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5 Things I Learned About Lean MVP as a
Professional Opera Singer
In this Session we will 
  explore what goes behind putting on musical & opera
productions, introducing fun & useful templates,
techniques, exercises, and games that can be used to
breathe new life into your stuck or stale Lean endeavors.
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Lets be Honest 
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
 many of us first learned about opera on Saturday mornings.
And though larger than life, did you know 
 operas are produced iteratively?
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Opera productions map nicely to popular planning canvases
Plot / Journey Feedback for story
tell validation
Story / vision Rehearse / Perform
Feature Solos
/ Ensembles
Look Familiar?
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
MVP Canvas
Shamelessly borrowed from the Caroli.org/MVPCanvas
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Though enormous in its delivery, did you know 
 opera is an aggregate of many small pieces & performances?
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Lyric Opera of Chicago from their 2015 production of Franz Leh叩rs operetta The Merry Widow
The production milestones maps nicely to known release processes
Performance Blocking
Sound, Light,
Props, Set
Look Familiar?
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Git Flow Release Process
Brazenly liberated from Atlassian Gitflow Workflow
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
How do I know This?
Aside from a Masters in Computer Science
and 20+ years of experience in Software?
 Grew up in the theater, starting at age 6
 BA in Music, Studying Voice
 Studied in Janet Bookspans Studio
 Lead roles in 2 World Premiers
 Roles summer stock & music theater productions
 Various other paying character opera roles
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
And my own experiments with Lean in the enterprise
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Deans Lean MVP experience at McClatchy
 Lose the 3rd Party Mobile App Provider
 Bring In House 120 iOS & Android Apps
 Do it all in 8 Months
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Deans Lean MVP experience at McClatchy
 Hypothesize on what the right things to build & deliver were based on past experiences & data.
 First iteration was for Idaho Outdoors
 Measured against specific personas & devices
 Learned How as much as What
 Expanded via other similar pubs
 Bonus! Acquired an appreciation of prospecting
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Deans Lean MVP experience at Aprimo
 Update the UI for a 15 year old application
 Specifically target 300+ list/grid view pages
 Build it all within the current code base
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Deans Lean MVP experience at Aprimo
 Started with 3 key pages based on utilization/role
 Zeroed in 2 key roles & then personas
 Built releases guarded by feature flags + domain/user rights
 Figured out how to institute an early adopter program to measure feedback
 Learned that some of our initial UX assumptions werent on-target
 Pivoted quickly via build-measure-learn iterations to deliver the right thing
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Today Ill share some exercises, & techniques from opera & theater to:
 Breathe new life into stale personas
 Injecting emotional empathy user stories
 An example of Build-Measure-Learn for a new opera
 How to rehearse your way to better sprint demos
 Insights to ensure your performance enjoys a long run
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Act 1, Scene 1
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 |
Personas  Journeys
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Dont Skimp on Personas
Show of hands if your user stories start with ?
 As a user of XYZ system 
 As a butcher/baker/candlestick-maker ...
 Logged in as someone who needs to do ABC 
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
UX Boilerplates to get you started
Introduction to User Personas | UX Lady
Best UX Persona Examples & Templates
for Designers to Know Users Better
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Keep in mind, a Role does not a Persona Make
Show of hands
 User story starts with Annie the Accountant ?
 You stop collecting data on Annie?
 Annies image becomes stale, possibly tarnished?
 Your team soon loses all empathy for Annie ?
 You eventually see Annie is just a synonym for the Accountant role ?
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Creating a Role
Based on the founder of Method Acting
 Studying the Person
 Attaining Emotional Empathy
 Feeling the Physical Embodiment
from Creating a Role by Konstantin Stanislavski
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Exercise 1 : Whats my Motivation?
From the Perspective of the Persona, ask 
1. Who am I?
2. Where am I?
3. What time is it?
4. What do I want?
5. Why do I want it?
6. How will I get what I want?
7. What must I overcome to get what I want?
from Stanislavskis 7 Questions for Better Understanding
Leontyne Price as Cleopatra
Maria Callas as Medea
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Act 1, Scene 2
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 |
Emotional Journey
Some questions to add empathy & life to your persona:
1. What does your persona fear the most?
2. What she will do to avoid her greatest fear?
3. What is he capable of doing if he dont get what he wants?
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Exercise 2a. Emotional Recall
1. Close your eyes
2. Think about a big purchase that made you happy.
3. What was your expression when handed the keys?
4. Who did you call first?
5. How did you sleep that night?
6. How many people did you tell that week?
7. Open your eyes
8. Write down some words that reflect how you felt
Maria Ewing & Hermann Prey
Le Nozze di Figaro
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Exercise 2b. Emotional Recall
1. Close your eyes again
2. Think about a time you were fired, laid off, put on a PIP?
3. How quickly did you go somewhere to calm down?
4. How did you feel telling a significant other?
5. How did you sleep that night?
6. How embarrassed were you to tell others?
7. Open your eyes
8. Write down some words that reflect how you felt
Jessye Norman in Macbeth
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Exercise 2c. Emotional Recall
 Think about your client, what happens to them when they potentially get in
trouble for buying your software and cant get their job done.
 Think about times your client may exhibit similar emotions?
 Write these trigger words into your user stories to evoke emotional empathy.
 BTW, This is how some actors cry on demand
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Additional & Fun Acting Exercises
 Park Bench Game
 A classic improvisation game based around the characters you might
meet on a park bench.
 Whos Knocking
 The objective is to communicate who they are solely by how they
knock on the door, so they cant add any dialogue.
 Personal Advert
 Create a Craigslist personal ad to highlight the best and worst of you
or your characters personality.
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Act 2, Scene 1
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 |
Build  Measure  Learn
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
In creating on new opera, we ask 
 What story are we trying to tell?
 What problem/pain-point is the plot facing/solving?
 Are our characters correct?
 Do we know if combined, we have a cohesive cast?
 Does the music reflect the interactions?
 Do we have continuity and flow?
Ming Cho Lee scale model for Boris Godunov
(Coronation) 1974, Metropolitan Opera
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
What are we measuring?
How do we measure it?
 Record it
 Open Rehearsals
 Test Scenes
 Assistants in the Audience
 Notes  lots of Notes
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
 Culture of constructive criticism
 A history of notes
 An archive of recordings
 Log of audience reactions
 Media Reviews
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Some Context: Cathedral v. Dracula
 I got paid to sing 20th Century operas
 Very experimental in nature
 Very iterative process to final work
 Played leads in two World Premiers
 St. Christopher, Cathedral
 Renfield, Dracula
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Dracula  lets not try to eat the rat whole
Opera-ize the Mad
We believe that a test audience
will give us feedback on how
they like a modernized,
microtonal approach to the
Mad Scene.
 Music on scale 1 to 5
 Characters on scale of 1 to 5
 Plot/libretto on scale of 1 to 5
 Opera audience
 Non-opera test audience
 Vary location & over-the-topness
 Count Dracula.
 Dr. Van Helsing
10 performances, at
reviewers locale.
Accompanist. $750
 Live Cast
 A desk, a chair, and
a rubber rat
Flies and spiders and
roaches galore 
 their blood is
mine, for me to
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
What we learned
 Audiences in Greenwich Village = best results
 Upper West Side audiences = moderate results
 Upper East Side audiences = good results
 Microtonalism was fine for the weirdo role
 The more over the top the performance, better the results for weirdo role
 Audiences wanted more traditional music for the more traditionally rendered roles
 We had to shave 45 minutes off the entire opera to make it work
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Dracula  map, after the data was collected
Opera-ize the Bram
Stoker Novel
We believe
audiences will pay to
see a larger-than life,
musically modern
adaptation of the tale
 Box office receipts
 Media interviews
 Road shows
 Peer reviews
 Count Dracula.
 Mina Harker
 Jonathan Harker
 Lucy Westerna
 Dr. Van Helsing
Two Weeks Off-
Broadway, $75k to
 Live Cast
 Minimal Set
 Synthesized Orch.
 Full lighting
 Ad space & air time
 Programs, Posters 
Read the book!
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Act 2, Scene 2
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 |
How do you get to Carnegie Hall?
 Practice, Practice, Practice is only 50% Correct
 Avoiding learning the recording, scratches and all
 Perfect Practice makes Perfect
 This works great for your Sprint Demos too!
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Perfect Practice v. Scratches & All
 Real-to-life setup
 Learn your materials
 Learn THEIR materials
 Practice more than once
 Understand the room setup
 Practice in front of real people
Conductor Riccardo Frizza leads the rehearsal for Norma.
Photo: Jonathan Tichler/Met Opera
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Act 2, Finale
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 |
Understand how a show is produced
 No matter what role you play on stage or off (e.g. dont be a jerk)
 Know who is doing what behind the scenes
 Go ahead, offend the person doing costumes, props, or lighting
 Stories from shows gone sideways
 Avoid bad outcomes & surprises by knowing more than your role requires
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Git Flow example
Go ahead, offend devops or QA
Who knows what Git Flow is?
Who knows what happens when a dev in the GF model commits code?
Who knows what happens when the committed code hits the Jenkins or Bamboo service?
Who knows what happens when the commit code goes from Dev to Prod?
These add potential costs, delays, & points of failure but give you consistency and quality of
product in the end.
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 |
1. Utilize characterization tools from theater to add depth to your personas
2. Leverage acting exercises and games to gain empathy for your personas
3. Build-Measure-Learn using the MVP Canvas as your guide
4. Perfect Practice makes Perfect
5. Consider a Culture of Constructive Criticism into your Deliveries
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Am I the model of a modern product manager?
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Verse 1:1
I am the very model of a modern product manager,
Ive information capital and technical and customer;
I know the things of Agile, I can quote its dozen principles,
From change collaboration to delivery sustainable.
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Verse 1:2
Im very well acquainted too with scrum teams capabilities,
I understand sprint planning, both in sizing and priorities;
I offer stories every Sprint that suit a squads capacity 
With many cheerful burn-down charts about a teams velocity!
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Verse 1:3
Im very good at integral and differental analysis,
I know the science used to find a feature asomatous;
In short, in matters technical and capital and customer,
I am the very model of a modern Product Manager.
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Verse 2:1
I know our Agile founders such as Cockburn, Schwaber, Sutherland,
I answer hard heuristics, I resist the urge to over-plan;
I rail in analytics all the crimes of upfront estimates,
Prepondering hypotheses whose values are commensurate.
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Verse 2:2
On bug tickets I must insist on step lists reproducible,
Addressing debt thats technical whenever it is possible;
In every backlog item I supply a set scenario 
And acceptance tests articulating when a features good to go.
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
Verse 2:3
I know the risk of P.M.P. and of the girth of waterfall,
Eschewing Gantt & Pert charts, & work breakdowns that are structural;
In short, in matters technical and capital and customer,
I am the very model of a modern Product Manager.
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
El Fin!
 Twitter: @DeanPeters
 Blog: DeanOnDelivery.com
 際際滷s Share: http://bit.ly/5OperaThings4LeanMVP
 Podcast  coming very soon
@DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com

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5 Things I Learned About Lean MVP as a Professional Opera Singer - Red Hat Agile Day 2017

  • 1. 5 Things I Learned About Lean MVP as a Professional Opera Singer In this Session we will explore what goes behind putting on musical & opera productions, introducing fun & useful templates, techniques, exercises, and games that can be used to breathe new life into your stuck or stale Lean endeavors. @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 2. Prologue DEANS LEAN MVP EXPERIENCES & EXPERIMENTS @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 3. Lets be Honest @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com many of us first learned about opera on Saturday mornings.
  • 4. And though larger than life, did you know operas are produced iteratively? @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 5. Opera productions map nicely to popular planning canvases Plot / Journey Feedback for story tell validation Learn Measure Build Character Archetype Emotional Recall Build Story / vision Rehearse / Perform Feature Solos / Ensembles Individual Personas Look Familiar? @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 6. MVP Canvas Shamelessly borrowed from the Caroli.org/MVPCanvas @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 7. Though enormous in its delivery, did you know opera is an aggregate of many small pieces & performances? @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com Lyric Opera of Chicago from their 2015 production of Franz Leh叩rs operetta The Merry Widow
  • 8. The production milestones maps nicely to known release processes Performance Blocking Sound, Light, Costumes, Props, Set Ensemble Rehearsals Character Development Individual Practice Walk Through Dress Rehearsals Performance Look Familiar? @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 9. Git Flow Release Process Brazenly liberated from Atlassian Gitflow Workflow @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 10. How do I know This? Aside from a Masters in Computer Science and 20+ years of experience in Software? Grew up in the theater, starting at age 6 BA in Music, Studying Voice Studied in Janet Bookspans Studio Lead roles in 2 World Premiers Roles summer stock & music theater productions Various other paying character opera roles @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 11. And my own experiments with Lean in the enterprise @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 12. Deans Lean MVP experience at McClatchy Mission Lose the 3rd Party Mobile App Provider Bring In House 120 iOS & Android Apps Do it all in 8 Months @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 13. Deans Lean MVP experience at McClatchy Hypothesize on what the right things to build & deliver were based on past experiences & data. First iteration was for Idaho Outdoors Measured against specific personas & devices Learned How as much as What Expanded via other similar pubs Bonus! Acquired an appreciation of prospecting @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 14. Deans Lean MVP experience at Aprimo Challenge: Update the UI for a 15 year old application Specifically target 300+ list/grid view pages Build it all within the current code base @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 15. Deans Lean MVP experience at Aprimo Started with 3 key pages based on utilization/role Zeroed in 2 key roles & then personas Built releases guarded by feature flags + domain/user rights Figured out how to institute an early adopter program to measure feedback Learned that some of our initial UX assumptions werent on-target Pivoted quickly via build-measure-learn iterations to deliver the right thing @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 16. Programme Today Ill share some exercises, & techniques from opera & theater to: Breathe new life into stale personas Injecting emotional empathy user stories An example of Build-Measure-Learn for a new opera How to rehearse your way to better sprint demos Insights to ensure your performance enjoys a long run @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 17. Act 1, Scene 1 PERSONAS CHARACTERS @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 18. Personas Journeys @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 19. Dont Skimp on Personas Show of hands if your user stories start with ? As a user of XYZ system As a butcher/baker/candlestick-maker ... Logged in as someone who needs to do ABC @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 20. UX Boilerplates to get you started Introduction to User Personas | UX Lady Best UX Persona Examples & Templates for Designers to Know Users Better @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 21. Keep in mind, a Role does not a Persona Make Show of hands User story starts with Annie the Accountant ? You stop collecting data on Annie? Annies image becomes stale, possibly tarnished? Your team soon loses all empathy for Annie ? You eventually see Annie is just a synonym for the Accountant role ? @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 22. Creating a Role Based on the founder of Method Acting Studying the Person Attaining Emotional Empathy Feeling the Physical Embodiment from Creating a Role by Konstantin Stanislavski @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 23. Exercise 1 : Whats my Motivation? From the Perspective of the Persona, ask 1. Who am I? 2. Where am I? 3. What time is it? 4. What do I want? 5. Why do I want it? 6. How will I get what I want? 7. What must I overcome to get what I want? from Stanislavskis 7 Questions for Better Understanding Leontyne Price as Cleopatra Maria Callas as Medea @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 24. Act 1, Scene 2 EMPATHY USER JOURNEY @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 25. Emotional Journey Some questions to add empathy & life to your persona: 1. What does your persona fear the most? 2. What she will do to avoid her greatest fear? 3. What is he capable of doing if he dont get what he wants? @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 26. Exercise 2a. Emotional Recall 1. Close your eyes 2. Think about a big purchase that made you happy. 3. What was your expression when handed the keys? 4. Who did you call first? 5. How did you sleep that night? 6. How many people did you tell that week? 7. Open your eyes 8. Write down some words that reflect how you felt Maria Ewing & Hermann Prey Le Nozze di Figaro @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 27. Exercise 2b. Emotional Recall 1. Close your eyes again 2. Think about a time you were fired, laid off, put on a PIP? 3. How quickly did you go somewhere to calm down? 4. How did you feel telling a significant other? 5. How did you sleep that night? 6. How embarrassed were you to tell others? 7. Open your eyes 8. Write down some words that reflect how you felt Jessye Norman in Macbeth @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 28. Exercise 2c. Emotional Recall Think about your client, what happens to them when they potentially get in trouble for buying your software and cant get their job done. Think about times your client may exhibit similar emotions? Write these trigger words into your user stories to evoke emotional empathy. BTW, This is how some actors cry on demand @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 29. Additional & Fun Acting Exercises Park Bench Game A classic improvisation game based around the characters you might meet on a park bench. Whos Knocking The objective is to communicate who they are solely by how they knock on the door, so they cant add any dialogue. Personal Advert Create a Craigslist personal ad to highlight the best and worst of you or your characters personality. @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 30. Act 2, Scene 1 BUILD MEASURE LEARN @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 31. Build Measure Learn @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 32. Build In creating on new opera, we ask What story are we trying to tell? What problem/pain-point is the plot facing/solving? Are our characters correct? Do we know if combined, we have a cohesive cast? Does the music reflect the interactions? Do we have continuity and flow? Ming Cho Lee scale model for Boris Godunov (Coronation) 1974, Metropolitan Opera @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 33. Measure What are we measuring? Notes Phrasing Interactions Blend Timing How do we measure it? Record it Open Rehearsals Test Scenes Assistants in the Audience Notes lots of Notes @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 34. Learn Culture of constructive criticism A history of notes An archive of recordings Log of audience reactions Media Reviews @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 35. Some Context: Cathedral v. Dracula I got paid to sing 20th Century operas Very experimental in nature Very iterative process to final work Played leads in two World Premiers St. Christopher, Cathedral Renfield, Dracula @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 36. Dracula lets not try to eat the rat whole Opera-ize the Mad Scene We believe that a test audience will give us feedback on how they like a modernized, microtonal approach to the Mad Scene. Music on scale 1 to 5 Characters on scale of 1 to 5 Plot/libretto on scale of 1 to 5 Opera audience Non-opera test audience Vary location & over-the-topness Count Dracula. Dr. Van Helsing Renfield 10 performances, at reviewers locale. Accompanist. $750 Live Cast A desk, a chair, and a rubber rat Piano accompaniment Scorecards Rehearsals Flies and spiders and roaches galore their blood is mine, for me to adore! @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 37. What we learned Audiences in Greenwich Village = best results Upper West Side audiences = moderate results Upper East Side audiences = good results Microtonalism was fine for the weirdo role The more over the top the performance, better the results for weirdo role Audiences wanted more traditional music for the more traditionally rendered roles We had to shave 45 minutes off the entire opera to make it work @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 38. Dracula map, after the data was collected Opera-ize the Bram Stoker Novel We believe audiences will pay to see a larger-than life, musically modern adaptation of the tale Box office receipts Newspaper reviews Media interviews Road shows Peer reviews Count Dracula. Mina Harker Jonathan Harker Lucy Westerna Dr. Van Helsing Renfield Two Weeks Off- Broadway, $75k to $100k Live Cast Minimal Set Costumes Synthesized Orch. Full lighting Ad space & air time Recording Rehearsals Programs, Posters Read the book! @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 39. Act 2, Scene 2 REHEARSE ADJUST @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 40. How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice, Practice, Practice is only 50% Correct Avoiding learning the recording, scratches and all Perfect Practice makes Perfect This works great for your Sprint Demos too! @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 41. Perfect Practice v. Scratches & All Real-to-life setup Learn your materials Learn THEIR materials Practice more than once Understand the room setup Practice in front of real people Conductor Riccardo Frizza leads the rehearsal for Norma. Photo: Jonathan Tichler/Met Opera @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 42. Act 2, Finale PERFORM SHIP DEPLOY @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 43. Understand how a show is produced No matter what role you play on stage or off (e.g. dont be a jerk) Know who is doing what behind the scenes Go ahead, offend the person doing costumes, props, or lighting Stories from shows gone sideways Avoid bad outcomes & surprises by knowing more than your role requires @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 44. Git Flow example Go ahead, offend devops or QA Who knows what Git Flow is? Who knows what happens when a dev in the GF model commits code? Who knows what happens when the committed code hits the Jenkins or Bamboo service? Who knows what happens when the commit code goes from Dev to Prod? These add potential costs, delays, & points of failure but give you consistency and quality of product in the end. @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 45. Epilogue MODERN PRODUCT MANAGER @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 46. Coda 1. Utilize characterization tools from theater to add depth to your personas 2. Leverage acting exercises and games to gain empathy for your personas 3. Build-Measure-Learn using the MVP Canvas as your guide 4. Perfect Practice makes Perfect 5. Consider a Culture of Constructive Criticism into your Deliveries @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 47. Am I the model of a modern product manager? @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 48. Verse 1:1 I am the very model of a modern product manager, Ive information capital and technical and customer; I know the things of Agile, I can quote its dozen principles, From change collaboration to delivery sustainable. @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 49. Verse 1:2 Im very well acquainted too with scrum teams capabilities, I understand sprint planning, both in sizing and priorities; I offer stories every Sprint that suit a squads capacity With many cheerful burn-down charts about a teams velocity! @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 50. Verse 1:3 Im very good at integral and differental analysis, I know the science used to find a feature asomatous; In short, in matters technical and capital and customer, I am the very model of a modern Product Manager. @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 51. Verse 2:1 I know our Agile founders such as Cockburn, Schwaber, Sutherland, I answer hard heuristics, I resist the urge to over-plan; I rail in analytics all the crimes of upfront estimates, Prepondering hypotheses whose values are commensurate. @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 52. Verse 2:2 On bug tickets I must insist on step lists reproducible, Addressing debt thats technical whenever it is possible; In every backlog item I supply a set scenario And acceptance tests articulating when a features good to go. @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 53. Verse 2:3 I know the risk of P.M.P. and of the girth of waterfall, Eschewing Gantt & Pert charts, & work breakdowns that are structural; In short, in matters technical and capital and customer, I am the very model of a modern Product Manager. @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com
  • 54. El Fin! Twitter: @DeanPeters LinkedIn.com/in/DeanPeters Blog: DeanOnDelivery.com 際際滷s Share: http://bit.ly/5OperaThings4LeanMVP Podcast coming very soon @DeanPeters | Red Hat Agile Day 2017 | DeanOnDelivery.com