We all know how important conversions are - but how many of us actually focus on converting our customers within our emails? Econsultancy found that for every $92 spent acquiring customers, only $1 is spent on conversion rate optimisation and unfortunately the same can be said for email marketing.
In this session, Kath Pay of Plan to Engage shows 5 engaging tactics to implement within your email marketing programme that will help you to successfully drive conversions.
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5 engaging tactics to optimise conversions for your email marketing progra
1. 5 Engaging Tactics to
Optimise Conversions for
your Email Marketing
Kath Pay | @kathpay
eCRM & Email Marketing Consultant
2. ?2013 Plan To Engage C all rights reserved C www.PlanToEngage.com
Your presenter C Kath Pay
? 13+ years of experience
in email marketing
? Email Marketing
Consultant, Trainer &
? Lead trainer for Email
Marketing for
Econsultancy & the IDM
in the UK @kathpay
3. ?2013 Plan To Engage C all rights reserved C www.PlanToEngage.com
About Plan to Engage
? eCRM & Email Marketing
? Email Design & Coding
? Deliverability Support
? Email Vendor Selection
? Conversion Optimisation
? Workshops & Training
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Have a bit of action in your email´.
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Simple but effective
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Call To Action?
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18. ?2013 Plan To Engage C all rights reserved C www.PlanToEngage.com
Video-Animated Gif
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Video .GIF examples
20. Holland America conducted an
A/B test an animated .GIF video in
email versus a static image
Results? 100% higher clickthrough
rate on the video segment.
22. YouTube: 72 hours of video are
uploaded every minute, or more
than one hour of video is
uploaded to YouTube every
23. ?2013 Plan To Engage C all rights reserved C www.PlanToEngage.com
Sticky and appealing´.
?Use sensory based content C Video
ticks all the boxes
1. Visual
2. Auditory
3. Kinesthetic
24. 63.9% of 5000 people watched a
video sent by email to completion.
The average email readers will
only spend 8 seconds reading an
Marketing Vox
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Higher engagement
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Go Viral
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Personalised video
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30. ?2013 Plan To Engage C all rights reserved C www.PlanToEngage.com
Source: Pew Research
31. Mobile readers are sticky because
of the `Killing time¨ factor
Source: Norman Nielsen Email Usability Report
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DO consider Context
People check emails on
? In bed
? In the bathroom
? Whilst intoxicated
? To kill time
? Watching TV
? At the Gym
33. ?2013 Plan To Engage C all rights reserved C www.PlanToEngage.com
Source: Google Multi-screen world
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Case Study: Savvy Moms
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iPhone with Media Queries
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Savvy Mom results
? 3 x lift in click-to-open rate compared to control
? Comparing mobile vs. desktop views: 12% of those who
opened the redesigned email on a mobile clicked, and 6%
who opened on the desktop clicked
38. ?2013 Plan To Engage C all rights reserved C www.PlanToEngage.com
? Everyone loves stories
? Turn your messages into stories
? Help them to `stick¨
? The Protagonist needs to lead the way
? Audience needs to be able to empathize with them
? He helps the audience to be emotionally engaged
with your message
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Get their attention: Write like a
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..and tell a story´.
? Dry subject
? Insurance company
targeting film
? Happy ending ?
? Open rate 60%
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Storytelling & serialisation C
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? Don¨t be afraid to test something new
? Images are powerful C they can either
support your objective or divert their
attention away.
? Remember C at the heart of every
subscriber is a human being (yes really!) C
so use emotions and basic marketing
principles to engage them