The document outlines the day's objectives which are to explain concepts of consciousness, essence and Being, differentiate between Associative and Cognitive Awareness, and discuss Existential intelligence versus Existentialism. It then provides information on forms of consciousness including selective attention and examples of inattentional and change blindness. Finally, it discusses key concepts of Existentialism such as existence preceding essence and the absurdity of reality.
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4.5 2014 bstdy essence being and consciousness
1. Todays Objectives:
1. Explain the concepts of consciousness, essence and Being.
2. Differentiate between Associative and Cognitive Awareness.
3. Existential intelligence versus Existentialism.
Youre the Singer by Bernie Leadon & Michael Georgiades
2. An awareness of ourselves and our environment.
Forms of Consciousness
3. Selective Attention
Associative vs. Cognitive Awareness
Our conscious awareness processes only a
small part of all that we experience. We
intuitively make use of the information we
are not consciously aware of.
5. Change Blindness
Change blindness is a form of inattentional
blindness in which two-thirds of individuals
giving directions failed to notice a change in the
individual asking for directions.
息 1998 Psychonomic Society Inc. Image provided courtesy of Daniel J. Simmons. The Door Study
12. Existentialism deals with intense Theological (Religious Study) and
Ontological (Study of Being), as well as Epistemological (Study of
Knowledge) issues.
Christinas World (1948)
A complex philosophy
emphasizing the absurdity of
reality and the human
responsibility to make choices
and accept consequences!
14. Despite encompassing a huge
range of philosophical, religious,
and political ideologies, the
underlying concepts of
existentialism are simple
16. Existence Precedes Essence
Existentialism is the title of the set of philosophical ideals
that emphasize the existence of the human being, the lack
of meaning and purpose in life, and the solitude of human
existence Existence precedes essence implies that
the human being has no essence (no essential self).
Cogito Ergo Sum
19. A)Existence precedes essence (hence the name
existentialism): there are no or pre-existing conditions
that guide or determine mans behavior or essence.
B)Leads to the absurd condition man seeks meaning
in a meaningless world (universe unconscious of our
C)Man is condemned to be free. Leads to modern
despair from mans overwhelming sense of
responsibility and recognition of his fundamental
aloneness in an indifferent universe.
D)The artist/existentialist achieves meaningful
happiness by facing the pain and still affirming life.
23. You will never be happy if you continue to
search for what happiness consists of. You will
never live if you are looking for the meaning of
It was previously a question of finding out
whether or not life had to have a meaning to be
lived. Could it be, on the contrary, that it will be
lived all the better if it has no meaning?
25. A box full of nothing*
*Actual nothing may differ.