Avoid becoming a victim of the most common financial crimes. Learn valuable proactive steps you can take to protect yourself, your family and your business.
2. What You Should Know About the Four Most
Common Financial Crimes?
In recent years, technology has risen to
the forefront as a tool for committing
financial crimes. Its relatively simple to
master, convenient and easily accessible
for anyone with fraudulent intentions.
Even worse for the victim is that
criminal activity may go undetected for
some time and its difficult to pinpoint
the perpetrator.
3. ITEM #1
Identity Theft:
A person who unlawfully uses your personal data to facilitate financial
gains in your name is committing the crime of identity theft. Typically,
someone would utilize your Social Security or tax ID number, credit
history or account PIN details to take money or open a line of credit.
The best way to protect against identity theft is to safeguard your
financial information and check your credit report periodically
4. ITEM #2
Debit/Credit Card Fraud:
This scam is similar to identity theft in that it involves the use of the
victims personal data to charge purchases to a credit card or remove
money from the account.
To avoid these financial crimes, you should check your credit and debit
card activity often for unauthorized purchases. Again, running your
credit report on a regular basis is recommended.
5. ITEM #3
A person who takes money entrusted to them by another, and then
keeps the funds for his or her own use is guilty of embezzlement. The
difference between embezzling money and some of the other
financial crimes is that the perpetrator actually received the funds
properly. The unlawful activity occurs when its spent for purposes
other than those for which it was designated.
Always entrust your personal data and financial matters with
someone you trust.
6. ITEM #4
Wire Fraud:
A crime that takes place over interstate wires is known as wire
fraud and it usually takes the form of telemarketing scams,
phishing or email plots. Its similar to other forms of fraud, but
is distinguished because the transaction involves phone lines
or some electronic communication.
Avoid giving out any personal information over the phone or
via email unless youve initiated the contact.