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Vijay Krishna Badde
Ph: 8121116386
1. Purpose of 5S ?
2. What is 5S principles, and identify visual tools
3. How to apply the5S principles and visual tools to enhanceworkplace
4. Learn how to kickstart and launcha 5S initiative
5. Definethecritical success factors for 5S implementation
5 S
5 S
What is 5S system?
The 5S system is a lean manufacturing tool that improves
workplace efficiency and eliminates waste. There are five steps
inthesystem, each starting withthe letter S
The first step in the 5S process is Sort, or seiri, which
translates to tidiness. The goal of the Sort step is to eliminate
clutter and clear up space by removing things that dont
5 S
Set In Order, was originallycalledseiton, whichtranslates to
orderliness.A variety of names have beenused in English:
Systematic Organization,Straightening Out,and Simplify,
for example.No matter what its called, the goal of this step is to organize the work area.
Eachitem should be easy to find, use, and return: a place for everything, and everything in its
5 S
The third step of 5S is Shine, or seiso, which means
cleanliness. While the first and second steps cleared up
space and arranged the area for efficiency, this step attacks the
dirt and grime that inevitably builds up underneath the clutter,
and works to keep itfrom comingback.
5 S
The first three steps of 5S cover the basics of clearing, organizing, and
cleaning a work space; on their own, those steps will provide short-term
benefits. The fourth step is Standardize, or seiketsu, which simply means
standardization. By writing down what is being done, where, and by whom,
you can incorporate the new practices into normal work procedure. This
paves the way for long-term change.
5 S
The fifth step of a 5S program is Sustain, or shitsuke, which
literally means discipline. The idea here is continuing
commitment. Its important to follow through on the decisions
that youve made  and continually return to the earlier
steps of5S, inan ongoingcycle.
5 S
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5 S

  • 2. Objective 1. Purpose of 5S ? 2. What is 5S principles, and identify visual tools 3. How to apply the5S principles and visual tools to enhanceworkplace organization 4. Learn how to kickstart and launcha 5S initiative 5. Definethecritical success factors for 5S implementation
  • 5. What is 5S system? The 5S system is a lean manufacturing tool that improves workplace efficiency and eliminates waste. There are five steps inthesystem, each starting withthe letter S
  • 7. The first step in the 5S process is Sort, or seiri, which translates to tidiness. The goal of the Sort step is to eliminate clutter and clear up space by removing things that dont belonginthearea.
  • 9. Set In Order, was originallycalledseiton, whichtranslates to orderliness.A variety of names have beenused in English: Systematic Organization,Straightening Out,and Simplify, for example.No matter what its called, the goal of this step is to organize the work area. Eachitem should be easy to find, use, and return: a place for everything, and everything in its place.
  • 11. The third step of 5S is Shine, or seiso, which means cleanliness. While the first and second steps cleared up space and arranged the area for efficiency, this step attacks the dirt and grime that inevitably builds up underneath the clutter, and works to keep itfrom comingback.
  • 13. The first three steps of 5S cover the basics of clearing, organizing, and cleaning a work space; on their own, those steps will provide short-term benefits. The fourth step is Standardize, or seiketsu, which simply means standardization. By writing down what is being done, where, and by whom, you can incorporate the new practices into normal work procedure. This paves the way for long-term change.
  • 15. The fifth step of a 5S program is Sustain, or shitsuke, which literally means discipline. The idea here is continuing commitment. Its important to follow through on the decisions that youve made and continually return to the earlier steps of5S, inan ongoingcycle.