This document discusses trends in news media coverage of presidential elections and campaigns. It summarizes the views of scholars like Thomas Patterson and John Zaller on why election news coverage has shifted over time towards more "horse race" reporting, negative coverage, and trivial issues rather than substantive policy discussions. Zaller's view is that the goals and actions of journalists, voters, and candidates all interact to shape news coverage, rather than any one group being solely responsible. He argues that candidates' increasing efforts to tightly control their messages can help explain increases in negative press-initiated coverage as journalists push back against such control.
2. Look at trends in news coverage of elections,
esp. those documented by Thomas Patterson
(looked at trends toward infotainment).
Look at alternative explanations for these
trends, including those by John Zaller.
9. 1474
788 805
1992 1996 2000
Note : Based on 772 stories from August 31, 1992 to November 2, 1992; 483 stories from September 2, 1996 to November 4,
1996; 462 stories from September 4, 2000 to November 6, 2000 from the ABC, CBS, and NBC evening news.
Data: Center For Media And Public Affairs/Brookings
10. THE SHRINKING SOUNDBITE on network television
2000 (9/4-11/5) 7.8
1996 (9/2-11/4)
1992 (9/7-11/3)
1988 (9/5-11/7)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Note: Based on 589 stories from September 5, 1988 to November 7, 1988 ; 728 stories from September 7, 1992 to November
3, 1992; 483 stories from September 2, 1996 to November 4, 1996; 462 stories from September 4, 2000 to November 6,
2000 from the ABC, CBS, and NBC evening news.
Data: Center For Media And Public Affairs/Brookings
11. Horse Race as Percent of Total Campaign Coverage, Last 2 Mos,
92 to 2000
60% 2000 Horse Race
1996 Horse Race
30% 1992 Horse Race
Note: Horse Race stories focus on whos ahead, whos behind, and candidate election strategies. Statistics on the percent of stories
based on total number of election stories from that particular news organization. Based on 772 stories from August 31, 1992 to
November 2, 1992; 483 stories from September 2, 1996 to November 4, 1996; 462 stories from September 4, 2000 to November 6, 2000
from the ABC, CBS, and NBC evening news.
Data: Center For Media And Public Affairs/Brookings
13. Patterson: Source of Trends in News
Coverage of Presidential Primaries
Change in party nominating rules in late 60s:
More primaries and longer campaign
down with parties, up with journalists,
Journalistic values vs. Voters or Candidates
values or behavior
A popular explanation among candidates
14. W. Bush:
Ignored the filter, the fourth estate.
News management strategies (later).
Obama: sees as two overarching problems:
coverage that focuses on political winners and losers
rather than substance;
and a false balance, in which two opposing sides are
given equal weight regardless of the facts.
Mr. Obama prefers small sit-downs with columnists, including The
Wall Street Journals Peggy Noonan, The Washington Posts E. J.
Dionne and Ruth Marcus, and The New York Timess David Brooks
Mr. Obama has said the lack of an effective narrative has been one of
his administrations biggest missteps.
15. Early Coverage of the 2008 Presidential Campaign
(October 29, 2007):
What the public SAYS it wants
What Topics the Public Wants Covered
More Less
Candidates position on issues 77% 17
Candidate debates 57% 32
Candidates personal backgrounds and experiences 55% 36
The candidates who are not front runners 55% 37
Sources of candidates campaign money 55% 35
Which candidate in leading in the latest polls 42% 45
Source: Pew Research Center for People and the Press
September 28 October 1, 2007
16. Horse race coverage
Politics is a game of winners and losers, not a serious debate over
ideas and issues
Campaign strategies, tactics, victories, and blunders are the focus of
Early primary victories build momentum
Coverage of Iowa and New Hampshire races is far out of proportion to
their relative delegate share
States compete to position their primaries & caucuses earlier in the
Focus on candidate character and image
Personality flaws are fair game
Parties become less important
17. Why do media produce such large amounts of horse-race
coverage in their election coverage?
Organizational forces?
Market forces?
Campaigns as sporting events?
Issues less interesting?
Journalistic response to candidate manipulation?
2000: Study of reader attention to different topical chapters
on a CD ROM programmed to enable usage tracking; 187
participants returned usage data.
First cut of tracking data: People read stories earlier in the
CD. Need to remove this artificial influence on usage data.
25. Evolution of news media coverage of politics
1. Lapdog journalism (1941-1966): reporting that served and
reinforced the political establishment: FDR, JFK.
2. Watchdog (1966-1974) scrutinized and checked the
behavior of political elites by undertaking independent
investigations into statements made by public officials:
3. Junkyard dog (1974 to present): reporting that is often and
harsh, aggressive, intrusive, where feeding frenzies flourish
and gossip reaches print: WJC.
26. Advances in media technology:
Instantaneous transmission
24-hour news stations
More women in the press corps
Competitive pressures increased
Watergate and Vietnam (Wood-Stein coverage)
Change in culture, audience tastes
Conclusion: From his condemnatory tone, Sabato still
largely blames the media for dysfunctional coverage,
but at least he (unlike Patterson) doesnt want to return
to the days of lapdog coverage.
30. 1. Causal analysis
2. Near-exclusive focus on one actor as source of a dysfunctional system
Candidates Voters
31. A more realistic model of news coverage?
3 streets, all 2-way.
Candidates Voters
32. Zaller, A Theory of Media Politics
The conflicting goals of 3 actors that influence news
coverage of elections:
Voters: Dont waste my time! Tell me only what I need to know!
(based on rational ignorance)
Candidates: (Use journalists to) Get Our Story Out.
Journalists: Maximize their "voice" in the news (i.e., autonomy vs.
33. Zaller, A Theory of Media Politics
Given the goals of voters, how can we explain
coverage of:
Conflict vs. consensus?
Relative lack of issue coverage?
34. Zaller, A Theory of Media Politics
Given the goals of journalists versus candidates,
how can we explain negative coverageespecially
press-initiated negative coverage?
35. Zaller, A Theory of Media Politics
Zallers measure of press-initiated versus Pattersons measure, which
includes all negativity from any source, including the opposition candidate.
Zallers measure
36. Zaller, A Theory of Media Politics
Looks like a clear-cut case of political bias? But wait!
37. Zaller, A Theory of Media Politics
Harry Truman's 1948 Campaign Tour
Whistle Stop
Campaigns have changed drastically. Candidates want to control
their message completely. Events now are completely scripted,
Conservatives angry at Romneys
managed and controlled. controlling of Ryans message.
38. Assignment due before class, Tuesday Oct. 2
Extra credit attendance, Oct. 2:
James Gibson, Judicial Elections, Courtroom, Law
School, 4 pm.
Midterm Oct. 9
Review questions posted Oct. 2
39. Message control
Candidate cancels major rally or event in order to avoid demonstrators
Candidate refuses to debate major party opponent (positive).
Candidate responds to specific opponent attacks, excluding debates
Candidate takes questions from group or individual, where questioner(s) have
been screened or selected by the candidate himself. (Includes friendly talk
show.) (positive).
Candidate engages in exchange -- that is, back-and-forth discussion -- with
demonstrators or hecklers in crowd (negative).
Crowd exposure.
Rally or speech in unfriendly territory, e.g., Clinton addresses VFW Convention
during draft controversy (negative).
Rally in controlled setting; audience screened or selected by campaign.
Willingness to debate
Candidate refuses to debate with major party opponent. Positive.
40. Interview access
Press conference for national press (negative).
"Press availability;" i.e.,, candidate meets informally with group of reporters
On his own initiative, candidate engages in light, non-substantive banter with
reporters (negative).
Interview restrictions
No one in the campaign will respond to queries about sensitive issue, including press
secretary. (positive).
In response to queries from reporters about sensitive issue, the candidate or press
secretary issues statement, but no one will verbally respond to questions. (positive).
Candidate has interview with selected print journalist(s) with restrictions on content.
Candidate refuses request from traveling journalists for press conference (positive).
Media exclusion
Any public or quasi-public event from which reporters are excluded, e.g. fund-raisers.
Campaign creates impediments to reporting of news (e.g., party workers hold up signs
to block picture-taking). (positive).
41. In Chicago, Mitt Romney regaled wealthy donors with a boyhood
memory of volunteering to clean up a litter-strewn football field, the kind
of humanizing tale he typically avoids on the campaign trail.
In Palm Beach, Fla., he walked contributors through a list of the federal
agencies he planned to shut down or combine, a level of specificity he
had not offered to voters.
At a fund-raiser in Wilson, Wyo., he heaped praise on former Vice
President Dick Cheney, aligning himself with an unpopular Republican
presidency in a way he is loath to do in public.
42. Zaller, A Theory of Media Politics
Mystery solved! What looked like partisan bias in press criticism is more
likely press chafing at Republican candidates stricter news management.
43. Zaller, A Theory of Media Politics
What causes what? Zaller finds that, for the most part, candidates attempts to manage
the press caused the press to respond with more negative, press-initiated coverage.