Gampel Pavilion is arguably the most famous building on the UConn campus. It has been home to many successful basketball teams and players. A UConn alum remembers camping out to get tickets to sit in the front row and cheer on the Huskies. Gampel opened in 1990 and seats over 10,000 for basketball games.
7. Arguably the most famous
building on the UConn
campus, Gampel has been
the home to (W)NBA
players, Hall of Fame
coaches and many die hard
fans. UConn Alumni Timothy
Murray (’06) said that he
remembers camping out to
get tickets and before games
just so he could sit in the photo credit: <a
front row to cheer on the > via <a href="">photopin</a><a
8. Sport: Football
Opened: 2003
Capacity: 40,000
Tickets: Students-
$7/game Public-
Sold three years at
a time, ranging from
For More
information visit:
Football Tickets