This document provides a 3-page list of recommended textbooks for the BE(CIS) Batch 2006-07 program at NED University of Engineering & Technology in Karachi, Pakistan. It includes 10 courses and lists 2-3 relevant titles, authors, editions and publishers for textbooks in each course area. Some of the key courses covered are Computer Systems, Data Communications, Operating Systems, Numerical Methods, Internet Computing, Digital Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence & Robotics, Parallel Processing, and VLSI Design.
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1. List of Books for BE(CIS) Batch 2006-07
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NED University of Engineering & Technology, Karachi
Department of Computer & Information Systems Engineering
Class: BE (CIS) Batch 2006-07
List of Text & Reference Books
(Academic Session 2010)
S. No. Course Title Title of Books Author Edition ISBN Publisher
1. Measuring Computer Performance David J Lilja 1st 0521641055
Cambridge University
2. Computer Systems Performance - Evaluation &
Fortier &
1st 1555582605 Elsevier1. Computer Systems Modeling
3. Introduction to Computer Systems Performance
Kant 1st 0070335869 McGraw Hill
1. Computer Networks Tanenbaum 4th 0130661023 Prentice Hall
2. Computer Communication Networks
2. Data Communications and Networking Forouzan 4th 0071254420 McGraw Hill
1. Operating Systems W Stalling 5th 0131479547 Prentice Hall
2. Operating Systems Concepts Silberschatz 6th 0471417432 Wiley3. Operating Systems
3. Modern Operating Systems Tanenbaum 3rd 0136006639 Prentice Hall
1. Introduction to Numerical Analysis C.W. Celia 3rd 0070941157 McGraw Hill
4. Numerical Methods
2. Numerical Methods Gerald 7th 0321133048 Addison Wesley
5. Information Theory Applied Coding & Information Theory for Engineers R.B.Wells 1st 0139613277 Prentice Hall
1. Computer Networking, A Top Down Approach Kurose & Ross 3rd 0321269764 Addison Wesley
2. Security in Computing Charles Pfleeger 4th 0132390779 Prentice Hall6. Internet Computing
3. Distributed Systems, Concepts and Design Coulouris et al. 4th 0321263545 Pearson Education
1. Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms
Proakis 4th 0131873741 Prentice Hall
7. Digital Signal Processing
2. Digital Signal Processing Mitra 3rd 0073048372 McGraw Hill
2. List of Books for BE(CIS) Batch 2006-07
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S. No. Course Title Title of Books Author Edition ISBN Publisher
1. Artificial Intelligence Ben Coppin 1st 0763732303
Jones & Bartlett
8. Artificial Intelligence & Robotics
2. Artificial Intelligence- A Modern Approach
Russel &
2nd 0137903952 Prentice Hall
1. Computer Organization & Design Patterson 3rd 0006895441 Elsevier
9. Parallel Processing
2. Fundamentals of Parallel Processing Jordan & Gita 1st 0139011587 Pearson Education
1. VLSI Design Albert Raj 1st 8120334310 Prentice Hall India
2. CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuit & Systems
Weste & Harris 3rd 0321149017 Addison Wesley
10. VLSI Design
3. Verilog HDL A Guide to Digital Design and
Samir Palnitkar 2nd 0130449113 Prentice Hall