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Solar Power
                                    Representative Experience

Year      Project/Client/Location                  Type of Energy Summary of Services

2010 -    Flynn Canada Solar PV System               Solar PV    Electrical drawing review, feed-in tariff
Present   Review, Carlisle Energy Services,                      (FIT) contract due diligence and
          Ontario, Canada                                        application

2010 -    Prefeasibility of 19 Solar PV sites,       Solar PV    From a set of 19 potential sites, both
Present   Thunder Bay Hydro, Thunder Bay,                        ground and roof mount, determined the
          Ontario, Canada                                        ranking of the sites based on a number of
          (H-335880)                                             criteria. Work included developing a 3D
                                                                 model of the sites for shade modeling as
                                                                 well a site visit to gain first-hand
                                                                 knowledge of potential issues

2010      Welland Hydro Solar Project,               Solar PV    Assistance in assessing the opportunities
          Welland, Ontario, Canada                               to become a generator of solar power
          (H-335509)                                             under Ontario's FIT program. General
                                                                 economic analysis was performed for
                                                                 projects that would qualify as rooftop
                                                                 installations and as micro FIT projects.
                                                                 Specific sites were also evaluated from a
                                                                 structural perspective for suitability as
                                                                 rooftop PV sites

2010      Renewable Energy Approvals for 15          Solar PV    Environmental constraints assessment for
          PV Sites, Canadian Solar, Ontario,                     ground-mount solar plants at 15 sites in
          Canada                                                 eastern Ontario

2010 -    36-kW Rooftop PV Installation,             Solar PV    Structural assessment, project
Present   Canadian Opera Company, Toronto,                       management
          Ontario, Canada

2010      10-MW Solar PV Plant, Peterborough         Solar PV    Owners representative during
          Utilities Inc., Peterborough, Ontario,                 construction, review of EPC contractors
          Canada                                                 engineering package, Owners
          (H-334478)                                             representative on construction site, PV
                                                                 module testing, noise study,
                                                                 commissioning oversight

2010      10-MW Solar PV Plants, Photowatt           Solar PV    Engineering services: preparation of
          Inc., Northern Ontario, Canada                         connection impact assessment packages
          (H-333698)                                             for submission to transmission system
                                                                 owner on behalf of solar PV project

                                                                                               42LIST047 08/2010
Solar Power
Representative Experience

Year      Project/Client/Location                  Type of Energy Summary of Services

2010      Solar PV technical due diligence,          Solar PV     Technical review of modules and ground-
          energy yield modeling, Spark Solar,                     mount tracking technology, energy yield
          Innerkip, Ontario, Canada                               modeling and uncertainty analysis,
          (H-335061)                                              correlation of PV system output (actual)
                                                                  to site-specific satellite and
                                                                  meteorological data

2010      10-MW utility-scale solar PV plants at     Solar PV     Environmental constraints assessment;
          20 sites in Ontario, Northland Power,                   and development of preliminary layouts
          (H-335028)                                              and electrical system design for 10 MW
                                                                  ground mount Solar plants at twenty
                                                                  different sites in Ontario

2010     Pre-feasibility study for a 50 MW CST Solar Thermal Site selection, preliminary resource
Present   power plant, SolAfrica (Pty) Ltd                    assessment, and a set of Request for
          (H335005)                                           Proposal document to vendor for the
                                                              feasibility study phase

2010      Rooftop Solar PV Feasibility Study,       Solar PV &    Preliminary engineering, structural
          Mohawk College, Hamilton, Ontario,          Wind        assessment of roof, energy yield; cost
          Canada                                                  estimation; review of clients rooftop
          (H-334935)                                              portfolio; scenarios for monetizing the
                                                                  solar systems under the Ontario Power
                                                                  Authoritys (OPA) feed-in tariff (FIT)
                                                                  program. Potential combined capacity of
                                                                  750 kW

2010     Pre-feasibility study for a 250 MW       Solar Thermal Site assessment, technology review and
Present   CST power plant, Exxaro Resources                      recommendation, interface specification,
          (H334725)                                              evaluation of vendors proposals,
                                                                 technical inputs to the business case

2010     Technical due diligence of rooftop         Solar PV     Technical evaluation of 6 PV system
Present   photovoltaic (PV) system suppliers,                     technology suppliers for multi-MW
          Horizon Holdings, Hamilton,                             rooftop portfolio; economic evaluation
          Ontario, Canada

2009      Close-out phase of the conceptual        Solar Thermal Investigation of the business case and
          study for a 250 MW CST power                           completion of the conceptual study for a
          plant, Exxaro Resources                                250 MW CST plant near the Lephalale
          (H334014)                                              area for power generation

Solar Power
Representative Experience

Year      Project/Client/Location                 Type of Energy Summary of Services

2009 -    MeerKAT 4-MW CSP Pilot Plant/0.5-       Solar Thermal Technology selection, preliminary design
Present   MW Photovoltaic Power Plant              & Solar PV   specification, bid document preparation,
          Prefeasibility Study, Northern Cape,                  prefeasibility study for large-scale CSP
          South Africa                                          plant

2009      Solar PV Constructability Review,         Solar PV     Environmental screening and
          Sequoia Energy Inc., Thunder Bay,                      constructability review for 10-MW PV
          Ontario, Canada                                        plant

2009      250-kW Tracking Rooftop Solar             Solar PV     Preliminary engineering, structural
          Photovoltaic Plant, Extrudex,                          assessment of roof, HV interconnection,
          Toronto, Ontario, Canada                               energy yield, review of Design-Build
          (H-333936)                                             proposal including single axis tracker

2009 -    220-kW Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic         Solar PV     Preliminary engineering, structural
Present   Plant, Confidential Client, Toronto,                   assessment of roof, energy yield; cost
          Ontario, Canada                                        estimation; review of clients rooftop
          (H-333752)                                             portfolio; submission of OPA Feed-In
                                                                 Tariff Application

2009      4-MW Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaic     Solar PV     Preliminary engineering, site selection,
          Plant, Metallurg Vanadium,                             environmental screening, energy yield
          Cambridge, Ohio, USA                                   and economic evaluation; cost estimation

2009      2.5-MW Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic         Solar PV     Preliminary engineering, structural
          Plant, Brampton Brick Ltd, Welland,                    assessment of roof, HV interconnection,
          Ontario, Canada                                        energy yield and economic evaluation;
          (H-333811)                                             submission of OPA Feed-In Tariff

2009      100-MW Solar Photovoltaic Plant,          Solar PV     Environmental screening, preliminary
          Samsung Engineering and                                engineering and cost estimates
          Construction, Southern Ontario,

2009     2 to 10-MW utility-scale solar PV         Solar PV     Transmission interconnection design,
Present   plants at 25 sites in Ontario,                         preliminary engineering and
          Recurrent Energy, Canada                               environmental screening of 25 sites for
          (H-332726, H-333352)                                   utility-scale PV installations (2 to 10-MW)

Solar Power
Representative Experience

Year      Project/Client/Location                Type of Energy Summary of Services

2009      Melancthon Quarry Solar PV                Solar PV     Feasibility study of installing 50 to 100
          Feasibility Study, Highland Company,                   MW of solar power generation as part of
          Canada                                                 a large quarry development

2008     Integrate Solar-Combined Cycle Gas     Solar Thermal Feasibility study of a 180-MW
Present   Turbine Project, Acquasol                            (150-MW gas turbine combined cycle
          Infrastructure Ltd., Australia                       and 30-MW concentrated solar generated
          (H-327558)                                           steam) power plant for a 10-ML/d
                                                               desalination plant

2008     8- to 10-MW Solar PV Power Plants,          Solar      Site selection, equipment specification,
Present   EPOD Solar, Canada                                     transmission interconnection design and
          (H-329915)                                             application for multiple 8- to
                                                                 10-MW solar PV power plants

2007     100-kW solar power for new office           Solar      Technical and commercial evaluation of
Present   building, Hatch (Corporate),                           three proposals to install 100-kW of solar
          Mississauga, Canada                                    photovoltaic panels on the roof and
          (H-305420)                                             parking lot of Hatchs new office building

2008     Siting of 8-MW solar photovoltaic           Solar      Site selection, transmission
Present   power plants, Omniwatt, Canada                         interconnection design and application
          (H-330440)                                             for multiple 8-MW solar PV power plants

2008     Siting of 8- to 10-MW solar                 Solar      Site selection, transmission
Present   photovoltaic power plants, Juwi                        interconnection design and application
          Solar, Canada                                          for multiple 8- to
          (H-329860)                                             10-MW solar PV power plants

2008     Solar Power Tower, Debswana,                Solar      Viability study for Solar Power Tower
Present   Botswana                                               (Updraft Chimney) project for client,
                                                                 evaluating technical and commercial
                                                                 considerations as well as potential
                                                                 symbiotic projects.

2008      Electrical Power Generation Study,      Solar, Diesel, Technical and commercial evaluation of
          Debswana, Botswana                     Wind, Biomass, distributed and centralised generation
          (H-329165)                                  Coal       options (including solar - thermal and
                                                                 photovoltaic), for client from 10 MW to
                                                                 100 MW.

Solar Power
Representative Experience

Year      Project/Client/Location                  Type of Energy Summary of Services

2007     Siting of ten 10-MW solar                   Solar PV     Site selection, transmission
Present   photovoltaic power plants, UPC                           interconnection design and application
          Solar, Canada                                            for ten 10-MW solar PV power plants

2004      Feasibility Study of Hybrid              Solar/ Biomass/ Study of technical, commercial and
          Renewable Energy Project,                     Wind       financial viability of 20- to50-MW
          Confidential Client, Dominican                           renewable hybrid plant using various
          Republic                                                 renewable energy resources

2001     Renewable Energy Hybrid Power             Solar/Wind/    Feasibility study for providing Beaches
2002      Plant/Canadian International               Biomass       Grande Sport and surrounding Sandals
          Development Agency (CIDA) on                             resorts in Ocho Rios with electricity from
          behalf of Sandals Resorts                                renewable resources, including wind,
          International, Jamaica                                   solar and biomass

1999     Renewable Energy Hybrid Power             Solar/Wind/    Development of a program for supplying
2000      Plants for Isolated Village                Biomass       electricity, using only renewable energy
          Power/CIDA on behalf of                                  sources, to rural communities that cannot
          Government of Bangladesh                                 be connected to the national grid

1998     Assessment of Generation                  Wind/Solar/    Assessment of competing generation
2000      Alternatives/International Finance        Geothermal/    projects for development by private
          Corporation (IFC), Uganda                   Hydro        investors in Uganda

1997     Lake Matano Regulation Structure/            Solar       Installation of a solar panel backup
1998      PT. Inco, Lake Matano, Island of                         system for the diesel generator to provide
          Sulawesi, Soroako, Indonesia                             emergency power for controls and alarm
          (P12235)                                                 signals only

1998     Study of Power Distribution and           Solar/Wind     Review of the existing power distribution
1999      Electrical Requirements to Year 2000                     and electrical requirements for Airport.
          for Norman Manley International                          The study touched on all aspects of the
          Airport/Airport Authorities of Jamaica                   electrical system, as well as alternative
          (P12065)                                                 supply sources: wind, solar and

Solar Power
Representative Experience

Year     Project/Client/Location                  Type of Energy Summary of Services

1994 &   Feasibility Study of Energy Supply for       Solar      Feasibility study of a range of energy
1999     Davis Inlet Relocation/ Mushuau Innu                    supply options for a new community
         Band Council and Mushuau Innu                           being considered by the Innu, including
         Renewal Committee, Sango Pond,                          hydroelectricity, diesel generation, a
         Labrador, Canada                                        wood-fired cogeneration plant, wind and
         (P11003)                                                solar PV

1992    Integrated Community Energy System        Solar/Wind    Assessment of renewable energy
1993     Evaluation/Public Works Canada,                         technologies such as solar power or wind
         Field, British Columbia, Canada                         power and the integration of these
         (P10278)                                                sources with other power systems

1989    Rural Energy in Nepal/CIDA on            Biomass/Solar Established baseline data on the
1996     behalf of His Majesty's Government                     availability of resources such as fuel
         of Nepal                                               wood, biogas, solar energy, and micro
         (P9202-RE)                                             hydro sites, and many aspects of their
                                                                potential uses were studied

1989    National Electrification Planning         Solar/Wind/   Conducted a comprehensive survey and
1991     Study/ Ministry of Fuel and Power,         Biomass      analysis of generation options, including
         Ghana                                                   large-scale generation on the
         (P8968)                                                 interconnected 161-kV system as well as
                                                                 isolated generation sources such as
                                                                 microhydro, solar, wind and biomass

1986    Energy Booklet for Remote Lodges/    Solar/Biomass Preparation of an energy booklet
1987     Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern               discussing the more cost-effective energy
         Ontario, Canada                                    conservation and alternative energy
         (P8004)                                            technologies available to remote lodges

1986    Overview of Realistic Energy Options Solar/Biomass/ Acres assessed the various (non-oil)
1987     For Northwest Territories                Wind       alternative sources of energy appropriate
         Communities/ Energy, Mines and                      for each Northwest Territories
         Resources Canada, Yellowknife,                      community. The options included
         Northwest Territories, Canada                       conservation measures, coal, solar, waste
         (P7802)                                             heat recovery, small hydro, wind,
                                                             nuclear, biomass, gas and others

1984    Caribbean Airports Project, Electrical       Solar      Provision of electrical design and
1990     and Airfield Lighting/CIDA, Various                     construction supervision services
         Caribbean Islands and Guyana                            involving the upgrading of facilities at 19
         (P7219-E)                                               airports in 13 Caribbean countries. Solar
                                                                 power was used for some of the lighting
                                                                 at two of the airports

Solar Power
Representative Experience

Year     Project/Client/Location                  Type of Energy Summary of Services

1982    Study of Alternative Energies, Energy     Wind/Solar   Evaluation of the economic policies
1983     Conservation and Canada's Needs                        themselves insofar as they affect energy
         into the 21st Century/Economic                         conservation and supplies of alternative
         Council of Canada                                      energies, including cogeneration, wood
         (P6721)                                                fuels, alternative transportation fuels,
                                                                small hydro, solar and wind energy,
                                                                hydrogen fuels, and coal-based liquid

1979    Solar Feasibility Studies/Public Works       Solar     Studies involved evaluating the
1980     of Canada, Ottawa and Sarnia,                          application of active solar energy
         Ontario, Canada                                        collection and storage systems for
         (P5610)                                                building heating and for services or
                                                                domestic water heating


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Hatch Solar Project Lists

  • 1. Solar Power Representative Experience Year Project/Client/Location Type of Energy Summary of Services 2010 - Flynn Canada Solar PV System Solar PV Electrical drawing review, feed-in tariff Present Review, Carlisle Energy Services, (FIT) contract due diligence and Ontario, Canada application (H-336293) 2010 - Prefeasibility of 19 Solar PV sites, Solar PV From a set of 19 potential sites, both Present Thunder Bay Hydro, Thunder Bay, ground and roof mount, determined the Ontario, Canada ranking of the sites based on a number of (H-335880) criteria. Work included developing a 3D model of the sites for shade modeling as well a site visit to gain first-hand knowledge of potential issues 2010 Welland Hydro Solar Project, Solar PV Assistance in assessing the opportunities Welland, Ontario, Canada to become a generator of solar power (H-335509) under Ontario's FIT program. General economic analysis was performed for projects that would qualify as rooftop installations and as micro FIT projects. Specific sites were also evaluated from a structural perspective for suitability as rooftop PV sites 2010 Renewable Energy Approvals for 15 Solar PV Environmental constraints assessment for PV Sites, Canadian Solar, Ontario, ground-mount solar plants at 15 sites in Canada eastern Ontario (H-335467) 2010 - 36-kW Rooftop PV Installation, Solar PV Structural assessment, project Present Canadian Opera Company, Toronto, management Ontario, Canada 2010 10-MW Solar PV Plant, Peterborough Solar PV Owners representative during Utilities Inc., Peterborough, Ontario, construction, review of EPC contractors Canada engineering package, Owners (H-334478) representative on construction site, PV module testing, noise study, commissioning oversight 2010 10-MW Solar PV Plants, Photowatt Solar PV Engineering services: preparation of Inc., Northern Ontario, Canada connection impact assessment packages (H-333698) for submission to transmission system owner on behalf of solar PV project developer 42LIST047 08/2010
  • 2. Solar Power Representative Experience Year Project/Client/Location Type of Energy Summary of Services 2010 Solar PV technical due diligence, Solar PV Technical review of modules and ground- energy yield modeling, Spark Solar, mount tracking technology, energy yield Innerkip, Ontario, Canada modeling and uncertainty analysis, (H-335061) correlation of PV system output (actual) to site-specific satellite and meteorological data 2010 10-MW utility-scale solar PV plants at Solar PV Environmental constraints assessment; 20 sites in Ontario, Northland Power, and development of preliminary layouts (H-335028) and electrical system design for 10 MW ground mount Solar plants at twenty different sites in Ontario 2010 Pre-feasibility study for a 50 MW CST Solar Thermal Site selection, preliminary resource Present power plant, SolAfrica (Pty) Ltd assessment, and a set of Request for (H335005) Proposal document to vendor for the feasibility study phase 2010 Rooftop Solar PV Feasibility Study, Solar PV & Preliminary engineering, structural Mohawk College, Hamilton, Ontario, Wind assessment of roof, energy yield; cost Canada estimation; review of clients rooftop (H-334935) portfolio; scenarios for monetizing the solar systems under the Ontario Power Authoritys (OPA) feed-in tariff (FIT) program. Potential combined capacity of 750 kW 2010 Pre-feasibility study for a 250 MW Solar Thermal Site assessment, technology review and Present CST power plant, Exxaro Resources recommendation, interface specification, (H334725) evaluation of vendors proposals, technical inputs to the business case 2010 Technical due diligence of rooftop Solar PV Technical evaluation of 6 PV system Present photovoltaic (PV) system suppliers, technology suppliers for multi-MW Horizon Holdings, Hamilton, rooftop portfolio; economic evaluation Ontario, Canada (H-334490) 2009 Close-out phase of the conceptual Solar Thermal Investigation of the business case and study for a 250 MW CST power completion of the conceptual study for a plant, Exxaro Resources 250 MW CST plant near the Lephalale (H334014) area for power generation 2
  • 3. Solar Power Representative Experience Year Project/Client/Location Type of Energy Summary of Services 2009 - MeerKAT 4-MW CSP Pilot Plant/0.5- Solar Thermal Technology selection, preliminary design Present MW Photovoltaic Power Plant & Solar PV specification, bid document preparation, Prefeasibility Study, Northern Cape, prefeasibility study for large-scale CSP South Africa plant (H-333103) 2009 Solar PV Constructability Review, Solar PV Environmental screening and Sequoia Energy Inc., Thunder Bay, constructability review for 10-MW PV Ontario, Canada plant (H-333324) 2009 250-kW Tracking Rooftop Solar Solar PV Preliminary engineering, structural Photovoltaic Plant, Extrudex, assessment of roof, HV interconnection, Toronto, Ontario, Canada energy yield, review of Design-Build (H-333936) proposal including single axis tracker design 2009 - 220-kW Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Solar PV Preliminary engineering, structural Present Plant, Confidential Client, Toronto, assessment of roof, energy yield; cost Ontario, Canada estimation; review of clients rooftop (H-333752) portfolio; submission of OPA Feed-In Tariff Application 2009 4-MW Utility-Scale Solar Photovoltaic Solar PV Preliminary engineering, site selection, Plant, Metallurg Vanadium, environmental screening, energy yield Cambridge, Ohio, USA and economic evaluation; cost estimation (H-333625) 2009 2.5-MW Rooftop Solar Photovoltaic Solar PV Preliminary engineering, structural Plant, Brampton Brick Ltd, Welland, assessment of roof, HV interconnection, Ontario, Canada energy yield and economic evaluation; (H-333811) submission of OPA Feed-In Tariff Application 2009 100-MW Solar Photovoltaic Plant, Solar PV Environmental screening, preliminary Samsung Engineering and engineering and cost estimates Construction, Southern Ontario, Canada (H-332683) 2009 2 to 10-MW utility-scale solar PV Solar PV Transmission interconnection design, Present plants at 25 sites in Ontario, preliminary engineering and Recurrent Energy, Canada environmental screening of 25 sites for (H-332726, H-333352) utility-scale PV installations (2 to 10-MW) 3
  • 4. Solar Power Representative Experience Year Project/Client/Location Type of Energy Summary of Services 2009 Melancthon Quarry Solar PV Solar PV Feasibility study of installing 50 to 100 Feasibility Study, Highland Company, MW of solar power generation as part of Canada a large quarry development (H-332153) 2008 Integrate Solar-Combined Cycle Gas Solar Thermal Feasibility study of a 180-MW Present Turbine Project, Acquasol (150-MW gas turbine combined cycle Infrastructure Ltd., Australia and 30-MW concentrated solar generated (H-327558) steam) power plant for a 10-ML/d desalination plant 2008 8- to 10-MW Solar PV Power Plants, Solar Site selection, equipment specification, Present EPOD Solar, Canada transmission interconnection design and (H-329915) application for multiple 8- to 10-MW solar PV power plants 2007 100-kW solar power for new office Solar Technical and commercial evaluation of Present building, Hatch (Corporate), three proposals to install 100-kW of solar Mississauga, Canada photovoltaic panels on the roof and (H-305420) parking lot of Hatchs new office building 2008 Siting of 8-MW solar photovoltaic Solar Site selection, transmission Present power plants, Omniwatt, Canada interconnection design and application (H-330440) for multiple 8-MW solar PV power plants 2008 Siting of 8- to 10-MW solar Solar Site selection, transmission Present photovoltaic power plants, Juwi interconnection design and application Solar, Canada for multiple 8- to (H-329860) 10-MW solar PV power plants 2008 Solar Power Tower, Debswana, Solar Viability study for Solar Power Tower Present Botswana (Updraft Chimney) project for client, evaluating technical and commercial considerations as well as potential symbiotic projects. 2008 Electrical Power Generation Study, Solar, Diesel, Technical and commercial evaluation of Debswana, Botswana Wind, Biomass, distributed and centralised generation (H-329165) Coal options (including solar - thermal and photovoltaic), for client from 10 MW to 100 MW. 4
  • 5. Solar Power Representative Experience Year Project/Client/Location Type of Energy Summary of Services 2007 Siting of ten 10-MW solar Solar PV Site selection, transmission Present photovoltaic power plants, UPC interconnection design and application Solar, Canada for ten 10-MW solar PV power plants (H-327531) 2004 Feasibility Study of Hybrid Solar/ Biomass/ Study of technical, commercial and Renewable Energy Project, Wind financial viability of 20- to50-MW Confidential Client, Dominican renewable hybrid plant using various Republic renewable energy resources (P15645) 2001 Renewable Energy Hybrid Power Solar/Wind/ Feasibility study for providing Beaches 2002 Plant/Canadian International Biomass Grande Sport and surrounding Sandals Development Agency (CIDA) on resorts in Ocho Rios with electricity from behalf of Sandals Resorts renewable resources, including wind, International, Jamaica solar and biomass (P14049) 1999 Renewable Energy Hybrid Power Solar/Wind/ Development of a program for supplying 2000 Plants for Isolated Village Biomass electricity, using only renewable energy Power/CIDA on behalf of sources, to rural communities that cannot Government of Bangladesh be connected to the national grid (P13293) 1998 Assessment of Generation Wind/Solar/ Assessment of competing generation 2000 Alternatives/International Finance Geothermal/ projects for development by private Corporation (IFC), Uganda Hydro investors in Uganda (P12603) 1997 Lake Matano Regulation Structure/ Solar Installation of a solar panel backup 1998 PT. Inco, Lake Matano, Island of system for the diesel generator to provide Sulawesi, Soroako, Indonesia emergency power for controls and alarm (P12235) signals only 1998 Study of Power Distribution and Solar/Wind Review of the existing power distribution 1999 Electrical Requirements to Year 2000 and electrical requirements for Airport. for Norman Manley International The study touched on all aspects of the Airport/Airport Authorities of Jamaica electrical system, as well as alternative (P12065) supply sources: wind, solar and cogeneration 5
  • 6. Solar Power Representative Experience Year Project/Client/Location Type of Energy Summary of Services 1994 & Feasibility Study of Energy Supply for Solar Feasibility study of a range of energy 1999 Davis Inlet Relocation/ Mushuau Innu supply options for a new community Band Council and Mushuau Innu being considered by the Innu, including Renewal Committee, Sango Pond, hydroelectricity, diesel generation, a Labrador, Canada wood-fired cogeneration plant, wind and (P11003) solar PV 1992 Integrated Community Energy System Solar/Wind Assessment of renewable energy 1993 Evaluation/Public Works Canada, technologies such as solar power or wind Field, British Columbia, Canada power and the integration of these (P10278) sources with other power systems 1989 Rural Energy in Nepal/CIDA on Biomass/Solar Established baseline data on the 1996 behalf of His Majesty's Government availability of resources such as fuel of Nepal wood, biogas, solar energy, and micro (P9202-RE) hydro sites, and many aspects of their potential uses were studied 1989 National Electrification Planning Solar/Wind/ Conducted a comprehensive survey and 1991 Study/ Ministry of Fuel and Power, Biomass analysis of generation options, including Ghana large-scale generation on the (P8968) interconnected 161-kV system as well as isolated generation sources such as microhydro, solar, wind and biomass 1986 Energy Booklet for Remote Lodges/ Solar/Biomass Preparation of an energy booklet 1987 Ontario Ministry of Energy, Northern discussing the more cost-effective energy Ontario, Canada conservation and alternative energy (P8004) technologies available to remote lodges 1986 Overview of Realistic Energy Options Solar/Biomass/ Acres assessed the various (non-oil) 1987 For Northwest Territories Wind alternative sources of energy appropriate Communities/ Energy, Mines and for each Northwest Territories Resources Canada, Yellowknife, community. The options included Northwest Territories, Canada conservation measures, coal, solar, waste (P7802) heat recovery, small hydro, wind, nuclear, biomass, gas and others 1984 Caribbean Airports Project, Electrical Solar Provision of electrical design and 1990 and Airfield Lighting/CIDA, Various construction supervision services Caribbean Islands and Guyana involving the upgrading of facilities at 19 (P7219-E) airports in 13 Caribbean countries. Solar power was used for some of the lighting at two of the airports 6
  • 7. Solar Power Representative Experience Year Project/Client/Location Type of Energy Summary of Services 1982 Study of Alternative Energies, Energy Wind/Solar Evaluation of the economic policies 1983 Conservation and Canada's Needs themselves insofar as they affect energy into the 21st Century/Economic conservation and supplies of alternative Council of Canada energies, including cogeneration, wood (P6721) fuels, alternative transportation fuels, small hydro, solar and wind energy, hydrogen fuels, and coal-based liquid fuels 1979 Solar Feasibility Studies/Public Works Solar Studies involved evaluating the 1980 of Canada, Ottawa and Sarnia, application of active solar energy Ontario, Canada collection and storage systems for (P5610) building heating and for services or domestic water heating 7