2. info@livetiles.nyc @LiveTilesUI www.livetiles.nyc 2info@livetiles.nyc @LiveTilesUI www.livetiles.nyc 2
1 Naiku
Naiku is a digital platform that allows educators to
assess students understanding of classroom material. By
providing instant feedback, educators get a clearer
picture of student comprehension. A versatile tool in the
classroom, Naiku features automatic assessment
grading, as well as automatic transfer of grades. It is able
to scan bubble sheets and monitor assessment when
educators or learners are outside of the classroom via
the cloud.
3. info@livetiles.nyc @LiveTilesUI www.livetiles.nyc 3info@livetiles.nyc @LiveTilesUI www.livetiles.nyc 3
2 WriterKey
WriterKey is a web-based application that aims to help
educators improve the teaching and assessment of
writing across the curriculum. All you need is internet
access to use the app on any mobile device, or in
conjunction with Google and Google Drive.
4. info@livetiles.nyc @LiveTilesUI www.livetiles.nyc 4info@livetiles.nyc @LiveTilesUI www.livetiles.nyc 4
3 MasteryConnect
MasteryConnect makes a lot of room for customization.
It offers both state and core curriculum standards and
permits teachers to mix and match standard sets. With
MasteryConnect, educators can assess a wide range of
content, from oral to written assessments.
5. info@livetiles.nyc @LiveTilesUI www.livetiles.nyc 5info@livetiles.nyc @LiveTilesUI www.livetiles.nyc 5
4 EssayTagger
EssayTagger is a web-based essay grading tool
created by a teacher to alleviate some of the
tedium of grading. This is not an auto-grader; it
still requires educators to do the work. However,
it does help streamline the grading process.
6. info@livetiles.nyc @LiveTilesUI www.livetiles.nyc 6info@livetiles.nyc @LiveTilesUI www.livetiles.nyc 6
5 Nearpod
Nearpod has the same standard features of many
formative assessment platforms. What sets it apart,
however, is that it can be used by teachers to create
web-based presentations and sync all students devices
to them. From there, teachers can either guide learners
through the presentations or allow them to participate in
self-guided instruction.