The document discusses the 5S methodology for organizing and cleaning the workplace. The 5S philosophy includes 5 steps: Sort, Set In Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. Sort focuses on removing unnecessary items. Set In Order establishes efficient storage methods. Shine involves thoroughly cleaning the workspace. Standardize develops best practices. Sustain creates methods for maintaining the standards. Implementing 5S helps achieve goals like safety, quality, efficiency, and information flow through an organized, clean workspace.
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1. Doing things Simpler, Efficient and Competitive
Through a Habitual change of
Continuous Improvement ,Cleaner and Safer
working Environment.
5S Philosophy
2. SortSort
Set in orderSet in order
5S Stand For?
3. The first SS focuses on
eliminating unnecessary items from the workplace.
Seiri SortSort
Removing Unwanted
4. Segregate
What Is Needed
Needed Later
Not Needed
Discard What Is Not Needed
Segregate Needed Items By Frequency
of Use
Seiri SortSort
5. Seiri SortSort
Frequency of use Storage Method
Not used 1 Year Throw them out
Used once in last 6-12 months Store at distance OR Keep in store
Used once in last 2-6 months Store it in central place in your zone.
Used more than once a month Store it in the central place in your zone
Used once a week Store near the workplace.
Used daily or hourly Store near the workplace.
6. 3 Things You Should Ask
What do I need to do my job?
Where should I locate this item?
How many do I need?
The second SS focuses on efficient and effective storage methods.
You must ask yourself these questions:
Unwanted has been removed Now how to store effectively
Seiton Set in order
7. Painting floors
Outlining work
areas and
locations, Arrows
Show Direction.
Limit lines- Maxm,
Modular shelving
and cabinets,
Color Coding,
Seiton Set in order
Place for Every Thing
Place for Every Thing
Every thing in
Its Place
Every thing in
Its Place
Divider lines
Limit lines (height,
Arrows show direction
9. Unwanted has been removed ; Stored effectively Now Clean it
Seiso ShineShine
Clean everything, inside and out
Inspect through cleaning
Prevent dirt, and contamination from reoccurring
Results in
.Fewer breakdowns
Greater safety
Product quality
More satisfying work environment
11. Once the first three of the 5Ss have been
Standardize best practice in work area.
Documentation of such standards.
Unwanted has been removed ; Stored effectively ;All are Clean
Now How to Adopt best Practices
Seiketsu StandardizeStandardize
Amount of inventory
Tools that belong in the area
How often to remove scrap
Location of aisle ways
Location of tools, equipment
Cleaning schedule
Maintenance tasks
Checklist of what to look for as
cleaning is performed
12. Sustain SitsukeSitsuke
Unwanted has been removed ; Stored effectively ;All are Clean;
Adopted best Practices Now how to maintain what we have achieved
Determine the methods your
team will use to maintain
adherence to the standards
5-S concept training
5-S communication board
Before and after photos
One point lesson
Visual standards and procedures
Daily 5-minute 5-S activities
Monthly 5-S Audit & Recognition