REPORTED SPEECH (GRAMMAR AND EXERCISES)Pepe PotenteThe document discusses how to change direct speech into reported speech. When changing direct speech into reported speech, pronouns, verb tenses, place and time expressions may need to be changed. Examples are provided showing direct speech and the corresponding reported speech. The document also addresses how to change direct questions into indirect questions in reported speech, including using interrogative words or if/whether.
11°mayaruecaThe document discusses the differences between direct and reported speech. When reporting what someone said, their exact words are not used; instead, it is reported indirectly by changing pronouns, verbs, and time/place expressions as needed. Examples are provided for changing direct questions and statements to the corresponding reported versions by making these adjustments.
ѴǻǴú na Pecha Kucha BratislavaѴǻǴúZačiatkom marca 2012 prezentoval Jan Sifra ѴǻǴúa na Pecha Kucha. Slajdy vám asi veľa nepovedia, ak ste tam neboli, no možno aspoň posledných pät vás nakopne.
SCRUM Master CertificateJohan du PreezJohan Du Preez has passed the Scrum Master certification from The Knowledge Academy. The certificate was issued by The Knowledge Academy, located in Bracknell, Berkshire, United Kingdom. It certifies that Johan Du Preez has passed the Scrum Master certification.
Sare sozialak: datuak eta bitxikeriak (eguneratuta)Iraitz Madariaga ItuarteEuskaltegi pare batean eman dudan hitzaldiko aurkezpena duzue hau. Sare sozialen inguruan hitz egin nuen, datu batzuk eta bitxikeriak uztartuz.
Red-Crowned Parrot Immediate ReleaseSelena Olivia LemusA UTRGV professor received a $29,997 grant to help the endangered Red-crowned Parrot population in Brownsville. The parrot relies on large trees for nesting but habitat has decreased as cities have grown. The grant will allow the professor to install artificial nest cavities near known breeding sites to enhance reproduction. Around 200 parrots have been spotted in Brownsville but the species faces threats of extinction with a global population of just 1,000 individuals. The grant will also fund education to reduce poaching and increase awareness of the parrot.
Growth Hacking and Hyper ScalabilityStartup ConferenceOmar Mohout, Professor of Entrepreneurship at Antwerp Management School.
Author of Lean Pricing
Presentation at Startup Conference on Growth Hacking and Hyper Scalability (The Key to Extreme Growth).
Startup Conference and logo are registered trademarks. All Rights Reserved.
Durangoko jaien gehigarria 2015Anboto KomunikabideakDurangoko San Fausto jaietarako ateratako gehigarria. Bertan, jaietako egitaraua, albisteak eta elkarrizketak batu ditugu.
Tirendo - eCommerce PlatformChristian ZachariasThis document discusses challenges and opportunities for developing future e-commerce platforms (E-commerce 3.0). It outlines how customer data collection and analysis can be used to personalize recommendations, marketing, and other aspects of the customer experience. Key points include:
1) Tracking extensive customer data from on-site, off-site, and mobile interactions to better understand customers.
2) Analyzing the data to generate product recommendations, bundles, and optimized marketing campaigns.
3) Scaling systems horizontally using service-oriented architectures and asynchronous messaging to handle increasing data volumes.
Zimbra Forum France 2016 - NetixiaZimbraDéveloppement, Zimbra ouvert sur le monde (Netixia)
Découvrez comment Zimbra peut être interfacé avec d'autres applications grâce aux API. Intervenants Frédéric Leguédois, Responsable développement logiciel et Maxime Désécot, Lead développeur
BodegaO9O7Bodegas Castaño ofrece visitas educativas para niños el 10 de octubre de 2016 sobre la educación infantil.
Crystal associated arthropathiesShybin UsmanThis document discusses various types of crystal-associated arthropathies including:
- Monosodium urate monohydrate crystals which cause gout. Gout typically affects middle-aged males and causes painful inflammation in joints.
- Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals which cause pseudogout/chondrocalcinosis. This tends to affect the elderly and can mimic many other joint diseases.
- Calcium-containing crystals like hydroxyapatite which are associated with aging, osteoarthritis, and renal disease and can cause acute attacks of inflammation.
Qué es la Economía Social y SolidariaAsociacion Mutual SigniaUna explicación didáctica sobre la Economía Social y Solidaria.Sus trayectos, formas de organización, recursos humanos, técnicos y agentes sociales y económicos de este PARADIGMA ECONÓMICO.
Objetivos de la evaluacionMayra_GualotunaLa evaluación educativa se define como la emisión de un juicio sobre el sistema educativo y la manera de alcanzar una calidad óptima. Tiene como funciones principales establecer un sistema de control de calidad para vigilar el logro de objetivos por los estudiantes y localizar defectos en los materiales. Además, permite diagnosticar la situación inicial, facilitar la programación adecuada, regular el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y orientar al estudiantado.
Zimbra versus exchange 2010 presentationsolarisyourepDownload & Share Technology
Student Guide & Best
Mundo 2.0 El mundo ha cambiado y las empresas no se han dado cuentaJose Salomon Seoane GarciaEl documento presenta estadísticas e información sobre varios países y regiones del mundo como India, China, América Latina y Europa. Incluye datos demográficos, como población e idiomas principales, así como estadísticas sobre penetración de Internet y poder adquisitivo. También discute el cambio en las comunicaciones y el surgimiento de nuevas plataformas sociales y medios generados por los usuarios desde 1990, y cómo las empresas no siempre se han adaptado rápidamente a estos cambios.
Install PostgreSQL on CentOSRangson SangboonruangThe document provides step-by-step instructions for installing Postgresql server 9.1 on CentOS 6.5, including: updating repositories, creating a sudo user group, installing Postgresql, starting the server, editing configuration files, connecting locally, configuring the firewall to allow remote connections, and testing connections from other computers.
Growth Hacking and Hyper ScalabilityStartup ConferenceOmar Mohout, Professor of Entrepreneurship at Antwerp Management School.
Author of Lean Pricing
Presentation at Startup Conference on Growth Hacking and Hyper Scalability (The Key to Extreme Growth).
Startup Conference and logo are registered trademarks. All Rights Reserved.
Durangoko jaien gehigarria 2015Anboto KomunikabideakDurangoko San Fausto jaietarako ateratako gehigarria. Bertan, jaietako egitaraua, albisteak eta elkarrizketak batu ditugu.
Tirendo - eCommerce PlatformChristian ZachariasThis document discusses challenges and opportunities for developing future e-commerce platforms (E-commerce 3.0). It outlines how customer data collection and analysis can be used to personalize recommendations, marketing, and other aspects of the customer experience. Key points include:
1) Tracking extensive customer data from on-site, off-site, and mobile interactions to better understand customers.
2) Analyzing the data to generate product recommendations, bundles, and optimized marketing campaigns.
3) Scaling systems horizontally using service-oriented architectures and asynchronous messaging to handle increasing data volumes.
Zimbra Forum France 2016 - NetixiaZimbraDéveloppement, Zimbra ouvert sur le monde (Netixia)
Découvrez comment Zimbra peut être interfacé avec d'autres applications grâce aux API. Intervenants Frédéric Leguédois, Responsable développement logiciel et Maxime Désécot, Lead développeur
BodegaO9O7Bodegas Castaño ofrece visitas educativas para niños el 10 de octubre de 2016 sobre la educación infantil.
Crystal associated arthropathiesShybin UsmanThis document discusses various types of crystal-associated arthropathies including:
- Monosodium urate monohydrate crystals which cause gout. Gout typically affects middle-aged males and causes painful inflammation in joints.
- Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate crystals which cause pseudogout/chondrocalcinosis. This tends to affect the elderly and can mimic many other joint diseases.
- Calcium-containing crystals like hydroxyapatite which are associated with aging, osteoarthritis, and renal disease and can cause acute attacks of inflammation.
Qué es la Economía Social y SolidariaAsociacion Mutual SigniaUna explicación didáctica sobre la Economía Social y Solidaria.Sus trayectos, formas de organización, recursos humanos, técnicos y agentes sociales y económicos de este PARADIGMA ECONÓMICO.
Objetivos de la evaluacionMayra_GualotunaLa evaluación educativa se define como la emisión de un juicio sobre el sistema educativo y la manera de alcanzar una calidad óptima. Tiene como funciones principales establecer un sistema de control de calidad para vigilar el logro de objetivos por los estudiantes y localizar defectos en los materiales. Además, permite diagnosticar la situación inicial, facilitar la programación adecuada, regular el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y orientar al estudiantado.
Zimbra versus exchange 2010 presentationsolarisyourepDownload & Share Technology
Student Guide & Best
Mundo 2.0 El mundo ha cambiado y las empresas no se han dado cuentaJose Salomon Seoane GarciaEl documento presenta estadísticas e información sobre varios países y regiones del mundo como India, China, América Latina y Europa. Incluye datos demográficos, como población e idiomas principales, así como estadísticas sobre penetración de Internet y poder adquisitivo. También discute el cambio en las comunicaciones y el surgimiento de nuevas plataformas sociales y medios generados por los usuarios desde 1990, y cómo las empresas no siempre se han adaptado rápidamente a estos cambios.
Install PostgreSQL on CentOSRangson SangboonruangThe document provides step-by-step instructions for installing Postgresql server 9.1 on CentOS 6.5, including: updating repositories, creating a sudo user group, installing Postgresql, starting the server, editing configuration files, connecting locally, configuring the firewall to allow remote connections, and testing connections from other computers.
Unit 1 DVWA (Damn Vulnerable Web Application).docxChatanBawankarDamn Vulnerable Web Application (DVWA) is a deliberately insecure web application designed for security professionals, developers, and students to practice and learn web security vulnerabilities. It provides a safe environment to test and understand common web application security issues, such as SQL injection, XSS, CSRF, command execution, and more. DVWA has different security levels (low, medium, high, and impossible) to help users improve their ethical hacking and penetration testing skills. It is commonly used for security training and research purposes.
Radiobutton in AWT Controls ( Java Applet)harlearncsA RadioButton is a graphical user interface (GUI) component in Java that allows users to select one option from a group of mutually exclusive options. It is a type of Button that can be selected or deselected. When a RadioButton is selected, it is highlighted with a dot or a checkmark, indicating that it is the currently selected option.
*History of RadioButtons*
The concept of RadioButtons originated from the physical buttons used in old radios, where only one station could be selected at a time. This idea was later adopted in computer programming, and the first RadioButtons were implemented in graphical user interfaces.
*How RadioButtons Work*
A RadioButton is essentially a toggle button that can be either selected or deselected. When a RadioButton is selected, it is highlighted with a visual indicator, such as a dot or a checkmark. This indicates that the corresponding option has been chosen.
*Key Features of RadioButtons*
1. *Mutual Exclusivity*: RadioButtons are designed to allow only one option to be selected at a time. This ensures that users can make a single, definitive choice.
2. *Visual Feedback*: RadioButtons provide immediate visual feedback when selected or deselected, helping users understand the current state of their selection.
3. *Easy to Use*: RadioButtons are intuitive and easy to use, making them accessible to users of all skill levels.
*Types of RadioButtons*
1. *Standard RadioButtons*: These are the most common type of RadioButton, characterized by a circular or oval shape with a dot or checkmark indicator.
2. *Toggle RadioButtons*: These RadioButtons have a slightly different design, with a toggle-like appearance that indicates the selected state.
3. *Custom RadioButtons*: Developers can create custom RadioButtons with unique designs, shapes, and behaviors to suit specific application requirements.
*RadioButton Best Practices*
1. *Use Clear and Concise Labels*: Ensure that the text labels accompanying RadioButtons are clear, concise, and easy to understand.
2. *Group Related Options*: Organize RadioButtons into logical groups to help users quickly identify related options.
3. *Provide Visual Feedback*: Ensure that RadioButtons provide clear visual feedback when selected or deselected.
*Common RadioButton Use Cases*
1. *Forms and Surveys*: RadioButtons are commonly used in forms and surveys to collect user input and preferences.
2. *Settings and Configuration*: RadioButtons are used in application settings and configuration screens to allow users to customize their experience.
3. *Dashboards and Analytics*: RadioButtons can be used in dashboards and analytics tools to enable users to select specific data visualization options.
*RadioButton Accessibility*
1. *Keyboard Navigation*: Ensure that RadioButtons can be navigated using the keyboard, allowing users with mobility or dexterity impairments to access the component.
2. *Screen Reader Support*: Ensure that RadioButtons are properly labeled and announced by scr
Utilization of the Hague System in light of the Expansion of Global Economic...MIPLMUtilization of the Hague System
in light of
the Expansion of Global Economic Activities
Next Gen Project Delivery - Disrupting the Status QuoAssociation for Project Management APM event hosted by the Wessex Network on 6 March.
Speakers: Martin Paver and James Garner
An evening of ground-breaking discussion on how next-generation project delivery is set to disrupt the traditional methods of project management. From risk management to PMOs, we explored the tension between refining old methods and completely reimagining them. An interactive conversation with the audience.
We explored why sticking to outdated practices can hinder progress and how embracing new technologies like AI and advanced data analytics can revolutionise the field. We challenged the conventional wisdom that has dominated project management for decades and highlight the pitfalls of resisting change. This session provided insights into how adopting innovative approaches can lead to more efficient, adaptive, and successful project outcomes. Whether you are a seasoned project manager or new to the field, this event should have provoked thought and inspired you to rethink your strategies. Plus, we showed you a path to futureproof your career.
Don't miss this opportunity to be at the forefront of the project management revolution with some of the leading minds on the subject.
We delved into 2 recent open source books on Next Generation PMOs and Next Gen Risk Management which are successfully challenging established norms and seeding a movement. We also showcased some of the latest developments and demonstrate that we have transitioned from sci-fi to making this a reality.
Attendees gained insights into how these cutting-edge techniques can lead to more efficient, adaptive, and successful project outcomes.
Useful Link:
Choosing the Right Marketing Technology Stack for Your Nonprofit.pdfTechSoup n this webinar, Tapp Network experts taught an in-depth exploration of the latest marketing technology tools to guide you through selecting and integrating the right platforms to enhance your organization’s efficiency, engagement, and overall impact.
Chapter 4. Environmental Scanning and Industry Analysis.pdfRommel RegalaThis course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of strategic management principles, frameworks, and applications in business. It explores strategic planning, environmental analysis, corporate governance, business ethics, and sustainability.
Unit 2 Analysis of Financial Statements.pptxNileshKumbhar21Meaning, Objectives and Limitations of Financial Statement Analysis. , Tools for Financial
Statement Analysis , Balance Sheet: Vertical Balance Sheet (Simple Numerical) , Comparative
Statement: Introduction, Methods and Steps for Preparation (Example of Simple Statement ) ,
Common Sized Statement: Introduction, Methods and Steps for Preparation(Example of Simple
Statement ) , Cash Flow Statement: Importance Steps for Preparation & Use (Example of
Simple Statement ) , of Accounting Ratios: Meaning, Objectives and Classification
Kothari Commission Recommendations And Their Implementation.pptxDr. JN Gorai, PhDMind Map
Introduction to Kothari Commission
Key Objectives of the Commission
Key Objectives of the Commission
Recommendations on Higher Education
Vocational Education and Training
Educational Structure and System
Introduction to PRISMA: Common Pitfalls & Best Practices in Systematic Review...Systematic Reviews Network (SRN)By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
Understand the PRISMA Guidelines – Explain the purpose and key components of the PRISMA checklist and flow diagram in systematic review reporting.
Identify Common Pitfalls – Recognize frequent errors and challenges in reporting systematic reviews and how they impact transparency and reproducibility.
Apply Best Practices – Implement strategies to enhance the clarity, completeness, and accuracy of systematic review reporting.
Use PRISMA Effectively – Utilize PRISMA tools and resources to improve the structure and presentation of systematic reviews.
Assess PRISMA Compliance – Critically evaluate published systematic reviews for adherence to PRISMA guidelines.
How to Manage Your Company Budget Using Odoo 17 AccountingCeline GeorgeEffective budget management is vital for a company's success. Odoo 17 streamlines financial management with tools for transactions, invoicing, and budgeting. Set up budgets for departments, projects, or cost centers, define goals, allocate resources, and set spending limits.
CapTechTalks Webinar March 2025 Sharon Burton.pptxCapitolTechUݺߣs from a Capitol Technology University webinar presented by Dr. Sharon L. Burton called "The Interconnectedness of Cybersecurity Leadership, Change Management, and Business Process Improvement." Presented March 20, 2025
New Widget to Record Invoice Line Description Odoo 18Celine GeorgeAs we know, Odoo launches every new version with a wide variety of changes both functional and technical so far. Likewise, in Odoo 18 also, there are a lot of new features which can fulfill the needs of the users adequately. In this slide, we are going to discuss a new feature added to Odoo 18’s Invoice line description.
Software Engineering and Traditional Software development modelsNitinShelake4Introduction to Software, Product vs. Process, Nature of Software and Process, Software Engineering Practice, SDLC.
Process Models: Waterfall Model, V-Model, Incremental Model, Evolutionary Models, RAD models.
More Than Both Sides — Redefining Objectivity March 2025.pdfLogan AimoneObjectivity has been the gold standard in journalism. But whose objectivity? The traditional definition of “objective” must evolve beyond detached stenography and performative balance — journalists must be truth tellers. Learn how increasing standards of fairness and transparency can improve credibility and trust.
3. One sentence
S+V = 1 clause (1 ใจความ)
S+V & S+V = 2 clauses (2 ใจความ)
▶ Coordinating Conj.
and, but, or, so
▶ Subordinating Conj.
e.g. after, although, because
▶ Relative pronouns
e.g. that, who, which, what
4. ✏️ ใจความที่เชื่อมกัน ได ้แก่ใจความหลักที่มีใจความรองมา
that which who whose
✏️ คาเชื่อม (Conjunction) เรียกว่า Subordinating Conj.,
Relative Pronouns
▶ The police have found the boy who
disappeared last week.
▶ Relative Pronouns
5. ▶ I talked to the girl that/who won the
first prize lottery.
▶ I went to see the doctor that/who had
helped my mother.
เมื่อเราพูดเกี่ยวกับคน เราใช้ that หรือ who
▶ I like the car that/which won the race.
▶ The dog that/which bit me belonged
to Somsri.
เมื่อเราพูดเกี่ยวกับ สิ่งของ หรือ สัตว์ เราใช้ that หรือ which
6. ▶ I talked to the girl that/who won the
first prize lottery.
▶ I went to see the doctor that/who had
helped my mother.
that, who, which เป็นประธาน
▶ The card that/which Tim sent was nice.
▶ The woman that/who I met was very
that, who, which เป็นกรรม
7. ▶ Siri is the woman whose husband is an actor.
▶ The man whose dog bit me didn’t apologize.
▶ The card that/which Tim sent was nice.
▶ The woman that/who I met was very beautiful.
that, who, which เป็นกรรม (ละไว้ไม่ใส่ก็ได้)
▶ The card Tim sent was nice.
▶️ The woman I met was very beautiful.
8. 1)️ (Jack made a table. It’s not very strong.)
Complete the sentences using the information in brackets ( ) and that.
1)️ The table __________ is not very strong.
2)️ (I read about a new computer. I had seen
it on TV.)
1)️ I read about the new computer ___________.
3)️ (Jane made a cake. Nobody liked it.)
1)️ Nobody liked the cake _______________.
that Jack made
that I saw on TV
that Jane made
9. 4)️ (Mary sent me a letter. It was very funny.)
1)️ The letter _______________ was very funny.
5)️ (My sister wrote an article. The newspaper
is going to publish it.)
1)️ The newspaper is going to publish the
article ________________.
6)️ (I met an old lady. She was one hundred
and three years old.)
1)️ The old lady _______ was one hundred and
three years old.
that Mary sent me
that my sister wrote
that I met
10. 7)️ (I saw a house. My brother wants to
buy it.)
1)️ I saw the house _________________.that my brother wants to buy