Becoming super productive is not difficult nor do you have to follow complex routines just follow these simple steps and you'll do just fine!
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5 simple things that make you super productive
1. 5 simple things that make you super productive
2. Write down the tasks for the day. Carry them with you. This will help you get organized and make you happy every time you strike of a task!
3. Emails are extremely distracting. Only check your emails at regular set intervals. This will help you concentrate on the task at hand.
4. Email clutter slows you down so set filters for your inbox and only keep mails which require your urgent attention.
5. Tasks can be completed faster if you dedicate time to them. Set a start and end time for a task and avoid doing anything else during that period.
6. There are times when tasks require intense focus- seclude yourself. Switch off your cell phone or forward your calls, and get off the net if its distracting.