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4 Innovation for
the public

Tom Loosemore
15th July 2009
What is 4iP?

4iP is an innovation fund to stimulate public
service digital media across the UK.
In English, that means supporting great ideas for websites, games
and mobile services which help people improve their lives.
4iP funding

 4iP is a three year pilot, with Channel 4 investing 贈20m
 Structural Partners  RDAs committing up to 贈5m in Scotland, Yorkshire
& West Midlands.
Strand Partners  Committing over 贈1m in themed areas Arts Council of
England (Digital Arts) NESTA (Innovation)
4iPs areas of interest
Digital democracy: new ways to let everyone keep an eye on money
and power

Hidden gems: helping people discover stuff which could change their

Amplifying voices: new ways to empower those communities media
couldnt previously reach.

Wise crowds: connecting people who need to know stuff with people
who know it already

Tools to make trouble: developing disruptive media tools, then putting
them in the hands of people that need them most.
How do we decide?
 Will it deliver 4s public purposes?

 Will it stir things up in 4-like fashion?

 Will it meet a user need? Will it scratch an important itch?

 Is it 100% native to digital networks, with its centre of gravity in
participation or collaboration?

 Can it thrive without ongoing financial support from 4iP?

 Can it thrive without cross promotion from linear TV?

 Will it scale well if it attracts a large user base?
4iP principles
Is about this..                 But not this
networks                        broadcast
participation / collaboration   viewing
people                          audiences
open                            closed
evolving                        pre-packaged
less is more                    more is more
catalysing                      ongoing support
conversation                    couch potato
Help Me Investigate

                                   C o lle c t , M o b ilis e &
                                   Udeconstructing and demystifying investigative journalism
                                    n c o v e r
                                    an interactive newspaper which is wholly investigative
                                    providing the tools and platform for ordinary people to organise,
                                      manage and pursue an investigation - developing knowledge
                                      about the structures around them as they go.

Region: West Midlands
Funding partners: C4 & Screen WM
Business model: Partnership with   W h y 4 iP ?
                                    Sourcing the wisdom of the crowd
                                    Holding those in power accountable
                                    Providing tools to make trouble
Key themes: rethinking journalism, tools to make trouble

                                C a p t u r in g & s h a r in g
                                a u d io o n t h e m o v e
                                         AudioBoo is an iPhone application, website and API
                                         AUdioBoo allows users to record and share audio from their
                                          mobile phones
                                         AudioBoo captures the location of the recording making the
                                          recording browsable by location
                                         The API will allow other sites and services to call recordings by
                                          location or subject
Region: LONDON
Funding partners: NONE
Business model: Software as a
service, premium application    W h y 4 iP ?
                                        Being free to the user, AudioBoo champions alternative voices and
                                         fresh perspectives.
                                        With a powerful API the service could be used by any number of
                                         websites to stir things up in a 4 like fashion.
                                        The spoken word is a powerful thing, easily lost. We very rarely
                                         record it, store it or re-use it in any way. Online digital web services
                                         like AudioBoo can address this.
You Booze You Lose
     Key themes: mobile games, health & wealth

                                                           W h a t  s le f t o f y o u r
                                                           liv e r ?
                                                             An iPhone/iTouch game that lets you see whats
                                                             happening now as you drink yourself to death
                                                            Keep track of your alcohol consumption, how much its
                                                             costing your wallet, waistline and liver
                                                            See how much pure alcohol you consumed this week,
                                                             month, year and see whatll happen to you later in life
Region: Scotland
                                                             if you keep it up
Funding partners: C4, Scottish
                                                            Produced by Digital Goldfish Ltd, Dundee
Screen, Scottish Enterprise
Business model: Download
                                                           W h y 4 iP ?
game free in Europe, $0.99
                                                            Fun and engaging way to change peoples lives
                                                            Puts the hardware to work for real, not for gimmicks

         Key themes: amplifying voices , discoverability, health & wealth

                                                       T r ip A d v is o r f o r
                                                       h o s p it a l a n d h e a lt h
                                                       c a r e s e r v ic e s
                                                        Amplifying patient feedback on local hospitals and
                                                        Wisdom of the crowd, helping to improve health
Region: Yorkshire
Funding partners: C4
Business model: Selling patient                        W h y 4 iP ?
feedback to PCTs
                                                        It can thrive without ongoing financial support from 4iP or TV
                                                        Champions alternative voices and fresh perspectives
                                                        To inspire change in people's lives
http://flickr.com/photos/robyn-gallagher/1703065142/    (nicely) making some trouble to help improve
    Key themes: tools to create trouble, discoverability

                               R e o r g a n is in g
                               e A platform a informal learning that connects those with
                                d u c for t io n
                                 something to teach with those wanting to learn
                                4iP is returning, alongside an enviable line-up of angel
                                 investors and the Young Foundation, to fund a second
                                 seed capital round
                                This funding will see the business build revenue
                                 streams and product functionality
Region: London
Funding partners: 4iP, Young
Foundation and assorted        W h y 4 iP ?
business angels                 Huge potential to disrupt traditional means of accessing
Business model: Equity
                                 learning, using the transparency of the internet to empower
                                The platform is underpinned by a management team, board
                                 of directors and business plan geared to growth and
    Key themes: amplifying voices, rethinking journalism

                              T e a c h in g p e o p le t h e
                              p o w e r o f s o c ia l
                              m Aetrainingia that teaches people how to develop a powerful
                                    d course
                                  online voice for their neighbourhood.
                                Its legacy will be hundreds of independent community sites
                                  across the country, owned, maintained and updated by local
                                  volunteers.Its an enduring network of online training materials
                                  for publishing online
Funding partners: YORKSHIRE
UK ONLINE CENTRES             W h y 4 iP ?
Business model: Sponsorship    To stimulate local voices: The emphasis of the sites created will be on locality
                                based websites
                               To enhance a sense of place: Local media binds houses together into
                                communities. Local websites help develop, enhance and maintain a local sense
                                of place and identity.
                               To improve accountability: Giving voices to local activists through local media
                                holds those with money and power to account.
4iP & UnLtd
  Key themes: amplifying voices

                              R e a c h in g n e w id e a s
                              a n d t a le n t a t a
                               Ag r afunded programme t s  at least 60 l
                                  jointly s s r o o to support le v e
                                individuals developing digital media projects in their
                               Spanning two years and four themes; the first of which
                                will be new forms of journalism and civic engagement
Region: England                Combining the digital media expertise of 4iP with
Funding partners: 4iP and       UnLtds extensive local network to fund ideas that might
UnLtd  The Foundation for
                                otherwise never see the light of day
Social Entrepreneurs
Business model: Partnership
with public other fund        W h y 4 iP ?
                               Providing the first break for new digital media talent; giving
                                them an opportunity to make their voices heard whilst
                                improving their communities
    Key themes: amplifying voices , tools to create trouble, journalism

T h e le a d in g o n lin e p la t f o r m f o r t h e p u b lic t o
q u e s t io n a n d r a t e t h o s e w it h p o w e r a n d
in f lu e n c e .
                                              Working within accountability and e-
                                               democracy sector
                                              Provides a solution for all public figures
                                               and bodies to engage, and be seen to
                                               engage, with the public they serve.
 Region: West Midlands
                                              Offers individuals the opportunity to ask
 Funding partners: C4
                                               direct questions theyd never have the
 Business model: Software as a
 service to government                         chance to in person

                                             W h y 4 iP ?
                                              Digital democracy
                                              Amplifying voices
Festivals Edinburgh
     Key themes: amplifying voices , discoverability, mobile games

                                M a k in g t h e
                                w o r ld  s b ig g e s t a r t s
                                f e s t iv a l
                                f e eand Festivals Edinburghsunite ina call to action,
                                   4iP l a lit t le             m a lle r
                                  offering indies a chance to make Edinburghs 12
Region: Scotland                  summer festivals easier to navigate. Starts this Spring.
Funding partners: C4 and         More findable art, comedy, music and theatre
Festivals Edinburgh, Scottish
Business model: none            W h y 4 iP ?
Investment: none                 There are too many hidden gems in Edinburghs world
                                  famous festivals  this helps find them at the right time, for
                                  the right people, in the right place.
                                 Opportunities to harness millions of audience opinions to
                                  reveal true talent

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4iP Introduction - Tom Loosemore

  • 1. 4 Innovation for the public Tom Loosemore 15th July 2009
  • 2. What is 4iP? 4iP is an innovation fund to stimulate public service digital media across the UK. In English, that means supporting great ideas for websites, games and mobile services which help people improve their lives.
  • 3. 4iP funding 4iP is a three year pilot, with Channel 4 investing 贈20m Structural Partners RDAs committing up to 贈5m in Scotland, Yorkshire & West Midlands. Strand Partners Committing over 贈1m in themed areas Arts Council of England (Digital Arts) NESTA (Innovation)
  • 4. 4iPs areas of interest Digital democracy: new ways to let everyone keep an eye on money and power Hidden gems: helping people discover stuff which could change their lives Amplifying voices: new ways to empower those communities media couldnt previously reach. Wise crowds: connecting people who need to know stuff with people who know it already Tools to make trouble: developing disruptive media tools, then putting them in the hands of people that need them most.
  • 5. How do we decide? Will it deliver 4s public purposes? Will it stir things up in 4-like fashion? Will it meet a user need? Will it scratch an important itch? Is it 100% native to digital networks, with its centre of gravity in participation or collaboration? Can it thrive without ongoing financial support from 4iP? Can it thrive without cross promotion from linear TV? Will it scale well if it attracts a large user base?
  • 6. 4iP principles Is about this.. But not this networks broadcast participation / collaboration viewing people audiences open closed evolving pre-packaged less is more more is more catalysing ongoing support conversation couch potato
  • 8. Help Me Investigate HelpMeInvestigate.com C o lle c t , M o b ilis e & Udeconstructing and demystifying investigative journalism n c o v e r an interactive newspaper which is wholly investigative providing the tools and platform for ordinary people to organise, manage and pursue an investigation - developing knowledge about the structures around them as they go. Region: West Midlands Funding partners: C4 & Screen WM Business model: Partnership with W h y 4 iP ? newspaper Sourcing the wisdom of the crowd Holding those in power accountable Providing tools to make trouble
  • 9. AUDIOBOO Key themes: rethinking journalism, tools to make trouble C a p t u r in g & s h a r in g a u d io o n t h e m o v e AudioBoo is an iPhone application, website and API AUdioBoo allows users to record and share audio from their mobile phones AudioBoo captures the location of the recording making the recording browsable by location The API will allow other sites and services to call recordings by location or subject Region: LONDON Funding partners: NONE Business model: Software as a service, premium application W h y 4 iP ? Being free to the user, AudioBoo champions alternative voices and fresh perspectives. With a powerful API the service could be used by any number of websites to stir things up in a 4 like fashion. The spoken word is a powerful thing, easily lost. We very rarely record it, store it or re-use it in any way. Online digital web services like AudioBoo can address this.
  • 10. You Booze You Lose Key themes: mobile games, health & wealth W h a t s le f t o f y o u r liv e r ? An iPhone/iTouch game that lets you see whats happening now as you drink yourself to death Keep track of your alcohol consumption, how much its costing your wallet, waistline and liver See how much pure alcohol you consumed this week, month, year and see whatll happen to you later in life Region: Scotland if you keep it up Funding partners: C4, Scottish Produced by Digital Goldfish Ltd, Dundee Screen, Scottish Enterprise Business model: Download W h y 4 iP ? game free in Europe, $0.99 Fun and engaging way to change peoples lives R.O.W Puts the hardware to work for real, not for gimmicks http://www.flickr.com/photos/studiobeeldruis/2352913120/
  • 11. PatientOpinion.org Key themes: amplifying voices , discoverability, health & wealth T r ip A d v is o r f o r h o s p it a l a n d h e a lt h c a r e s e r v ic e s Amplifying patient feedback on local hospitals and services Wisdom of the crowd, helping to improve health services Region: Yorkshire Funding partners: C4 Business model: Selling patient W h y 4 iP ? feedback to PCTs It can thrive without ongoing financial support from 4iP or TV promotion Champions alternative voices and fresh perspectives To inspire change in people's lives http://flickr.com/photos/robyn-gallagher/1703065142/ (nicely) making some trouble to help improve
  • 12. SchoolofEverything.com Key themes: tools to create trouble, discoverability R e o r g a n is in g e A platform a informal learning that connects those with d u c for t io n something to teach with those wanting to learn 4iP is returning, alongside an enviable line-up of angel investors and the Young Foundation, to fund a second seed capital round This funding will see the business build revenue streams and product functionality Region: London Funding partners: 4iP, Young Foundation and assorted W h y 4 iP ? business angels Huge potential to disrupt traditional means of accessing Business model: Equity learning, using the transparency of the internet to empower choice The platform is underpinned by a management team, board of directors and business plan geared to growth and
  • 13. TALK ABOUT LOCAL Key themes: amplifying voices, rethinking journalism T e a c h in g p e o p le t h e p o w e r o f s o c ia l m Aetrainingia that teaches people how to develop a powerful d course online voice for their neighbourhood. Its legacy will be hundreds of independent community sites across the country, owned, maintained and updated by local volunteers.Its an enduring network of online training materials for publishing online Region: NATIONAL Funding partners: YORKSHIRE UK ONLINE CENTRES W h y 4 iP ? Business model: Sponsorship To stimulate local voices: The emphasis of the sites created will be on locality based websites To enhance a sense of place: Local media binds houses together into communities. Local websites help develop, enhance and maintain a local sense of place and identity. To improve accountability: Giving voices to local activists through local media holds those with money and power to account.
  • 14. 4iP & UnLtd Key themes: amplifying voices R e a c h in g n e w id e a s a n d t a le n t a t a Ag r afunded programme t s at least 60 l jointly s s r o o to support le v e individuals developing digital media projects in their communities Spanning two years and four themes; the first of which will be new forms of journalism and civic engagement Region: England Combining the digital media expertise of 4iP with Funding partners: 4iP and UnLtds extensive local network to fund ideas that might UnLtd The Foundation for otherwise never see the light of day Social Entrepreneurs Business model: Partnership with public other fund W h y 4 iP ? Providing the first break for new digital media talent; giving them an opportunity to make their voices heard whilst improving their communities
  • 15. Yoosk Key themes: amplifying voices , tools to create trouble, journalism T h e le a d in g o n lin e p la t f o r m f o r t h e p u b lic t o q u e s t io n a n d r a t e t h o s e w it h p o w e r a n d in f lu e n c e . Working within accountability and e- democracy sector Provides a solution for all public figures and bodies to engage, and be seen to engage, with the public they serve. Region: West Midlands Offers individuals the opportunity to ask Funding partners: C4 direct questions theyd never have the Business model: Software as a service to government chance to in person W h y 4 iP ? Digital democracy Amplifying voices
  • 16. Festivals Edinburgh Key themes: amplifying voices , discoverability, mobile games M a k in g t h e w o r ld s b ig g e s t a r t s f e s t iv a l f e eand Festivals Edinburghsunite ina call to action, 4iP l a lit t le m a lle r offering indies a chance to make Edinburghs 12 Region: Scotland summer festivals easier to navigate. Starts this Spring. Funding partners: C4 and More findable art, comedy, music and theatre Festivals Edinburgh, Scottish Screen Business model: none W h y 4 iP ? Investment: none There are too many hidden gems in Edinburghs world famous festivals this helps find them at the right time, for the right people, in the right place. Opportunities to harness millions of audience opinions to reveal true talent