This slide shows the 4P's of marketing with reference to Cadbury. The marketing mix has been explained with the animation of product, price, place and promotion.
3. Product
Refers to the goods and services you offer to your customer.
Product Attributes:
Some people really want quality vs. others that dont really matter.
How will your product/service differ from the competition?
How is it going to look?
Consumers often will purchase because it looks cool
What is the Warranty of your Product?
5. Price
Price refers to how much you charge for your product or service.
Must consider the costs of all the inputs (materials, labour, etc)
Mark-up Price How much profit do you want to make on every
Different Pricing Strategies
Competitive basing your prices on those of the competition
Penetration pricing low just to get some business for new entrants.
Bundle putting the product with another item and bundling the
Skimming product at high price for affluent customers.
Psychological based on price that looks better. For eg: Rs 199.99
looks better than Rs 200.
7. Place
Simply refers to how & where you are going to sell the product
to the consumer
Direct Distribution selling your product directly to the
Brick & Mortar vs. Virtual Store
Indirect Distribution sold through a 3rd party
What retailers are the best for reaching your Target Market?
Market Coverage:
Intensive Distribution
Selective Distribution
Exclusive Distribution
8. Promotion
Promotion refers to the advertising and selling part of marketing.
It is how you let people know what you have got for sale.
A successful product or service means nothing unless the benefit
of that product/service can be communicated to the Target
Celebrities endorsements.
The big factor that has pushed up cdm sales is the Amitabh
Bachchan campaign. Cadbury appointed Amitabh
Bachchan as its brand ambassador.