The Abolition of TestMatt MansellTest as it stands in many organisations is increasingly unfit for purpose. It is often seen as a cost centre not a value add service. Why? Because having separate Test groups leads to the abdication of quality responsibility by everyone else in the lifecycle. With changes in processes, increase maturity and availability of tools to optimise delivery Test is in danger of becoming obsolete. And so it should! Test is dying but we need more testing than ever before.
Marshall Cassidy : VOCALSpin : Horse Around - The Saratoga SongVOCAL SPINMarshall Cassidy is a singer, songwriter, composer, and manager of VOCALSpin Music Group. He has written and performed several country songs, including "My Dream Girl", "Ugly Like Me", and "Happy as a Wanna-Be". Cassidy is looking for either a beginner or experienced singer to perform one of his songs. He provides lyrics, vocals, and instrumental tracks. In addition to his music career, Cassidy races horses and has written songs about horse racing such as "Horse Around" and "The Sundance Kids".
How to manage cms pages in MagentoKetan RavalCMS pages are static pages like the homepage and about us page that provide store information. To create a new CMS page, select CMS > Pages > Manage Content from the admin panel. Enter the page title, URL, store view, and status. Edit the content and design, including layout, custom theme, and meta data. Meta data includes keywords and descriptions that search engines use to index the page.
Marshall Cassidy : VOCALSpin : SunnyVOCAL SPINThis document profiles Marshall Cassidy, a songwriter, composer, singer, and manager of VOCALSpin Music Group. It provides biographical information on Cassidy and lists several songs he has written, composed, and performed, including "My Dream Girl", "Ugly Like Me", and "Happy as a Wanna-Be". It also includes the full lyrics to his song "Sunny" which tells the story of his mother gifting him his first guitar.
Amy LonglongfamphotoLong Family Photography offers a variety of portrait services including family portraits, senior portraits, prom portraits, bridal portraits, maternity portraits, infant portraits, equine portraits, and rodeo pictures.
Top assessment2Liriett HerreraThe document proposes a new assessment system for the English Department at the University of Panama to better evaluate student learning and achievement. It recommends implementing annual diagnostic assessments of students' language skills, as well as assessments after completing individual subjects. Students scoring low would receive reinforcement lessons. The proposal also suggests administering standardized English proficiency exams to assess students and ensure they meet the required language level upon graduating. Record keeping of student progress reports would help ensure a coherent vertical assessment system is in place.
The Abolition of TestMatt MansellTest as it stands in many organisations is increasingly unfit for purpose. It is often seen as a cost centre not a value add service. Why? Because having separate Test groups leads to the abdication of quality responsibility by everyone else in the lifecycle. With changes in processes, increase maturity and availability of tools to optimise delivery Test is in danger of becoming obsolete. And so it should! Test is dying but we need more testing than ever before.
Marshall Cassidy : VOCALSpin : Horse Around - The Saratoga SongVOCAL SPINMarshall Cassidy is a singer, songwriter, composer, and manager of VOCALSpin Music Group. He has written and performed several country songs, including "My Dream Girl", "Ugly Like Me", and "Happy as a Wanna-Be". Cassidy is looking for either a beginner or experienced singer to perform one of his songs. He provides lyrics, vocals, and instrumental tracks. In addition to his music career, Cassidy races horses and has written songs about horse racing such as "Horse Around" and "The Sundance Kids".
How to manage cms pages in MagentoKetan RavalCMS pages are static pages like the homepage and about us page that provide store information. To create a new CMS page, select CMS > Pages > Manage Content from the admin panel. Enter the page title, URL, store view, and status. Edit the content and design, including layout, custom theme, and meta data. Meta data includes keywords and descriptions that search engines use to index the page.
Marshall Cassidy : VOCALSpin : SunnyVOCAL SPINThis document profiles Marshall Cassidy, a songwriter, composer, singer, and manager of VOCALSpin Music Group. It provides biographical information on Cassidy and lists several songs he has written, composed, and performed, including "My Dream Girl", "Ugly Like Me", and "Happy as a Wanna-Be". It also includes the full lyrics to his song "Sunny" which tells the story of his mother gifting him his first guitar.
Amy LonglongfamphotoLong Family Photography offers a variety of portrait services including family portraits, senior portraits, prom portraits, bridal portraits, maternity portraits, infant portraits, equine portraits, and rodeo pictures.
Top assessment2Liriett HerreraThe document proposes a new assessment system for the English Department at the University of Panama to better evaluate student learning and achievement. It recommends implementing annual diagnostic assessments of students' language skills, as well as assessments after completing individual subjects. Students scoring low would receive reinforcement lessons. The proposal also suggests administering standardized English proficiency exams to assess students and ensure they meet the required language level upon graduating. Record keeping of student progress reports would help ensure a coherent vertical assessment system is in place.
Tipy predlozheny v_russkom_yazykeOksana RuzaevaЗадание 1. Модуль получения информации.
Рузаевой Оксаны Валерьевны, 4 курс заочного отделения факультета журналистики МГУ.
Limited Andrew ChihmanThis is my first presentation, I have never been doing this before. It took me less then 1 day to understand how works the powerpoint and made that. This is about how to increase the level of English and other similar information. Sorry but only in Russian.
1. Вводные слова – слова или словосочетания,
Вводные слова – слова или словосочетания,
при помощи которых собеседник выражает
при помощи которых собеседник выражает
свое отношение к высказыванию
свое отношение к высказыванию
НЕ являются членами предложения
НЕ являются членами предложения
Их можно «выкинуть» из предложения, и
Их можно «выкинуть» из предложения, и
смысл его не изменится
смысл его не изменится
На письме вводные слова всегда выделяются
На письме вводные слова всегда выделяются
2. 1.
Группы вводных слов по
уверенность и неуверенность
Вводные слова
конечно, очевидно, разумеется,
наверное, возможно, вероятно,
может быть
Выражающие чувства говорящего
(радость, сожаление)
Указывающие на связь мыслей,
последовательность изложения
к счастью, к несчастью, к сожалению,
к удивлению
между прочим, в общем, кроме того,
например, кстати сказать, во-первых,
Указывающие на приёмы и
способы оформления мысли
Указывающие на источник
Представляющие собой призыв к
собеседнику или читателю, с
целью привлечь его внимание
одним словом, иными словами, иначе
говорят, по словам…, по моему
мнению, по-моему, на мой взгляд
видишь (ли), поймите, поверьте,
послушайте, согласитесь, вообразите,
представьте себе, извините, простите
3. Знаки препинания при вводных словах
Знаки препинания при вводных словах
[вв.сл., …]. ПП
[…,вв.сл., …].ПП
4. Обращение – слова или словосочетания,
Обращение – слова или словосочетания,
которые называют того, к кому обращаются
которые называют того, к кому обращаются
Обращение всегда выражено ИС в Им.п.
Обращение всегда выражено ИС в Им.п.
Обращение необходимо отличать от
Обращение необходимо отличать от
А) Не входит в грамматическую основу
А) Не входит в грамматическую основу
Б) Не является членом предложения
Б) Не является членом предложения
В) Произносится со звательной интонацией
В) Произносится со звательной интонацией
На письме обращение всегда выделяется
На письме обращение всегда выделяется
5. Знаки препинания при обращении
Знаки препинания при обращении
[О, …]. ПП
[…,О, …]. ПП
[…,О]. ПП
[О! …]. ПП
6. Знаки препинания при сравнительных оборотах
Знаки препинания при сравнительных оборотах
7. Знаки препинания при сравнительных оборотах
Знаки препинания при сравнительных оборотах