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«Там высокая конкуренция…»
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5 способов убедить клиента выбрать именно вас на фриланс бирже
О, мой проект хотят сделать!
Хм, это точно мне?
Да что, они все одинаковые?
Выбирать не из кого 
Каждый ищет свое
Custom is a must!
Кaк попасть в точку?
1. Как устраним боль?
You know why you at Permagoshould consider me as a web developer? 
-I’ve just completed 2ndbooking-related website work (details below) 
-Besides coding, I learn a lot about companies like Apple –so I know what you mean by being Apple in travel. 
-I know I have only words now to tell about myself (most probably ex-candidates did the same). My feedbacks and references will tell you more. They confirm everything I say here.
2. Вопрос к проблеме, типичной для таких проектов
I see you are planning to add Mollie as a payment processor for your shop. Do you know 40% of transactions fail due to a bug in Mollie API? We were working on this issue with the customer but they didn’t fix, so we switched to XYZ provider.
3. Комплимент
Sport apps are in demand now. And from the project description I see you have enough creative to push new bestseller to the market. We used to work in this style and built an app for golfers.
4. Говорим о тренде или похожем портрете клиента
5. Первая фраза о релевантном опыте
What a great idea you have – bitcoins should be used at all the main auction platforms soon! We already work with bitcoin miners for our client from USA.
Same to your request we’ve just finished storage solution for one of our e- commerce projects, utilizing RESTfulAPI development experience.
Тренируйтесь писать письма КОНКРЕТНЫМ клиентам и говорить о них! 
Забудьте про копипаст!
Спасибо! Вопросы? 
LinkedIn: /in/anastasianovikova

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5 способов убедить клиента выбрать именно вас на фриланс бирже