calf has grown by including a picture of the calf from November when we first received the calves and then we will take additional pictures in September so there are before and after pictures on the poster. The posters will all look alike. Wendy has purchased the poster board and we cut them at the meeting so that everyone will have the same size. Wendy and JoAnn will add the border to all the posters and purchase letters to put the calfs name and 4H member name on each poster. Then on August 22nd everyone will bring their pictures to the extension office for a quick meeting to put the posters together. This should take no more than 1 hour. Wendy will confirm room availability with Annie and send email to let everyone know what time to meet. Before this meeting, Wendy and JoAnn will visit the fairground to see if they can get dimensions for the booth. A list will be sent out to let everyone know what else they need to bring for the booth. Caroline will get the clover cut out of wood at her school as well as Dairy Steer Club to put at the top of the booth. We will paint these at the September meeting. Michael McSwains mom will get us a poster made with the pledge to include in the booth Wendy will send her dimensions after the visit to the fair ground. We will need volunteers to set up the booth on the Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday before the fair starts. So far, JoAnn, Kayla Bridges and her mom and Caroline have volunteered to help. Order t-shirts and hoodies we have enough money from our fundraiser to order t-shirts and hoodies for all club members. We will wear these at the fair. Wayne took all shirt sizes for member and parents were allowed to place orders as well provided they pay for their own.
5. Reminder to seek sponsors Wayne reminded everyone about trying to find sponsors for their calves. He will ask Annie to send out letters that we can give anyone who is willing to sponsor the calves.
6. Work on fair booth posters We cut the poster foam board but we will wait until August to get together to put the pictures on them. This will give Wendy and JoAnn time to get the border for them and the letters so that they all look alike.AttendanceKayla BridgesBrooke BoltonAustin BrownMichael BrownCaroline BumgardnerDaniel GodfreyLuke GoforthCharlie GreeneSusan GreeneEmma McSwainMichael McSwainRegan MitchemCarver ThompsonCole ThompsonEly ThompsonMcKenzie WinthropSydney WinthropMontana York
7. Next Meeting: August 19th.Dont forget:Meeting August 19th. Trip to Marvin Hutchisons farm. Will learn about showing and cattle operations.Meeting Sunday August 22nd to put posters together look for meeting email and list of needed items for fair boothSeptember meeting will be moved closer to fair time look for emailProject record books you need to be working on them NOW if you have questions call Ashley at extension office 704-482-4365Talk to people about sponsoring your calfYou should be walking your calf and getting them ready for the fair