The document thanks God for the day, for his provision, protection, love, and guidance. It asks God to help students focus on their learning and inspire them through his spirit as they listen, write, and discover more about the world, concluding with "Amen."
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4th quarter cot
3. Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you
for today. Thank you for ways in which
you provide for us all. For Your
protection and love we thank you. Help
us to focus our hearts and minds now on
what we are about to learn. Inspire us by
Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we
discover more about the world around
us. We ask all this in the name of Jesus.
7. Learning Outcome. 4 Plate/Present fish and
and seafood dishes
4.1 prepare and present fish and
seafood dishes
4.2 perform guidelines in serving fish
and seafood dishes
30. • For the chef, it allows many
creative possibilities, a chance
to stamp their identity on the
menu and create a signature
31. •A way to reintroduce
flavors that work well
together, and present
them in a unique
32. •From the management
side it can be a simple way
to upscale ingredients and
justify a higher price per
33. • Diners will also enjoy a
better experience with a
stunning plate of food
appealing to their visual
taste as well as their palette.
34. 1. Create a framework
Fundamental of
ï‚· Start with actual
drawings before
experimenting with
real food on a
Sketch out your
presentation to help
you visualize the
final plate.
36. Fundamental of
• 1. Balance – select foods and garnishes that offer variety
and contrast
• color – two or three colors on a plate
• shapes – variety of shapes
• textures – variety of textures
• flavors –
37. Balance
•Play with colors and shapes and try
combining them – round shapes, cones,
rods, etc.
•Provide a variety of texture. A mix
creates an exciting variety of mouthfeel
39. 3.
•A nutritionally-balanced dish
with the right proportion of
protein, carbohydrates and
vegetables on the plate.
•An adequately-sized dish
that is well proportioned to
the dimensions of the plate.
40. What are the basic composition of food?
41. Guidelines to help plating attractive
• 1. Keep food off the rim of the plate.
• 2. Arrange the items for the convenience of the customer.
• 3. Keep space between items. Each item should have its own identity.
• 4. Maintain unity. Create a center of attention and relate everything
to it
• 5. Make every component count.
• 6. Add gravy or sauce attractively.
• 7. Keep it simple.
42. Scoring Rubric
CRITERIA 5 points 3
1 point
Product Appearance
ï‚· Color combination
ï‚· Balance
ï‚· Attractive and appetizing
Quality of Work (neatly done)
Time (Finish the task before the given time)
43. POINTS EARNED Descriptive Rating
21-25 Excellent
16-20 Very Satisfactory
11-15 Satisfactory
6-10 Fare
1-9 Needs Improvement
•What is food plating?
•What are the fundamentals of plating and
presenting food menu?
•What are the principles of art that should be
used when plating seafood dishes?
46. Let’s Check it Out
• Written Test
• Direction: Answer the following questions.
• It is any form of sea life regarded as food by humans.
• It includes various species of mollusks, crustaceans, and echinoderms.
• It is the process of arranging and decorating food to enhance its
• What is the most important factor when plating seafood dishes?
• What is being highlighted when plating seafood dishes?
47. Compare your answer
•Answer Key:
•Food plating
•Balance and design
•Main ingredients