This document provides safety instructions and guidelines for maintaining and operating an excavator to prevent fires. It outlines various fire hazards that can occur during maintenance, operation, from electrical and hydraulic systems, fueling, starting, welding and grinding. Recommendations are provided to clean flammable debris, inspect for accumulations, properly vent exhaust, and use fire extinguishers as needed. Serial number locations, a delivery report section and excavator identification information are also included.
Tshekatsheko ya sereto sa "Mphaki?et?e" - Sonete ya seisemane
Sebopego sa sereto
La stratgie pour l'emploi des personnes en situation de handicapAVIE
Il est ncessaire de poursuivre le travail de sensibilisation et de changement de re-gard sur le handicap. Il nous faut faire comprendre aux employeurs publics et privs que recruter une personne en situation de handicap cest avant tout recruter de nouvelles comptences au service de la performance de leur organisation. Tant que lembauche dune personne en situation de handicap sera per?ue comme une obligation lgale, nous naurons pas gagn le combat de la pleine participation. Ce changement de regard concerne galement les personnes en situation de handicap elles-mmes, qui pour certaines encore nosent pas dclarer leur handicap leur employeur, ou qui, une fois en emploi ne sauto-risent pas penser plan de carrire et volution professionnelle.
Sophie Cluzel Secrtaire d?tat charge des Personnes handicapes - Muriel Pnicaud Ministre du Travail - Olivier Dussopt Secrtaire d?tat auprs du ministre de lAction et des Comptes publics
Frozen was distributed by Disney, which helped contribute to its success due to Disney's large fan base and status as one of the major film studios. The film utilized new technologies like 3D and was widely available through various digital formats and platforms, making it accessible to broad audiences around the world. This enhanced distribution and marketing aided the film in grossing over $1.2 billion globally. Disney effectively leveraged the film's popularity through lucrative merchandising deals worldwide.
This presentation builds the business case for why embracing feminine values and traits in leadership for both men and women can help bring about innovation and change, both culturally and externally.
Social Media :
Tietojohtaminen ja tiedolla johtaminenMiia Kosonen
Esitys yhteis?managerikurssilla, Mikkeli 27.8.2015. Pikakatsaus siihen, mit? ovat tietojohtaminen ja tiedolla johtaminen, ja miten ne eroavat toisistaan? Tieto ja oppiminen yhteis?managereiden ty?n n?k?kulmasta.
Frozen was distributed by Disney, which helped contribute to its success due to Disney's large fan base and status as one of the major film studios. The film utilized new technologies like 3D and was widely available through various digital formats and platforms, making it accessible to broad audiences around the world. This enhanced distribution and marketing aided the film in grossing over $1.2 billion globally. Disney effectively leveraged the film's popularity through lucrative merchandising deals worldwide.
This presentation builds the business case for why embracing feminine values and traits in leadership for both men and women can help bring about innovation and change, both culturally and externally.
Social Media :
Tietojohtaminen ja tiedolla johtaminenMiia Kosonen
Esitys yhteis?managerikurssilla, Mikkeli 27.8.2015. Pikakatsaus siihen, mit? ovat tietojohtaminen ja tiedolla johtaminen, ja miten ne eroavat toisistaan? Tieto ja oppiminen yhteis?managereiden ty?n n?k?kulmasta.