Presentatie over de economie van 2024 door Tielkemeijer & Partners Vermogensbeheer t.b.v. netwerkorganisatie Flevum. Eerst terug naar de tijd van de Grieken en Romeinen, via 2004, 2014 naar 2024. De voorbeelden zijn ter illustratie en moeten niet worden gelezen als beleggingsadviezen.
Saturn's digital signage software - Connectvision is a flexible platform with a scalable architecture developed using the latest industry standard technologies.
This document explains how the digital signage software - Connectvision can be utilised within different organisations.
Presentatie t.b.v. beleggingsclubs, accountants, fiscalisten en iedereen die meer wil weten over rationeel beleggen.
Hans Tielkemeijer is te boeken via 010 - 20 40 560 of
Presentatie over de economie van 2024 door Tielkemeijer & Partners Vermogensbeheer t.b.v. netwerkorganisatie Flevum. Eerst terug naar de tijd van de Grieken en Romeinen, via 2004, 2014 naar 2024. De voorbeelden zijn ter illustratie en moeten niet worden gelezen als beleggingsadviezen.
Saturn's digital signage software - Connectvision is a flexible platform with a scalable architecture developed using the latest industry standard technologies.
This document explains how the digital signage software - Connectvision can be utilised within different organisations.
Presentatie t.b.v. beleggingsclubs, accountants, fiscalisten en iedereen die meer wil weten over rationeel beleggen.
Hans Tielkemeijer is te boeken via 010 - 20 40 560 of
This chapter discusses different types of players and how they affect game development. It covers player motivations, player archetypes, geographic factors like country and region, psychographic factors like personality traits, demographic factors like age and gender, and generational differences among players. Understanding these elements is important for developing games that appeal to specific target audiences.
This Haiku Deck presentation contains 5 photos credited to different photographers and encourages the viewer to create their own Haiku Deck presentation on 狠狠撸Share. It shows example photos from photographers and ends by prompting the viewer to get started making their own presentation.
Exploración de conocimientos previos, informatica básicaAlvaro Ruiz
El documento presenta 30 preguntas de opción múltiple sobre conceptos básicos de informática dirigidas a estudiantes. Los temas incluyen hardware, software, sistemas operativos, programas de ofimática como Word y Excel, almacenamiento de datos, redes e Internet. El objetivo es evaluar los conocimientos previos de los estudiantes sobre estos temas antes de iniciar un módulo de formación en informática básica.
Comparison Between a Conventionally Financed Firm and a Profit Sharing FirmKashif Choudhury
This research paper looks at the operations of a firm that finances itself by a method of profit sharing
(PLS) instead of conventional debt financing. The motivation behind this research came about from a
need to study the viability and effects of an alternative system of financing for companies. This was
due to two main reasons, the first of which was a need to find a workable alternative to a system of
financing which is now a monopoly and has been found time and time again to cause severe crises.
Secondly, it came from a need to study a practice which has been thought of as vile and distasteful by
philosophers as well as religions throughout the ages.
The document provides information about Nazism in Germany from 1933 to 1945 under Adolf Hitler. It discusses how Nazism promoted racial superiority of Aryans and annihilation of Jews. Key events included Hitler becoming Chancellor in 1933 and destroying democracy by banning opposition. The Nazi regime persecuted Jews and other groups, and used propaganda to spread its racist ideology, especially targeting youth. By 1945, Nazi policies had led to World War 2 and the defeat of Germany.
Zacchaeus was a short tax collector in Jericho who was disliked because he collected taxes for the Romans and kept some for himself. When Jesus was passing through, Zacchaeus climbed a sycamore tree to see him over the crowd. Jesus noticed Zacchaeus and invited himself to his house. Zacchaeus repented of his actions and promised to repay those he stole from. Jesus said salvation had come to Zacchaeus' house and that he had come to seek and save the lost.
Management Information Systems: Telecom IndustryKashif Choudhury
Part 1 summarizes the major mobile operators in Bangladesh and their subscriber numbers, as well as the growth of internet usage via mobile phones. It also describes the technology used by Qubee, the first WIMAX operator in Bangladesh, to provide internet services across its coverage areas.
Part 2 discusses the Bangladeshi government's initiatives to expand internet access to rural areas, such as connecting unions and converting post offices into e-centers. It also outlines priorities for developing e-governance services.
Part 3 proposes a business plan for a new WIMAX operator that would provide voice calls and unlimited data plans using a WIMAX-enabled mobile phone.
Build 1 trillion warehouse based on carbon databoxu42
Apache CarbonData & Spark Meetup
Build 1 trillion warehouse based on CarbonData
Apache Spark? is a unified analytics engine for large-scale data processing.
CarbonData is a high-performance data solution that supports various data analytic scenarios, including BI analysis, ad-hoc SQL query, fast filter lookup on detail record, streaming analytics, and so on. CarbonData has been deployed in many enterprise production environments, in one of the largest scenario it supports queries on single table with 3PB data (more than 5 trillion records) with response time less than 3 seconds!