En tres oraciones:
Los Reyes Cat¨®licos financiaron la expedici¨®n de Crist¨®bal Col¨®n en 1492 que descubri¨® el continente americano. Tras la conquista inicial de las islas del Caribe, los espa?oles conquistaron grandes imperios como los aztecas en M¨¦xico y los incas en Per¨². Espa?a organiz¨® sus nuevos territorios en Am¨¦rica en virreinatos y audiencias y explot¨® sus recursos mediante haciendas, minas y comercio de metales preciosos.
This short document promotes creating presentations using Haiku Deck, a tool for making slideshows. It encourages the reader to get started making their own Haiku Deck presentation and sharing it on ºÝºÝߣShare. In just one sentence, it pitches the idea of using Haiku Deck to easily create engaging slideshow presentations.
This document summarizes the results of a survey about music magazine preferences. Key findings include:
- Only 2 out of 7 respondents read music magazines currently.
- Respondents had a preference for older rock musicians like Axl Rose and Kurt Cobain.
- 42.8% of respondents said they never listen to rock music.
- A free gift and interviews/photos of live performances were identified as important magazine features by many respondents.
- Respondents associated darker colors like black, white, red and grey with rock music.
Les exportations fran?aises d¡¯articles en cuir continuent de progresser fortement en valeur sur le march¨¦ asiatique.
L¡¯Observatoire Economique du Conseil National du Cuir pr¨¦sente l¡¯analyse des chiffres 2014 du commerce ext¨¦rieur de la fili¨¨re fran?aise du cuir avec un focus sur le march¨¦ asiatique.
ICT tools can be used in the learning process to improve student engagement, increase technological knowledge, and more easily access course materials. Examples of ICT tools include computers, the internet, audio devices, telephones, mobile gadgets, and interactive whiteboards. When applied effectively in the learning process, ICT tools can help solve human problems and support education and learning.
Presentation master victimology and criminal justice - 2013escherpe
This document provides an overview of the MSc in Victimology and Criminal Justice program presented at an information evening. It introduces the presenters and defines victimology. It outlines the key features of the interdisciplinary program including the curriculum, opportunities for internships and research, and career prospects in victim advocacy and criminal justice. Graduates are encouraged to apply for the Jan van Dijk Victimology and Victims' Rights Award for the best master's thesis in the field.
An example of how we analyze potential investment ideas using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. In this case a look at the high-grade tax-exempt bond market and closed-end funds of tax-exempt debt.
Ciencias sociales y contexto educativo presentaci¨®nwalejandroperez
Este documento describe un estudio que analiza el impacto de las pol¨ªticas neoliberales en la ense?anza de las ciencias sociales en una escuela colombiana. Explica que las pol¨ªticas neoliberales promueven un enfoque individualista que afecta negativamente el contexto educativo y la ense?anza de las ciencias sociales. El estudio utilizar¨¢ m¨¦todos cualitativos como observaciones, entrevistas y an¨¢lisis de documentos para investigar c¨®mo estas pol¨ªticas afectan los curr¨ªculos, la educabilidad de los estudiantes y los procesos de en
Mar¨ªa Antonieta naci¨® en Austria y se cas¨® con Luis XVI de Francia a los 14 a?os para reforzar la alianza entre los dos pa¨ªses. Sin embargo, no logr¨® adaptarse a las costumbres francesas y derroch¨® dinero en ropa y fiestas, lo que enfureci¨® al pueblo franc¨¦s. La Revoluci¨®n Francesa estall¨® y la familia real intent¨® huir, pero fueron capturados y encarcelados. Mar¨ªa Antonieta fue juzgada y guillotinada en 1793.
In addition to the technical realization of a photomontage,
we also take care of image language.
By consulting MHP Media you can count on professionals
to help you reach your communication objectives.
Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll: A Unique Insight into Russia's Explosive Online Video Industry from the Market Leader - Presentation by Egor Yakovlev, Founder & CEO of Tvigle and Maxim Melnikov, Founder & CEO of Media3 at the NOAH 2013 Conference in London, Old Billingsgate on the 13th of November 2013.
Alison Jobson, Straight Marketing Ltd explains:How to communicate your message effectively and engage supporters; Low cost marketing methods to increase awareness if your work; How to keep supporters engaged
ICT tools can be used in the learning process to improve student engagement, increase technological knowledge, and more easily access course materials. Examples of ICT tools include computers, the internet, audio devices, telephones, mobile gadgets, and interactive whiteboards. When applied effectively in the learning process, ICT tools can help solve human problems and support education and learning.
Presentation master victimology and criminal justice - 2013escherpe
This document provides an overview of the MSc in Victimology and Criminal Justice program presented at an information evening. It introduces the presenters and defines victimology. It outlines the key features of the interdisciplinary program including the curriculum, opportunities for internships and research, and career prospects in victim advocacy and criminal justice. Graduates are encouraged to apply for the Jan van Dijk Victimology and Victims' Rights Award for the best master's thesis in the field.
An example of how we analyze potential investment ideas using a mix of qualitative and quantitative methods. In this case a look at the high-grade tax-exempt bond market and closed-end funds of tax-exempt debt.
Ciencias sociales y contexto educativo presentaci¨®nwalejandroperez
Este documento describe un estudio que analiza el impacto de las pol¨ªticas neoliberales en la ense?anza de las ciencias sociales en una escuela colombiana. Explica que las pol¨ªticas neoliberales promueven un enfoque individualista que afecta negativamente el contexto educativo y la ense?anza de las ciencias sociales. El estudio utilizar¨¢ m¨¦todos cualitativos como observaciones, entrevistas y an¨¢lisis de documentos para investigar c¨®mo estas pol¨ªticas afectan los curr¨ªculos, la educabilidad de los estudiantes y los procesos de en
Mar¨ªa Antonieta naci¨® en Austria y se cas¨® con Luis XVI de Francia a los 14 a?os para reforzar la alianza entre los dos pa¨ªses. Sin embargo, no logr¨® adaptarse a las costumbres francesas y derroch¨® dinero en ropa y fiestas, lo que enfureci¨® al pueblo franc¨¦s. La Revoluci¨®n Francesa estall¨® y la familia real intent¨® huir, pero fueron capturados y encarcelados. Mar¨ªa Antonieta fue juzgada y guillotinada en 1793.
In addition to the technical realization of a photomontage,
we also take care of image language.
By consulting MHP Media you can count on professionals
to help you reach your communication objectives.
Sex, Drugs & Rock'n'Roll: A Unique Insight into Russia's Explosive Online Video Industry from the Market Leader - Presentation by Egor Yakovlev, Founder & CEO of Tvigle and Maxim Melnikov, Founder & CEO of Media3 at the NOAH 2013 Conference in London, Old Billingsgate on the 13th of November 2013.
Alison Jobson, Straight Marketing Ltd explains:How to communicate your message effectively and engage supporters; Low cost marketing methods to increase awareness if your work; How to keep supporters engaged