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Janaki Severy
DynamicsWhat is Alchemy?What is Alchemy?
Alchemy is a magical process thatAlchemy is a magical process that
changes something of questionablechanges something of questionable
value into something of great value.value into something of great value.
It can be physical, spiritual orIt can be physical, spiritual or
Today will discuss Spiritual andToday will discuss Spiritual and
Psychological Alchemy in thePsychological Alchemy in the
Physical WorldPhysical World
Spiritual alchemy creates promise andSpiritual alchemy creates promise and
Psychological alchemy is a process toPsychological alchemy is a process to
transform ourselves through manytransform ourselves through many
Alchemists are.Alchemists are.
Magicians who Create their RealityMagicians who Create their Reality
Our Brains areOur Brains are
Programmed for SurvivalProgrammed for Survival
We pay attention to danger and things that place us at riskWe pay attention to danger and things that place us at risk
Attention to danger matches our neurology which isAttention to danger matches our neurology which is
programmed to avoid conflict and stay aliveprogrammed to avoid conflict and stay alive
Fear is an over used survival mechanismFear is an over used survival mechanism
FFalsealse EEvidencevidence AAppearingppearing RRealeal
DynamicsPerceptions Create RealityPerceptions Create Reality
 Billions of sensory impulses come your
way every moment
 As you grow, you selectively filter out the
vast majority of impulses and only allow a
fraction into your awareness
 What you allow is determined by your
habitual patterns of seeing and
interpreting the world
Reality is flexible. It is made of
selective acts of attention and interpretation
DynamicsOverwhelmed.with fearOverwhelmed.with fear
 We deny our fear that we are merely survivingWe deny our fear that we are merely surviving
 We hope if we dont talk about it the fear will go awayWe hope if we dont talk about it the fear will go away
 We are frightened to death of being honestWe are frightened to death of being honest
 We are afraid of recognizing how destructive fear isWe are afraid of recognizing how destructive fear is
 Fears produce maladaptive responses for survivalFears produce maladaptive responses for survival
Trance: Automatic behavioral reactions that we doTrance: Automatic behavioral reactions that we do
without thinking when we perceive a real or imagined threatwithout thinking when we perceive a real or imagined threat
DynamicsThe Challenge.The Challenge.
 Our fears lock us up with self-censorshipOur fears lock us up with self-censorship
 Our fears censor those around usOur fears censor those around us
 Our fears keep us intimidatedOur fears keep us intimidated
 Our fears keep us afraid to speak honestlyOur fears keep us afraid to speak honestly
Fear has two components:
Believing we are powerless to change things
Feeling Threatened by inevitable outcomes
Our disability is our inability
and unwillingness to
recognize our fears
Why do we NeedWhy do we Need
 Unnamed collective and personal fears
 Denied fears leading to inaction
 Stored fears in our bodies make us sick
 Fears creates stress
 Stress that exhausts and harms us
To Challenge our Fear Based worldTo Challenge our Fear Based world
90% of our life is motivated by fear of some kind90% of our life is motivated by fear of some kind
Instead of the joy of what we could create !Instead of the joy of what we could create !
 We live in a world of trances
 Our trances come from fear
 Our fear comes from our
 Our emotions are information
Transform Prima Materia (spiritual raw material)
into Manifest Potential
DynamicsThe Emotional ProcessThe Emotional Process
Event Emotional
of Situation
DynamicsYour Brain as TranslatorYour Brain as Translator
 Brains are hard wired/yet plastic
 Brains can be rewired and retrained
 We experience what we believe
 We validate what we perceive
 Events themselves are neutral
 Interpretation of events shape our
 Fear is an interpretation of an event
We can transform our fears and recreate our lives.
DynamicsSpiritual AlchemySpiritual Alchemy
Realization of ourRealization of our
potential is like a secondpotential is like a second
We must discover ourWe must discover our
inner world in order toinner world in order to
create our outer worldcreate our outer world
We must break our patterns
of fear
To begin our patterns of
DynamicsExplorations of FearExplorations of Fear
Think of a time when you recall being afraid. Take a
moment to make a few mental notes .
 What happened?
 What were you afraid of?
 What beliefs caused the fear?
 What did your fear stop you from doing?
Share your experiences referring to the specifics above.
DynamicsEinstein SaysEinstein Says
The physical body, like all material objects is an illusion,The physical body, like all material objects is an illusion,
and trying to manipulate it can be like grasping theand trying to manipulate it can be like grasping the
shadow and missing the substance.shadow and missing the substance.
The unseen world is the real world, and when we areThe unseen world is the real world, and when we are
willing to explore the unseen levels of our bodies, wewilling to explore the unseen levels of our bodies, we
can tap in to the immense creative power that lies at ourcan tap in to the immense creative power that lies at our
DynamicsEnergy Or Matter?Energy Or Matter?
 Physical planes are both particle and a
 Your body is both solid matter and
limitless energy
 Reality is flexible and subject to revision
 Reality is a result of perception
 Perception is an act of attention and
 You have billions of sensory impulses every moment
 You selectively allow only a fraction into your awareness
 What you allow into your awareness is your choice
We live in a world of selective perception
Your perceptions reflects your world
What is allowed
into your awareness?
DynamicsShift Fear to IntentionShift Fear to Intention
 Plants seeds of desire
 Begins manifesting
 Creates outcomes
Creating in the field of possibilities
requires clarity, specific intention,
and being awake
 What is intention?
 How is intention connected with
creating my life?
 Do my intentions influence others?
 How do I improve manifesting my
One always gets what one
intends regardless of what
the mind says.
DynamicsQualities of IntentionQualities of Intention
 The act of determining some action
 The end or object intended
 Intention is the active partner of
attention (presence towards an
 Intention is the way we convert
automatic processes into conscious
DynamicsIntention InsightIntention Insight
Intention is a phenomenon that happens outside ofIntention is a phenomenon that happens outside of
ordinary awareness.ordinary awareness.
If you are aware, you realize your experiences comeIf you are aware, you realize your experiences come
from your intentionfrom your intention
You can select to be satisfied and nurtured byYou can select to be satisfied and nurtured by
events in your life or victimized and embittered byevents in your life or victimized and embittered by
You get What you IntendYou get What you Intend
DynamicsIntention and ThoughtIntention and Thought
 You always manifest, thought itself manifests
 What you focus your mind on, increases
 To change your results, change your thoughts
 If you want to experience something, become it
 Your desires are always available, though the
path is hidden at times
 The world is perfect, our seeing is the problem
DynamicsManifesting IntentionManifesting Intention
 When did you last manifest a positive intention?
 Describe exactly how you felt: emotions, thoughts, etc, so
you can recreate the experience
 Once you manifest an intention you can do it again
 When your intention is clear and well formed,
you are emotionally connected
 Emotional intensity and belief bring intentions to reality
 What is commitment?
 How can you make lasting
 What perceptions must
change for you to make
 Where do you need to
place your attention to
make and keep
The essence of living an
authentic and emotionally
intelligent life starts with the
commitments we keep with
Commitment RequiresCommitment Requires
We must do our personal work first
We must be present and aware of our
own fears, frustrations, hopes and
This work prepares us to begin to live
When we are present, energetic, and
intentional, we can make and elicit
DynamicsConscious CommitmentConscious Commitment
is a pact between beings, rather than personalities. In
affect whatever our personalities are, we must not let
them get in the way of our commitments
 We must assist each other to wake up
 We must assist each other to be all we can be
 If our egos are leading, we must stay present and not
let them ruin our deeper connection
We must keep opening to each other and to life
Conscious commitment requires Being Authentic
DynamicsCommitment TransformsCommitment Transforms
Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It is the
works that speak boldly of your intentionand the actions
which speak more loudly than words.
It is making the time when there is none: coming through time
after time, year after year. Commitment is the stuff character
is made of; the power to change the face of things. It is the daily
triumph of integrity over skepticism.
Try? There is no try.
There is only do or not do."
Yoda, in The Empire Strikes Back

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Fear and Alchemy

  • 2. Managing DynamicsWhat is Alchemy?What is Alchemy? Alchemy is a magical process thatAlchemy is a magical process that changes something of questionablechanges something of questionable value into something of great value.value into something of great value. It can be physical, spiritual orIt can be physical, spiritual or psychologicalpsychological Today will discuss Spiritual andToday will discuss Spiritual and Psychological Alchemy in thePsychological Alchemy in the Physical WorldPhysical World
  • 3. Managing Dynamics Spiritual alchemy creates promise andSpiritual alchemy creates promise and possibilitypossibility Psychological alchemy is a process toPsychological alchemy is a process to transform ourselves through manytransform ourselves through many stagesstages Alchemists are.Alchemists are. Magicians who Create their RealityMagicians who Create their Reality
  • 4. Managing Dynamics Our Brains areOur Brains are Programmed for SurvivalProgrammed for Survival We pay attention to danger and things that place us at riskWe pay attention to danger and things that place us at risk Attention to danger matches our neurology which isAttention to danger matches our neurology which is programmed to avoid conflict and stay aliveprogrammed to avoid conflict and stay alive Fear is an over used survival mechanismFear is an over used survival mechanism FFalsealse EEvidencevidence AAppearingppearing RRealeal
  • 5. Managing DynamicsPerceptions Create RealityPerceptions Create Reality Billions of sensory impulses come your way every moment As you grow, you selectively filter out the vast majority of impulses and only allow a fraction into your awareness What you allow is determined by your habitual patterns of seeing and interpreting the world Reality is flexible. It is made of selective acts of attention and interpretation
  • 6. Managing DynamicsOverwhelmed.with fearOverwhelmed.with fear We deny our fear that we are merely survivingWe deny our fear that we are merely surviving We hope if we dont talk about it the fear will go awayWe hope if we dont talk about it the fear will go away We are frightened to death of being honestWe are frightened to death of being honest We are afraid of recognizing how destructive fear isWe are afraid of recognizing how destructive fear is Fears produce maladaptive responses for survivalFears produce maladaptive responses for survival Trance: Automatic behavioral reactions that we doTrance: Automatic behavioral reactions that we do without thinking when we perceive a real or imagined threatwithout thinking when we perceive a real or imagined threat
  • 7. Managing DynamicsThe Challenge.The Challenge. Our fears lock us up with self-censorshipOur fears lock us up with self-censorship Our fears censor those around usOur fears censor those around us Our fears keep us intimidatedOur fears keep us intimidated Our fears keep us afraid to speak honestlyOur fears keep us afraid to speak honestly Fear has two components: Believing we are powerless to change things Feeling Threatened by inevitable outcomes Our disability is our inability and unwillingness to recognize our fears
  • 8. Managing Dynamics Why do we NeedWhy do we Need Alchemy?Alchemy? Unnamed collective and personal fears Denied fears leading to inaction Stored fears in our bodies make us sick Fears creates stress Stress that exhausts and harms us To Challenge our Fear Based worldTo Challenge our Fear Based world
  • 9. Managing Dynamics 90% of our life is motivated by fear of some kind90% of our life is motivated by fear of some kind Instead of the joy of what we could create !Instead of the joy of what we could create !
  • 11. Managing DynamicsAlchemyAlchemy TurnsTurns FearFear IntoInto PotentialPotential We live in a world of trances Our trances come from fear Our fear comes from our emotion Our emotions are information Transform Prima Materia (spiritual raw material) into Manifest Potential
  • 12. Managing DynamicsThe Emotional ProcessThe Emotional Process Emotion Eliciting Event Emotional Feeling Awareness of Situation Action Interpretation Cultural Influences Response Selection
  • 13. Managing DynamicsYour Brain as TranslatorYour Brain as Translator Brains are hard wired/yet plastic Brains can be rewired and retrained We experience what we believe We validate what we perceive Events themselves are neutral Interpretation of events shape our experience Fear is an interpretation of an event We can transform our fears and recreate our lives.
  • 14. Managing DynamicsSpiritual AlchemySpiritual Alchemy Realization of ourRealization of our potential is like a secondpotential is like a second birthbirth We must discover ourWe must discover our inner world in order toinner world in order to create our outer worldcreate our outer world We must break our patterns of fear To begin our patterns of creation
  • 15. Managing DynamicsExplorations of FearExplorations of Fear Think of a time when you recall being afraid. Take a moment to make a few mental notes . What happened? What were you afraid of? What beliefs caused the fear? What did your fear stop you from doing? Share your experiences referring to the specifics above.
  • 16. Managing DynamicsEinstein SaysEinstein Says The physical body, like all material objects is an illusion,The physical body, like all material objects is an illusion, and trying to manipulate it can be like grasping theand trying to manipulate it can be like grasping the shadow and missing the substance.shadow and missing the substance. The unseen world is the real world, and when we areThe unseen world is the real world, and when we are willing to explore the unseen levels of our bodies, wewilling to explore the unseen levels of our bodies, we can tap in to the immense creative power that lies at ourcan tap in to the immense creative power that lies at our source.source.
  • 17. Managing DynamicsEnergy Or Matter?Energy Or Matter? Physical planes are both particle and a wave Your body is both solid matter and limitless energy Reality is flexible and subject to revision Reality is a result of perception Perception is an act of attention and interpretation
  • 18. Managing Dynamics You have billions of sensory impulses every moment You selectively allow only a fraction into your awareness What you allow into your awareness is your choice We live in a world of selective perception Your perceptions reflects your world What is allowed into your awareness?
  • 19. Managing DynamicsShift Fear to IntentionShift Fear to Intention IntentionIntention INTENTION Creates Plants seeds of desire Begins manifesting Creates outcomes Creating in the field of possibilities requires clarity, specific intention, and being awake
  • 20. Managing DynamicsIntentionIntention What is intention? How is intention connected with creating my life? Do my intentions influence others? How do I improve manifesting my intentions? One always gets what one intends regardless of what the mind says.
  • 21. Managing DynamicsQualities of IntentionQualities of Intention The act of determining some action The end or object intended Intention is the active partner of attention (presence towards an outcome) Intention is the way we convert automatic processes into conscious ones
  • 22. Managing DynamicsIntention InsightIntention Insight Intention is a phenomenon that happens outside ofIntention is a phenomenon that happens outside of ordinary awareness.ordinary awareness. If you are aware, you realize your experiences comeIf you are aware, you realize your experiences come from your intentionfrom your intention You can select to be satisfied and nurtured byYou can select to be satisfied and nurtured by events in your life or victimized and embittered byevents in your life or victimized and embittered by them.them. You get What you IntendYou get What you Intend
  • 23. Managing DynamicsIntention and ThoughtIntention and Thought You always manifest, thought itself manifests What you focus your mind on, increases To change your results, change your thoughts If you want to experience something, become it Your desires are always available, though the path is hidden at times The world is perfect, our seeing is the problem
  • 24. Managing DynamicsManifesting IntentionManifesting Intention When did you last manifest a positive intention? Describe exactly how you felt: emotions, thoughts, etc, so you can recreate the experience Once you manifest an intention you can do it again When your intention is clear and well formed, you are emotionally connected Emotional intensity and belief bring intentions to reality
  • 25. Managing DynamicsCommitmentCommitment What is commitment? How can you make lasting commitments? What perceptions must change for you to make commitments? Where do you need to place your attention to make and keep commitments? The essence of living an authentic and emotionally intelligent life starts with the commitments we keep with ourselves.
  • 26. Managing Dynamics Commitment RequiresCommitment Requires WorkWork We must do our personal work first We must be present and aware of our own fears, frustrations, hopes and dreams This work prepares us to begin to live consciously When we are present, energetic, and intentional, we can make and elicit commitments
  • 27. Managing DynamicsConscious CommitmentConscious Commitment is a pact between beings, rather than personalities. In affect whatever our personalities are, we must not let them get in the way of our commitments We must assist each other to wake up We must assist each other to be all we can be If our egos are leading, we must stay present and not let them ruin our deeper connection We must keep opening to each other and to life itself Conscious commitment requires Being Authentic
  • 28. Managing DynamicsCommitment TransformsCommitment Transforms Commitment is what transforms a promise into reality. It is the works that speak boldly of your intentionand the actions which speak more loudly than words. It is making the time when there is none: coming through time after time, year after year. Commitment is the stuff character is made of; the power to change the face of things. It is the daily triumph of integrity over skepticism. Unknown
  • 29. Managing Dynamics Try? There is no try. There is only do or not do." Yoda, in The Empire Strikes Back

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Play music while the group arrives and find their places.
  • #17: Websters Dictionary: Definitions of Presence The fact or condition of being present. The part of space within ones immediate vicinity. Present: Now existing or in progress. Attentive, immediate.
  • #18: Reference Perception Inquiry sheet (homework?)