This document provides an overview of 4G mobile technology, comparing it to 3G and 5G technologies. It discusses the technologies that enable 4G such as OFDM and MIMO, and how 4G can provide integrated voice, data and multimedia services with higher data rates than previous generations. Application areas of 4G that could see benefits include government organizations, education, electronics and telecommunications. Advantages include high speeds up to 100Mbps, while limitations include higher battery usage and costs.
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4g mobile technology and it’s comparisons
Prepared By
Sunmeet Singh
CSE – 1
4G Mobile Technology and It’s
2. • Introduction
• Technology Behind 4G
• Comaprison between 3G & 4G
• Comparison between 4G & 5G
• Advantages of 4G
• Limitations of 4G
• Applications of 4G
• Scope of 4G
3. 4G (also known as Beyond 3G), is a term used to
describe the next complete evolution in wireless
communication. A 4G system will be able to provide a
comprehensive IP solution where voice, data and
streamed multimedia can be given to users on an
“Anytime, Anywhere” basis and on higher data rates
than previous generations.
4. 1. OFDM stands for Orthogonal Frequency Division
Multiplexing. It is a technique for squeezing more data onto
the same amount of radio frequency. Data is split up and
sent via small chunks of frequency in parallel, therefore
increasing the capacity of the network.
2. MIMO stands for Multiple-input and multiple-output. It is
another reason 4G is able to provide faster speeds. It is
simply the use of multiple antenna arrays at both the
transmitter and receiver to improve communication
3. Ultra Wide Band Networks Ultra Wideband technology is
an advanced transmission technology that can be used in the
implementation of a 4G network.
Technology Behind 4G
6. 4G Enabled Handsets Availability
Handset Availability
Apple iPhone 5 Out now
HTC One XL Out now
Huawei Ascend P1 LTE Out now
Nokia Lumia 820 LTE Out Now
Nokia Lumia 920 LTE Out Now
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE Out now
Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE Out now
8. Comparison between 3G and 4G
Technology 3G 4G
Deployment 2000/2008 2008/2014
Bandwidth 2Mbps 200Mbps
Technology Broadband
Unified IP and seamless
combo of LAN/
Service Integrated high quality
audio, video & data
Dynamic Information
Acess, Variable devices
Data Transfer Rate 3.1 Mbps 100Mbps
10. Comparison between 4G and 5G
Technology 4G 5G
Deployment 2007/2014 2014/2015
Bandwidth 200Mbps >1Gbps
Technology Unified IP and seamless combo
Service Dynamic Information Acess,
Variable devices
Dynamic Information Acess,
Variable devices with AI
11. 1. Government Organization - With the use of 4G technology the
performance of the organization will improve by:
Reducing cost of travel.
2. Educational Institutions
Wider spectrum of use, quickly tracking student and teacher
3. Electronics Industry
An escalation in demand for new products.
4. Telecommunication Sector
New markets emerge with new demand for technology.
Applications of 4G
12. 1. Data Transfer rate of upto 100Mbps.
2. High browsing speed, download and upload
3. Moblie – TV resolution is very high.
4. High Quality of Service (QOS) and high security.
5. Low cost per bit.
Advantages of 4G
13. 1. Battery Usage is more.
2. Hard to implement.
3. Need complicated hardware.
4. Expensive equipments are required to implement 4G
network. i.e. 4G enabled mobiles are very costly in INDIA(it
cost above Rs.30000).
5. Recharge for 4G services like Internet is also very costly.
Limitations of 4G
14. Bharti Airtel launched India's first 4G service, using TD-LTE
technology, in Kolkata on April 10, 2012.
Bharti Airtel 4G services are available in Kolkata, Bangalore, Pune
and Chandigarh region (The Tricity or Chandigarh region consists of
a major city Chandigarh, Mohali and Panchkula).
RIL is launching 4G services through its subsidiary, Jio Infocomm.
RIL 4G services are currently available only in Jamnagar, where it
is testing the new TD-LTE technology.
Scope of 4G
15. 1. The World in 2010: ICT Facts & Figures. [Online].
2. S. Nigam and P. Siljerud. (August2006). On 4G (fourth–
generationwireless). [Online].
3. 4G Wireless Systems. [Online]:
4. DRouffet, S. Kerboeuf and V. Capdevielle, On 4G Mobile.