The admissions process for Mercy Home for Boys & Girls has four steps: 1) Referrals are made by community members like teachers or social workers, 2) An informational visit is conducted to outline the program, 3) An assessment includes academic testing and interviews to evaluate needs and fit, 4) Acceptance decisions are made based on motivation and whether Mercy Home can meet the child's needs through partnership with families.
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The Admissions Process
1. The Admissions Process
There are four basic steps involved in entering Mercy Home for Boys & Girls.
Contact or Referral
We reach out to people in the community who may know of an at-risk child who
needs a fresh start. Teachers, school guidance counselors, parents and other relatives,
social service professionalsany caring adult who recognizes a childs cry for help can
make a referral to Mercy Home by calling 312-738-7590.
Informational Visit
A representative from our Admissions program will outline for the child and the
childs family the services offered. We answer any questions about Mercy Home and
explain what is expected of the youth and the youths family. And, we provide them
with our handbook of rules and information which they must read and understand
prior to placement.
If the family wishes to seek placement at Mercy Home for the youth, we will
schedule an assessment that consists of academic testing and personal interviews.
Academic TestingA brief series of tests measures the cognition, achievement
and emotional well-being of the youth. This will be used to help us set educational
achievement and treatment goals and design a plan to address any learning issues.
InterviewConducted by a masters level diagnostician, the interview establishes
the young persons motivation, appropriateness for placement, clinical needs, and
social history.
2. At this time, they also meet with a degreed educational circumstances. For youth who are not admitted, we can
coordinator to determine how our educational supports connect them to other agencies in the area that can
may best help that young person succeed in school. This provide the most appropriate programs to help
includes formulating an educational plan and selecting the child.
the most appropriate academic setting for the youth
once admitted.
A Partnership with Families
Acceptance We work with financially disadvantaged families.
Consequently, we are able to provide care for youth
Admissions staff determine whether the young person and families based on a sliding scale fee. Mercy Home
is sufficiently motivated to enter Mercy Home and has never turned away a family due to financial reasons.
follow our programs rules and structure so that they
can make lasting, positive life changes. Staff also assess Admission to Mercy Home is a partnership we create
whether the needs of the child would be best met with the young person and his or her family. We
by the services we provide and the current space and encourage full cooperation and support from families,
availability within our programs. continued communication, participation in planned
visits, family therapy, and educational progress reviews.
Upon acceptance, a child is invited into Mercy Home This partnership helps us pursue our ultimate goal for
and a move-in is scheduled. each child entering Mercy Home, which is re-uniting
them with their guardians.
Sometimes, we may determine that a child needs
services outside of Mercy Home to address their specific
Know a kid in crisis? You can refer a child to
Mercy Home by calling 312-738-7590.
1140 W. Jackson Blvd, Chicago, IL 60607