23. メソドロジー研究部会2014年度第1回研究会
? Guo, P. J., Kim, J., and Rubin, R. How video production affects student engagement: An
empirical study of mooc videos. In Learning at Scale 2014, Unpublished manuscript (2014).
? Herreid, C. F. and Schiller, N. A. “Case Studies and Flipped Classroom”, Journal of College
Science Teaching, Vol.42, No.5, pp. 62-66 (2013).
? Mazur, E., & Hilborn, R. C. "Peer instruction: A user's manual", Physics Today, 50(4), pp. 68-
69 (1997).
? Mousel, A. “Flipping the High School Mathematics Classroom”, Studies in Teaching 2013
Research Digest – Action Research Project Presented at Annual Research Forum, 61-66.
Winston-Salem, NC June 26, 2013 (2013).
? Stuntz D. F. “Flipped classrooms and CALL sustainability: A rationale for the development of
flipped classrooms for sustainable CALL”, Global perspectives on Computer-Assisted
Language Learning, pp. 323-324, Glasgow, 10-13, July, 2013 (2013).
? Toto, R. and Nguyen, H. “Flipping the Work Design in an Industrial Engineering Course”, 39th
ASEE/IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference. San Antonio, TX October pp.18-21, 2009
? Tucker, B. "The Filliped Classroom – online instruction at home frees class time for learning –
", Education Next, winter, pp. 82-83 (2012).
? Yuhaku, A., Yamamoto, Y., and Kimura, S. (under review). “Research on the Effectiveness of
Flipped Teaching in English Education in Japanese University”. Ritsumeikan Higher
Educational Studies, No. 15.