This document discusses the importance of reciting the Quran and keeping good company. It provides verses from the Quran about seeking guidance from the Quran, reciting it with care, and being patient with those who worship Allah. It warns about avoiding bad company that follows desires and neglects remembrance of Allah. The document encourages choosing friends who encourage spiritual and personal growth. It discusses the rewards of believing and doing good deeds, including gardens in paradise and being adorned with jewelry. The document emphasizes connecting with the Quran, being selective about company, and focusing on the afterlife.
4. Verse: 27
? Importance of Quranic recitation
And recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the
Book of your Lord. There is no changer of His words, and never will
you find in other than Him a refuge.
5. ¡..and recite the Qur'an with measured recitation.
(Al Muzzamil:4)
[This is] a blessed Book which We have revealed to
you, [O Muhammad], that they might reflect upon its
verses and that those of understanding would be
reminded. (Saad:29)
7. ¡°
Abdullah bin Mas¡¯ud used to say, ¡°Not a verse was revealed
of Allah¡¯s book except that I would know about whom it was
revealed to and where it was revealed. If I knew anyone who
was more knowledgeable than I, and to whom there is
transportation, I would go to him.¡±
8. Companions of The Prophet ???
Passion to learn
Recitation &
Life long
10. Indeed, it is We who sent down the Qur'an
and indeed, We will be its guardian. (Al Hijr:9)
13. Verse: 28
? Practicing Sabr for good company
And keep yourself patient [by being] with those who call upon their
Lord in the morning and the evening, seeking His countenance. And
let not your eyes pass beyond them, desiring adornments of the
worldly life, and do not obey one whose heart We have made heedless
of Our remembrance and who follows his desire and whose affair is
ever [in] neglect.
15. ?Relationships are like elevators; they are either bringing you
up or taking you down.
?If you are focused on taking your life to the next level, then
why not associate with people on that next level?
?When friends have similar values, they can help keep each
other accountable.
?When you have friends with common goals, you can push
each other.
?Choose friends who can bring balance in areas where you
are weaker.
?Choose friends that stretch, motivate and encourage you.
?Choose friends that have a thirst for knowledge.
?Choose friends who will celebrate your success.
?Every friendship is a give-and-take.
20. ¡°
Abu Musa reported: The Prophet ??? said, ¡°Verily, the parable of
good company and a bad company is only that of a seller of
musk and a blacksmith. The seller of musk will give you
some perfume, you will buy some, or you will notice a good
smell. As for the blacksmith, he will burn your clothes or you
will notice a bad smell.¡±
(S?ah?i?h? al-Bukha?ri? 1995, S?ah?i?h? Muslim 2628)
21. Verse: 29
? Strict Warning
And say, "The truth is from your Lord, so whoever wills - let him
believe; and whoever wills - let him disbelieve." Indeed, We have
prepared for the wrongdoers a fire whose walls will surround them.
And if they call for relief, they will be relieved with water like murky
oil, which scalds [their] faces. Wretched is the drink, and evil is the
resting place.
27. Verse: 30
? Righteous to Excellence
Indeed, those who have believed and done righteous deeds - indeed,
We will not allow to be lost the reward of any who did well in deeds.
28. Momin by Default
Cash each opportunity
Goal oriented
Develop potential
29. Verse: 31
? Immense Pleasure ahead
Those will have gardens of perpetual residence; beneath them rivers
will flow. They will be adorned therein with bracelets of gold and will
wear green garments of fine silk and brocade, reclining therein on
adorned couches. Excellent is the reward, and good is the resting