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March 2019
Hamburg, Germany
 How to best prepare for the unplanned outage
 Smart Grids & Outage Management
 Monitoring weaknesses exposed by guidelines to identify the main
vulnerability areas within the organization
 Achieving top performance in customer satisfaction, restoration speed
and restoration cost
 How to use analytics for improving the reliability and safety of network
Kostas Stamatis
Policy Officer  Smart
Grids, DG ENER
EU Commission
Pedro Trindade
Network Services
EDP Distribui巽達o
Jussi Vuorinen
Power quality specialist
Hellen Electricity
Frans Campfens
Principal Consultant
Energy Consulting
Qirion (part of Alliander)
Alberto Guerra
Head of Operations &
Ana Filipa Ribeiro
Project Manager /
Mission Critical
Development Unit
EDP Distribui巽達o
Selina Sihvonen
Process Coordinator
for Fault Repair
Rick Poulussen
Electric System
Esa 辰rynen
Network Analyst, Asset
Management and
Helga J坦hannsd坦ttir
Managing Director of
Simon rdal Aarseth
Senior Engineer
Hafslund Nett
Anna Lilly Brodersson*
Asset Management
Petr Lang
Project Manager/
DAY ONEThursday 21st
of March 2019
08.30	 Registration & Morning Coffee
09.00	 Opening Address from the Chairman
09.15	 New Directive for DSOs
 Involvement of DSO in Flexibility
Kostas Stamatis
Policy Officer  Smart Grids, DG ENER
EU Commission
10.00	 Long Term Planning and Investments
 Measuring asset life cycle
 Data driven models to for risk optimisation
 Long term Asset planning and ISO 55000s
Petr Lang
Project Manager/Innovations
10.45	 Coffee & Networking Break
11.15	 Data in Long Term Asset Management
 Data quality  asset data in key role
 Using data for long term planning and investment
 Reducing overlap of maintenance and investments
 Effects to outages and network reliability
Esa 辰rynen
Network Analyst, Asset Management and Modeling
12.00	 Asset Health Index
 A consistent way to compare the overall asset health
of assets using Big Data and predictive analytics
 Data-driven repair and replacement decisions based
on the facts
 Digitalization aspects
 Best practices of preventive analytics
Anna Lilly Brodersson*
Asset Management Analyst
12.45	 Lunch & Networking Break
13.45	 Identifying the Main Vulnerability Areas within the
 How to identify the most vulnerable parts in the
 How training and maintenance times can be reduced
while simultaneously improving safety and quality?
14.30	 Operational Plan for Crisis Actuation
 Service replenishment team management
 Practical experience in major disturbances
 Crisis management communication
 Continuous improvement and training
Pedro Trindade
Director of Network Services
EDP Distribui巽達o
15.15	 Coffee & Networking Break
15.30	 End-to-end Outage Management Process
 Outage management in the MV (medium voltage) and
HV (high voltage) networks
 Transparent actions and information flows between
the control room, field crews and customers
 Real-time data, efficiency of operations and top-notch
situational awareness
Selina Sihvonen
Process Coordinator for Fault Repair
16.15	 Crisis Communication and Customer Approach
 How to communicate with customers during an
 How to design around the problem
 Support channels
Simon rdal Aarseth
Senior Engineer
Hafslund Nett
17.00	 End of Day One  Closing word from the Chairman
Does your company have services, solutions
or油technologies that the conference delegates
would benefit from knowing about?
If so, you can find out more about the exhibiting,
networking and branding opportunities available
by contacting our sponsorship division.
Check our website for more details
For more information on our upcoming
events visit us at:
DAY TWOFriday 22nd
of March 2019
08.45	 Morning Coffee
09.00	 Risk Analysis and Management in Power Outage and
Restoration  Past as the Indication of the Future
 Analyzing historical outage incidents in order to
better understand vulnerabilities and subsequently
inform more effective prevention and emergency
response strategies
 Outage-prediction models
 Tools for risk visualization
Rick Poulussen
Electric System Responsible
09.45	 Increasing Awareness through Cloud Analytics on
Telecom and Asset Events
 A tool to support decision-making based on events,
logs and measures from LV equipment;
 An outage predictive model
 Increasing value for smart grids (LV)
 Improving efficiency and optimizing equipment
maintenance plan through variable correlation analysis
and machine learning algorithms
Ana Filipa Ribeiro
Project Manager /Mission Critical Application
Development Unit
EDP Distribui巽達o
10.30	 Coffee & Networking Break
11.00	 Cyber Security - An Evolving Threat
 Tools for minimizing the risk
 Evolving business and technology parameters
 What are the security requirements for future power
distribution business planning?
Reserved for Sponsorship
11.45	 Benefits of Technology Applied to Outage
 Advanced Distribution Management System
 HV Dynamic Line Rating
 MV automation
 Smart metering data integration in ADMS
Alberto Guerra Santiago
Head of Operations & Maintenance
12.30	 Lunch & Networking Break
13.30	 Optimize the Application of Different Technologies in
the MV-Grid to Reduce Outages (SAIDI, SAIFI)
 Challenge: What is the optimal choice of the
combination of the available digital components
 Given: Multiple digital components available for the
best combination
 But: What is the best combination (the fishing pond
 Building a model: Calculate ALL combinations
 User interface: Click and Drag
 Business benefits: Evidence based support for policy
making & grid planning
Frans Campfens
Principal Consultant Energy Consulting
Qirion (part of Alliander)
14.15	 Cable vs. overhead fault fixing
 Dealing with outages in severe weather conditions
 Ice on power lines
 Workforce management - Mobilizing proactively,
efficiently, and only when necessary
Helga J坦hannsd坦ttir
Managing Director of Operations
15.00	 Coffee & Networking Break
15.30	 Secondary Substation Automation
 Background and implementation of secondary
substation automation
 Benefits and challenges of secondary substation
 Future plans
Jussi Vuorinen
Power quality specialist
Helen Electricity Networks
16.15	 Current Innovations and its Impact on the Outage
 What are the innovations we could use to make the
system more reliable?
 What tool might would help to locate the problem?
 Sharing opinions on the last innovations and their
17.00	 Closing Word from Chairman & Close of Conference
We accept following cards:
All prices are represented in EURO
End User Delegate
Two Days Conference + Online Documentation Package
Please select a booking option
Vendor Delegate
Two Days Conference + Online Documentation Package 2999
Online Documentation Only 899
TBM Evolution is aware of the continuously changing business environment,
and油we strive to support you with a flexible approach when it comes to any
changes in attendance or cancellation of your registration at our events. However,
please keep in mind that we cover expenses for each attendee well in advance
of the event and油thus must strictly adhere to the outlined payment, cancellation
and refund policy as part of the TBM Evolutions standard terms and conditions.
Payment Terms: Upon completion and return of the signed registration form, full
payment is required no later than within five (5) business days from the date of
registration. Payment must be received prior to the conference date, otherwise
TBM Evolution reserves the right to refuse attendance of the event.
Cancellation, Postponement and Substitution Policy: Non-payment or non-
attendance does not constitute cancellation. All bookings carry a 50% cancellation
liability immediately after a signed registration form has been received by TBM
Evolution. Provided the total fee has been paid, substitutions at no extra charge
are possible up to seven (7) days prior to the event. For any cancellations received
in writing, no less than seven (7) days prior to the event, or in the event that TBM
Evolution cancels an event for any reason, the attending party will receive a 100%
credit note to be used at any other TBM Evolution event occurring within 12油months
from the date of issuance of such a credit note.
TBM Evolution carries no liability in the event of extraordinary circumstances,
independent upon such as Act of God, natural disasters, war, or due to other
limitations to the normal flow of business of the companies that directly affected
the油execution of obligations under these terms and conditions.
Unforeseen circumstances might dictate substitutions, or cancellations of
the油speakers and/or topics.
TBM Evolution reserves the right to modify the panel of speakers and/or topics
if necessary without any liability whatsoever. Notification of any substitutions or
alterations to the event agenda will be sent to each delegate as soon as possible.
Copyright etc.: All intellectual property rights of all the materials produced or
distributed by TBM Evolution in connection with the event is expressly reserved
and any unauthorized duplication, publication or distribution is prohibited.
Governing law: This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance
with the law of the Czech Republic and the parties submit to the exclusive
Jurisdiction of the油Czech Courts in Prague. However TBM Evolution only is entitled
to waive this right and submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in which the Clients
office is located.
Delegate Fee includes: full conference participation, online
documentation, participation in油panels and油round tables, all meals
and油refreshments during油the油conference.
Conference Name: 4th Outage Management Forum for DSO's
Dates: 21-22 March 2019
Venue: Hamburg, Germany
1. Name:___________________________________________
2. Name:___________________________________________
3. Name:___________________________________________
4. Name:___________________________________________
5. Name:___________________________________________
6. Name:___________________________________________
The information bellow is mandatory and it will be stated on the receipt.
City: __________________ Postcode: _________________
VAT no.:____________________________________________
Signature: __________________________________________
Card Holders Name:_________________________________
Card Number:_______________________________________
Expiry Date:_________________________________________
For booking send completed form by email scanned to:
Mr. Tom Hagen
+420 234 697 585

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4th annual outage management forum for dso's(3)

  • 1. OUTAGE MANAGEMENT FORUM FOR DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM OPERATORS 4TH ANNUAL 21st 22nd March 2019 Hamburg, Germany FEATURED How to best prepare for the unplanned outage Smart Grids & Outage Management Monitoring weaknesses exposed by guidelines to identify the main vulnerability areas within the organization Achieving top performance in customer satisfaction, restoration speed and restoration cost How to use analytics for improving the reliability and safety of network operation SPEAKER PANEL Kostas Stamatis Policy Officer Smart Grids, DG ENER EU Commission Pedro Trindade Network Services Directorate EDP Distribui巽達o Jussi Vuorinen Power quality specialist Hellen Electricity Network Frans Campfens Principal Consultant Energy Consulting Qirion (part of Alliander) Alberto Guerra Santiago Head of Operations & Maintenance Viesgo Ana Filipa Ribeiro Project Manager / Mission Critical Application Development Unit EDP Distribui巽達o Selina Sihvonen Process Coordinator for Fault Repair Elenia Rick Poulussen Electric System Responsible Enexis Esa 辰rynen Network Analyst, Asset Management and Modeling Caruna Helga J坦hannsd坦ttir Managing Director of Operations RARIK Simon rdal Aarseth Senior Engineer Hafslund Nett Anna Lilly Brodersson* Asset Management Analyst Vattenfall Petr Lang Project Manager/ Innovations E.ON When Where
  • 2. DAY ONEThursday 21st of March 2019 ASSET HEALTH & OUTAGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS 08.30 Registration & Morning Coffee 09.00 Opening Address from the Chairman 09.15 New Directive for DSOs Involvement of DSO in Flexibility Kostas Stamatis Policy Officer Smart Grids, DG ENER EU Commission 10.00 Long Term Planning and Investments Measuring asset life cycle Data driven models to for risk optimisation Long term Asset planning and ISO 55000s Petr Lang Project Manager/Innovations E.ON 10.45 Coffee & Networking Break 11.15 Data in Long Term Asset Management Data quality asset data in key role Using data for long term planning and investment allocation Reducing overlap of maintenance and investments Effects to outages and network reliability Esa 辰rynen Network Analyst, Asset Management and Modeling Caruna 12.00 Asset Health Index A consistent way to compare the overall asset health of assets using Big Data and predictive analytics Data-driven repair and replacement decisions based on the facts Digitalization aspects Best practices of preventive analytics Anna Lilly Brodersson* Asset Management Analyst Vattenfall 12.45 Lunch & Networking Break PANEL DISCUSSION: 13.45 Identifying the Main Vulnerability Areas within the Organization How to identify the most vulnerable parts in the structure? How training and maintenance times can be reduced while simultaneously improving safety and quality? 14.30 Operational Plan for Crisis Actuation Service replenishment team management Practical experience in major disturbances Crisis management communication Continuous improvement and training Pedro Trindade Director of Network Services EDP Distribui巽達o 15.15 Coffee & Networking Break 15.30 End-to-end Outage Management Process Outage management in the MV (medium voltage) and HV (high voltage) networks Transparent actions and information flows between the control room, field crews and customers Real-time data, efficiency of operations and top-notch situational awareness Selina Sihvonen Process Coordinator for Fault Repair Elenia 16.15 Crisis Communication and Customer Approach How to communicate with customers during an outage How to design around the problem Support channels Simon rdal Aarseth Senior Engineer Hafslund Nett 17.00 End of Day One Closing word from the Chairman BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES Does your company have services, solutions or油technologies that the conference delegates would benefit from knowing about? If so, you can find out more about the exhibiting, networking and branding opportunities available by contacting our sponsorship division. Check our website for more details www.tbmgroup.eu
  • 3. For more information on our upcoming events visit us at: www.tbmgroup.eu DAY TWOFriday 22nd of March 2019 IMPROVING EFFICIENCY & DISCOVERING TOOLS 08.45 Morning Coffee 09.00 Risk Analysis and Management in Power Outage and Restoration Past as the Indication of the Future Analyzing historical outage incidents in order to better understand vulnerabilities and subsequently inform more effective prevention and emergency response strategies Outage-prediction models Tools for risk visualization Rick Poulussen Electric System Responsible Enexis 09.45 Increasing Awareness through Cloud Analytics on Telecom and Asset Events A tool to support decision-making based on events, logs and measures from LV equipment; An outage predictive model Increasing value for smart grids (LV) Improving efficiency and optimizing equipment maintenance plan through variable correlation analysis and machine learning algorithms Ana Filipa Ribeiro Project Manager /Mission Critical Application Development Unit EDP Distribui巽達o 10.30 Coffee & Networking Break 11.00 Cyber Security - An Evolving Threat Tools for minimizing the risk Evolving business and technology parameters What are the security requirements for future power distribution business planning? Reserved for Sponsorship 11.45 Benefits of Technology Applied to Outage Management Advanced Distribution Management System HV Dynamic Line Rating MV automation Smart metering data integration in ADMS Alberto Guerra Santiago Head of Operations & Maintenance Viesgo 12.30 Lunch & Networking Break 13.30 Optimize the Application of Different Technologies in the MV-Grid to Reduce Outages (SAIDI, SAIFI) Challenge: What is the optimal choice of the combination of the available digital components Given: Multiple digital components available for the best combination But: What is the best combination (the fishing pond model) Building a model: Calculate ALL combinations User interface: Click and Drag Business benefits: Evidence based support for policy making & grid planning Frans Campfens Principal Consultant Energy Consulting Qirion (part of Alliander) 14.15 Cable vs. overhead fault fixing Dealing with outages in severe weather conditions Ice on power lines Workforce management - Mobilizing proactively, efficiently, and only when necessary Helga J坦hannsd坦ttir Managing Director of Operations RARIK 15.00 Coffee & Networking Break 15.30 Secondary Substation Automation Background and implementation of secondary substation automation Benefits and challenges of secondary substation automation Future plans Jussi Vuorinen Power quality specialist Helen Electricity Networks PANEL DISCUSSION: 16.15 Current Innovations and its Impact on the Outage Management What are the innovations we could use to make the system more reliable? What tool might would help to locate the problem? Sharing opinions on the last innovations and their impacts 17.00 Closing Word from Chairman & Close of Conference
  • 4. We accept following cards: All prices are represented in EURO REGISTRATION FORM End User Delegate Two Days Conference + Online Documentation Package Please select a booking option 2499 Vendor Delegate Two Days Conference + Online Documentation Package 2999 Online Documentation Only 899 TBM Evolution is aware of the continuously changing business environment, and油we strive to support you with a flexible approach when it comes to any changes in attendance or cancellation of your registration at our events. However, please keep in mind that we cover expenses for each attendee well in advance of the event and油thus must strictly adhere to the outlined payment, cancellation and refund policy as part of the TBM Evolutions standard terms and conditions. Payment Terms: Upon completion and return of the signed registration form, full payment is required no later than within five (5) business days from the date of registration. Payment must be received prior to the conference date, otherwise TBM Evolution reserves the right to refuse attendance of the event. Cancellation, Postponement and Substitution Policy: Non-payment or non- attendance does not constitute cancellation. All bookings carry a 50% cancellation liability immediately after a signed registration form has been received by TBM Evolution. Provided the total fee has been paid, substitutions at no extra charge are possible up to seven (7) days prior to the event. For any cancellations received in writing, no less than seven (7) days prior to the event, or in the event that TBM Evolution cancels an event for any reason, the attending party will receive a 100% credit note to be used at any other TBM Evolution event occurring within 12油months from the date of issuance of such a credit note. TBM Evolution carries no liability in the event of extraordinary circumstances, independent upon such as Act of God, natural disasters, war, or due to other limitations to the normal flow of business of the companies that directly affected the油execution of obligations under these terms and conditions. Unforeseen circumstances might dictate substitutions, or cancellations of the油speakers and/or topics. TBM Evolution reserves the right to modify the panel of speakers and/or topics if necessary without any liability whatsoever. Notification of any substitutions or alterations to the event agenda will be sent to each delegate as soon as possible. Copyright etc.: All intellectual property rights of all the materials produced or distributed by TBM Evolution in connection with the event is expressly reserved and any unauthorized duplication, publication or distribution is prohibited. Governing law: This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the law of the Czech Republic and the parties submit to the exclusive Jurisdiction of the油Czech Courts in Prague. However TBM Evolution only is entitled to waive this right and submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in which the Clients office is located. Delegate Fee includes: full conference participation, online documentation, participation in油panels and油round tables, all meals and油refreshments during油the油conference. Conference Name: 4th Outage Management Forum for DSO's Dates: 21-22 March 2019 Venue: Hamburg, Germany 1. Name:___________________________________________ Position:_________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________ 2. Name:___________________________________________ Position:_________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________ 3. Name:___________________________________________ Position:_________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________ 4. Name:___________________________________________ Position:_________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________ 5. Name:___________________________________________ Position:_________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________ 6. Name:___________________________________________ Position:_________________________________________ E-mail:___________________________________________ The information bellow is mandatory and it will be stated on the receipt. Organisation:________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________ City: __________________ Postcode: _________________ Phone:_____________________________________________ Date:_______________________________________________ VAT no.:____________________________________________ Signature: __________________________________________ Card Holders Name:_________________________________ Signature:__________________________________________ Card Number:_______________________________________ Expiry Date:_________________________________________ For booking send completed form by email scanned to: Mr. Tom Hagen +420 234 697 585 hagen@tbmgroup.eu