Social Architecture: Modeling the Next GenerationsmaddenUndoubtedly, social software and social media have been revolutionary, but today's version is fundamentally hamstrung and restrictive in nature. The social network of the future will not be limited by any premonition of its use, but rather will dynamically adapt to the needs of its users. Join Sean as he explores topics such as self-organizing systems, ubiquitous computing, and genetic software development as potential sources of inspiration for the next generation of web applications.
Passion for the Youth: Fire that Enkindles Other Fire_Part 1Ranette AngotThis document outlines an international youth congress on art, humanism and spirituality held in various locations between 2007 and 2011. The congress brought young people together to deepen their understanding of life's meaning and to contemplate the realities of the world. It featured activities and discussions to help participants discern their personal commitments. Locations included Barcelona, Bordeaux, Taizé, Orvieto, Belo Horizonte and Madrid. The 2011 gathering included phases in Madrid, Bordeaux, Loyola and Madrid for World Youth Day, with a focus on encountering the world through the examples of Mary and Christ.
Jamestown AdventureCaptainShanks- In 1607, a group of 104 English settlers established the Jamestown settlement in Virginia as the first permanent English colony in North America. They faced many hardships in the early years as they struggled to survive.
- The settlers had to make difficult decisions about when to set sail, where to locate their settlement, how to obtain food for the winter, and what type of government to establish.
- Through cooperation with local Native American tribes and perseverance over many challenges, the Jamestown colony was eventually able to survive and become a successful English settlement.
ODN @ 400Ranette AngotThe document summarizes the 400-year history of the Order of the Company of Mary Our Lady, founded in 1607 by St. Jeanne de Lestonnac in Bordeaux, France. It details Jeanne's background and calling to found the order after her husband died. The order grew to 30 monasteries across France by the time of Jeanne's death at age 84. In 1956, the order became a global organization known as the Company of Mary. The order is now characterized by its diversity and adapting its educational ministry to meet changing needs throughout history.
CHI2007: Meta-analysis of correlations among usability measurskasperhornbaekThis document summarizes the results of a meta-analysis of correlations between different usability measures. The analysis found:
1) Effectiveness (errors) and efficiency (time) were moderately correlated (r=0.247), explaining 6% of the variance.
2) Effectiveness and satisfaction were weakly correlated (r=0.164), with more satisfied users making fewer errors.
3) Efficiency and satisfaction were also weakly correlated (r=0.196), with preferred interfaces being 20% faster.
4) Correlations between objective and subjective measures of the same construct were not significantly different from zero.
Important but invisible: What the Aging Workforce Needs from Design -- Big De...Michael CarvinThe document discusses the challenges facing an aging workforce and calls on designers to be more aware, understanding and empathetic. It notes that over 22.5 million people in the US are working past retirement age for reasons like feeling productive and staying connected. However, older workers face difficulties using tools and technologies not designed with their needs in mind. The document urges designers to gain a better understanding of the aging process and how it can impact tasks like processing information. With awareness and empathy, designers can help ensure workflows, training and technologies are inclusive of an aging workforce.
Genghis KhantrayferGenghis Khan was born in 1162-1167 in Mongolia and became a powerful tribal leader and king. He united the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia and created the largest contiguous empire in history. Genghis Khan was a fierce warrior who conquered many lands through military victories but also established schools, cities, and shared his wealth with his people. He is still remembered today through monuments, places named after him, and for transforming Mongolia into a major power.
Claret 2, la fuerza del evangelioIzaskun IgutierrezClaret aitaren bizitza 2 zatia
Claret 1, la fuerza del evangelioIzaskun IgutierrezClaret aitaren bizitza 1 zatia
Social Architecture: Modeling the Next GenerationsmaddenUndoubtedly, social software and social media have been revolutionary, but today's version is fundamentally hamstrung and restrictive in nature. The social network of the future will not be limited by any premonition of its use, but rather will dynamically adapt to the needs of its users. Join Sean as he explores topics such as self-organizing systems, ubiquitous computing, and genetic software development as potential sources of inspiration for the next generation of web applications.
Passion for the Youth: Fire that Enkindles Other Fire_Part 1Ranette AngotThis document outlines an international youth congress on art, humanism and spirituality held in various locations between 2007 and 2011. The congress brought young people together to deepen their understanding of life's meaning and to contemplate the realities of the world. It featured activities and discussions to help participants discern their personal commitments. Locations included Barcelona, Bordeaux, Taizé, Orvieto, Belo Horizonte and Madrid. The 2011 gathering included phases in Madrid, Bordeaux, Loyola and Madrid for World Youth Day, with a focus on encountering the world through the examples of Mary and Christ.
Jamestown AdventureCaptainShanks- In 1607, a group of 104 English settlers established the Jamestown settlement in Virginia as the first permanent English colony in North America. They faced many hardships in the early years as they struggled to survive.
- The settlers had to make difficult decisions about when to set sail, where to locate their settlement, how to obtain food for the winter, and what type of government to establish.
- Through cooperation with local Native American tribes and perseverance over many challenges, the Jamestown colony was eventually able to survive and become a successful English settlement.
ODN @ 400Ranette AngotThe document summarizes the 400-year history of the Order of the Company of Mary Our Lady, founded in 1607 by St. Jeanne de Lestonnac in Bordeaux, France. It details Jeanne's background and calling to found the order after her husband died. The order grew to 30 monasteries across France by the time of Jeanne's death at age 84. In 1956, the order became a global organization known as the Company of Mary. The order is now characterized by its diversity and adapting its educational ministry to meet changing needs throughout history.
CHI2007: Meta-analysis of correlations among usability measurskasperhornbaekThis document summarizes the results of a meta-analysis of correlations between different usability measures. The analysis found:
1) Effectiveness (errors) and efficiency (time) were moderately correlated (r=0.247), explaining 6% of the variance.
2) Effectiveness and satisfaction were weakly correlated (r=0.164), with more satisfied users making fewer errors.
3) Efficiency and satisfaction were also weakly correlated (r=0.196), with preferred interfaces being 20% faster.
4) Correlations between objective and subjective measures of the same construct were not significantly different from zero.
Important but invisible: What the Aging Workforce Needs from Design -- Big De...Michael CarvinThe document discusses the challenges facing an aging workforce and calls on designers to be more aware, understanding and empathetic. It notes that over 22.5 million people in the US are working past retirement age for reasons like feeling productive and staying connected. However, older workers face difficulties using tools and technologies not designed with their needs in mind. The document urges designers to gain a better understanding of the aging process and how it can impact tasks like processing information. With awareness and empathy, designers can help ensure workflows, training and technologies are inclusive of an aging workforce.
Genghis KhantrayferGenghis Khan was born in 1162-1167 in Mongolia and became a powerful tribal leader and king. He united the nomadic tribes of Northeast Asia and created the largest contiguous empire in history. Genghis Khan was a fierce warrior who conquered many lands through military victories but also established schools, cities, and shared his wealth with his people. He is still remembered today through monuments, places named after him, and for transforming Mongolia into a major power.
Claret 2, la fuerza del evangelioIzaskun IgutierrezClaret aitaren bizitza 2 zatia
Claret 1, la fuerza del evangelioIzaskun IgutierrezClaret aitaren bizitza 1 zatia
2. 5a.JesusekparabolakerabiltzenzituenLanetik - Aartzaina, ereinea - Arrantza...Gizartetik - Eskontzak - Bazkariak, jaiak...Eguneroko bizitzatik hartutako adibideakFamiliatik - Ogia egin - Harrikoa egin….PARABOLAKKontakizun arruntak, Asmatuta edo errealakJainkoaren Erreinuaren inguruan - Hazia - Altxorra - PerlaJainkoaren jarrerak - Aita ona - Ardi galduaBere helburua:Pentsaraztea daGiza jokaera - Samariar ona - Administratzaile azkarra
3. 5b.Jesusek Mirariak egin zituenMIRARIAKIkurrak Jainkoaren ErreinuaGizakien artean presente Jainkoak egindako Itunak betetzen diraJainkoak egindako Itunak betetzen diraGaixoaksendatuNaturaren gaineko ekintzakDeabruakkanporatuHildakoak piztuGaixoak sendatuEta gizarteratuPertsona gisa zegokien duintasuna itzuliBizitza heriotzaren gainetik irabasleJesus naturaren Jauna da
4. 5c.Jesusek bekatariak abegi zituenJesusAbegi eginBEKATARIAKHaien etxeetan sartuBeraiekin janBere laguntzatdituJainkoaren abegiaren ikurra“Ez dute osasundunek behar sendagilea, gaixoek baizik”
5. 5d.Jesusetalegea1. Jainkoarenerrukia: errukitsua da etabarkatzenditubihotzberritzendirenak2. Salbamenaez da konkistatzen, jaso egiten da: JainkoaonadelakoJesusenjokaerarenhelburuaEra irekianapurtzendutenakLapurrakProstitutakAdulteriogileakBEKATARIAKEzagutzenezdutenakEzikasiakPaganoakEzduteMoisesenlegeagordetzenZergabiltzaileak(Erromatarreilagundu)LarruginakArtzainakLanbidebatzukJesusentzatLegeajendearenZerbitsurakoegonBeharduGaixoak(Gaixotasunapekatuarenondorioz)Samariarrak(herejeak)