This document advertises a 3 bedroom rental home located at 431 Henry Avenue in Steubenville, Ohio for $495 per month. Photos show the home has a large living room, separate dining room with French doors and ceiling fan, kitchen with bar, private backyard with detached garage, and 3 bedrooms. The agency touts Steubenville as a low cost suburban area only 30 minutes from downtown Pittsburgh. Interested renters are encouraged to call the agency at (740)346-5419 before snow starts to fly.
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431 Henry Ave. Steubenville, Ohio 43952
1. 431 Henry Avenue
Steubenville, Ohio 43952
Three bedroom Rental Home
The Encore Leasing Agency (740)346-5419
2. Large living room area..
Welcome to Steubenville, Ohio, a low cost suburban area!
Well show you the courtesy of paying small town prices with the
convenience of living only 30 minutes south west of downtown
The Encore Leasing Agency (740)346-5419
3. View from the front entrance into the
Dont miss out!
Move before the snow
starts to fly!
The Encore Leasing Agency (740)346-5419
4. Separate Dining Room accented with beautiful French doors
and ceiling fan.
The Encore Leasing Agency (740)346-5419
5. Large Kitchen area with a bar that separates
the Dining Room from the Kitchen.
The Encore Leasing Agency (740)346-5419
Private back yard with a one car detached garage!
Put your grill on your back patio!
7. Have you packed yet?
Steubenville, Ohio, located only
30 minutes south west of downtown
The Encore Leasing Agency (740)346-5419
13. Call for a current list of properties today!
PH: (740)346-5419
One, two & three bedrooms
Ill get you the BEST DEAL around town!
Specializing in
Real Estate Rental
Homes & Apartments
Laurel A. Soukup
The Encore- Leasing Agent
Helping more and more families find Quality, Affordable Homes
I am an independent Leasing Agent that lists and shows numerous local landlords properties.
Give me a call, this is your ONE STOP SHOP!!!