The document summarizes a study on satisfaction levels of people using the First Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge for travel. A mixed-methods approach was used, including surveys of 42 travelers and a focus group. Survey questions assessed satisfaction across factors like officer convenience/speed, security, environment, and payment accuracy. Descriptive analysis showed convenience/speed ranked highest and payment accuracy lowest. Reliability analysis confirmed consistent responses. Linear regression identified relationships between dependent and independent variables to create a satisfaction prediction model. The study aims to provide guidelines to improve cross-border checkpoint satisfaction.
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5-13_Satisfaction Level of the First Thai-Laos Friendship Bridge and Cross-Border Transportation Checkpoint System
Sethapong Jarusombathi, Pimnapa Pongsayaporn
Veeris Amalapala
School of Management Technology
Sirindhorn International Institute of Technology, Thammasat University,
Pathum Thani, 12000, THAILAND
The objective of this paper is to study about the satisfaction level of people who uses The
First Thai-Lao Friendship Bridge for traveling. This study was conducted in the year 2013. The
area under study was Nong Khai province in the Northeast of Thailand with the application of a
mixed-methods research methodology including both quantitative and qualitative methods. Using
the quantitative method, the surveys include observations of cross-border infrastructure, accuracy
and procedures, security and environment condition, as well as 42 questionnaires to travelers who
conducted cross-border traffic. We analyzed this data using descriptive analysis, reliability
analysis and regression analysis. Using the qualitative method, we conducted on a focus group of
travelers. We analyzed this data using content analysis and descriptive analysis. The survey data
were compiled and compared to analyze the existing conditions and find the factors that affect to
the satisfaction level. The findings of this research point to several key guidelines for better cross-
border check points system and improving the satisfaction level in cross-border check points
Keywords: Transportation, Cross-border, Thai-Laos Friendship Bridge, Satisfaction level
It was found that Thailands cross-border transport volume by road was increased by 62%
from 1999 to 2003 (OTP, 2009) Therefore, Thai government has focused to improve the
transportation system. However, JICA (2007) found that even though Thailand has complete and
standard road infrastructure, the main problem for cross-border transportation in and out of
Thailand is a slow and unreliable process (or called a bottleneck).
Past studies about border checkpoints in Thailand are mostly concerned with the survey of
existing condition and process in operations. However, there is no study that concerned with the
structural problem, such as, service system, and the comparison among each border; Thailand and
Laos to find the pros and cons of each system.
This papers objectives are to summarize the satisfaction level in the process of cross-
border transportation and find the guidelines to improve the service for reducing transportation
delay and costs and improve the satisfaction level of the travelers.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)
The Thai - Laos Friendship Bridge, the first major bridge across the lower Mekong, links
the town of Nong Khai in Thailand with the capital of the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic,
Vientiane. Australia, through the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID),
provided $42 million Australian dollars for the feasibility studies, design and construction of the
bridge between 1991 and 1994.
Since its opening, the Friendship Bridge has brought about benefits to the two
neighboring countries in terms of their economies, trade, tourism, investment, cultural exchanges,
transportation and logistics. The bridge not only connects the two nations physically; it also
brings together the Thai and Lao people, enhancing people-to-people links. The first Friendship
Bridge therefore has become an enduring symbol of friendship and cooperation between
Australia, Thailand and Laos.
2.1 History of the Bridge
1. 1956 The idea of building the bridge across the Mekong River to connect Thailand with
Laos began.
2. 1988 - General Chartchai Chunhavan, the then Prime Minister of Thailand, visited Laos.
A joint leaders communiqu辿 was released which agreed in principle to construct a bridge
over the Mekong River linking Nong Khai province with Vientiane.
3. 1989 HE Bob Hawke, the then Australian Prime Minister, visited Thailand and
announced that the Australian Government would offer funding for the construction of the
bridge through cooperation between representatives from Thailand and Laos.
4. January 1990 - Memorandum of Understanding was signed at Government House in
Thailand. Feasibility studies were carried out by Australian engineering firms Maunsell
and Partners and Sinclair Knight and Partners.
5. October 1991- The Australian Government selected John Holland Construction Pty Ltd
and Kin Sun (Thai) to construct the bridge.
6. November 1991- Foundation stone laying ceremony took place. The construction took
approximately two and a half years to complete.
7. 8 April 1994 - His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand presided over the
opening ceremony of the bridge, together with HE Nuhak Phumsawan, the then President
of the Lao People's Democratic Republic, and HE Paul Keating, Australian Prime
Minister at that time.
8. 23 April 1994 - The first Thai - Laos Friendship Bridge opened for use.
9. 5 March 2009 - A Lao-Thai railway link was opened on the bridge, further enhancing
accessibility between Thailand and Laos.
10. 29 April 2009 Australia joined Laos and Thailand to celebrate the 15th anniversary of
the opening of the Lao -Thai Friendship Bridge.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)
3. 2.2 Construction Details
With a length of 1170 metres, the bridge has two 3.5 metre wide road lanes, two 1.5 metre
wide footpaths and a single metre gauge railway line running down the centre. The bridge is
supported by six foundations in the river bed, each 105 metres apart. Two additional foundations
support the bridge at either end. Fifteen columns provide support along the edge of both sides of
the bridge, eight on the Thai side and seven on the Lao side.
Traffic on the Thailand-side of the bridge drives on the left, while traffic in Laos drives on
the right. The changeover at the Lao end of the bridge, just before the border post, is controlled
by traffic lights. Architectural elements and lighting were key features of the design, which also
addressed an extreme 43 foot (13 meter) seasonal variation in river level together with significant
ship impact forces.
2.3 Economic Contributions
The first Thai - Laos Friendship Bridge is significant in fostering the economic
development of and strengthening good relations between the two countries. It facilitates the
transport of commodities which previously depended on a ferry system and provides access to a
deep sea port for Laos in Thailand. The bridge remains a focal point for trade and a symbol of
Australian commitment to the development in the region.
Before the opening of the bridge, total value of imports and exports (fiscal year 1993) through
Nong Khai Customs House, was 3.6 billion baht. A year later, the value had increased by 34 per
cent to 4.8 billion baht and to 5.3 billion baht in the following year. The latest statistics for fiscal
year 2011 show the value of the imports and exports at 43 billion baht.
In terms of transport, there were 13,518 vehicles arriving and 13455 departing via Thai-Laos
Friendship Bridge Boundary Post in fiscal year 1994. The number increased dramatically in 1995
after the bridge was opened with 47,293 vehicles arriving and 48,658 vehicles departing. In fiscal
year 2011, 419,659 vehicles arrived and 424,841 vehicles departed via the boundary post.
In relation to people, in the fiscal year 1994, there were 55,085 people crossing the border
through Nong Khai Boundary Post into Thailand and 50,100 crossing out. In 1995, the number
rose to 293,126 arrivals and 292,462 departures. In 2011, there were 2,713,495 arrivals and
2,657,100 departures.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)
There are several researches about cross-border transportation; however, these researches
were regarding transportation of goods in a macro picture. None of previous research has done a
detailed study of the whole process as a specific system for evaluate the satisfaction level of the
travelers. The past studies regarding this issue are as follows:
GIGA (2011) studied the physical setting of Thai-Lao border facilities, and explores the
actual local effects on traders activities, highlighting changes in gender roles and perceptions of
entrepreneurial competition participated in by women in the two research sites.
WCJ (2010) introduced the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) cooperation program and
its effort to facilitate the movement of goods, people and vehicles across borders to enhance
economic integration between member countries.
The Clue Institute (2012) studied the management strategies being used in the Thai
Laotian border trade regarding satisfaction with the border-trade management strategy of the Thai
government by using factor analysis to analyze the variables that affect ThaiLaotian border
ESCAP (2012) analyzed the solutions available for efficient cross-border transport in
terms of improving operations, lowering operating costs and reducing the time spent at the
border. It provides both suggestions for private sector operators, and recommendations for the
public sector on how private business arrangements can be supported to provide models for
efficient border crossing which do not replace international facilitation agreements, but rather
offers a way to develop trade and transport while the countries work towards reducing non-
physical barriers.
As a result, these papers are thus used as a guideline for data collection and methodology
in this research.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)
For Departure
Step 1: Immigration document validation
Passengers with passport, passengers filled up the immigration form and present it to the
passports check point.
Passengers without passport, passengers go to make a temporary passport at the tourist
information center. Then, filled up the immigration form and present it to the passports check
Passengers with/without passport with car, driver and passengers present the necessary document
in the immigration booth for vehicle. Moreover, Laos car needs to sign the custom clearance
form and give to the custom officer
Step 2: Crossing method
Passengers without car, passengers buy the bus ticket (located after immigration check point) for
cross to Lao.
Passengers with car, passenger drive to the toll fee booth and pay for the bridge fee.
For Arrival
Step 1: Immigration document validation
Passengers without car, passenger receives Thais immigration form at the passports check point
(Process 1). After filled the form, bring passport and form to the immigrations check point
(Process 2).
Passengers with car, passenger parks the car at the parking lot and do the process as passenger
without car. Then, passenger declares the car documents at customs check point (Process 3).
Attitudinal survey is the surveys method that we apply for this study. Linkert scale (0 to 5) has
been used to measure the satisfaction in each question. The survey can break down into five
factors, which are, Convenience and fastness of the officers, Security in/around the service
area, Environmental of the service area and Accuracy and efficiently of the payment system.
The survey included of 24 questions and 2 opinion questions.
4.1 Data Collection
Most of the participants in the survey are Laos. Since we have an opportunity to conduct the
interview for only two days (Saturday and Sunday), the most crowded area is the arrivals
immigration check point before noon. There are two steps for collecting the survey:
1. Explain the rights of participant and ask for their permission.
2. Explain the survey question by question.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)
6. After fin
4.2 Dat
4.2.1 D
4.2.2 R
4.2.3 L
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Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)
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Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)
8. Cronbachs Alpha will be used for testing the reliability of variable. Table 1 shows the reliability
statistics of the 24 variables. The average Cronbachs Alpha of the 24 variables is .777, which is
Table 1: Reliability Statistics
Reliability Statistics
Alpha Based on
N of Items
.777 .764 24
Linear Regression Analysis
The second method of the analysis will be linear regression analysis. In the First time, we try
Enter as a method of analyze but the significant value is unable to apply to the model. Table 2
shows the coefficients table of Convenience and fastness of the officer. All of the significant
value is more than 0.05, which is invalid.
Table 2: Coefficients table of Convenience and fastness of the efficiently with Enter method
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.406 1.033 1.361 .182
Polite -.178 .173 -.151 -1.033 .309
Accurate .028 .163 .026 .170 .866
Road Quality .116 .151 .128 .763 .450
Traffic .062 .129 .073 .482 .633
Process 1(Fast) .084 .110 .121 .761 .452
Process 2(Fast) .212 .150 .254 1.410 .168
Process 3(Fast) .267 .173 .295 1.543 .132
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)
9. The solution of this problem is changing the regression method to Stepwise. Table 3 shows the
coefficients table of Convenience and fastness of the officer. The significant of .001 in the
Process 3(Fast) variable is valid to the model.
Table 3: Coefficients table of Convenience and fastness of the efficiently with Stepwise
Therefore, the satisfaction level of Convenience and fastness of the officer can be write as a
model of Satisfaction Level = 1.803+.434x
Table 4 shows the coefficients table of Security in/around the service area. The significant of
.022 in the Traffic Security variable is valid to the model.
Table 4: Coefficients table of Security in/around the service area with Stepwise method
Therefore, the satisfaction level of Security in/around the service area can be write as a model
of Satisfaction Level = 3.151+.265x
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.803 .483 3.733 .001
Process 3(Fast) .434 .126 .480 3.457 .001
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 3.151 .470 6.707 .000
Traffic Security .265 .111 .352 2.381 .022
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)
10. Table 5 shows the coefficients table of Environmental of the service area. The significant of
.001 in the Parking Capacity variable is valid to the model.
Table 5: Coefficients table of Environmental of the service area with Stepwise method
Therefore, the satisfaction level of Environmental of the service area can be write as a model of
Satisfaction Level = 2.566+.377x
Table 6 shows the coefficients table of Accuracy and efficiently of the payment system The
significant of .021 and .022 in the Vehicle Payment Convenience and Payment Accuracy
respectively. The variables are valid to the model.
Table 6: Coefficients table of Vehicle Payment Convenience with Stepwise method
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 2.566 .266 9.657 .000
Parking Capacity .377 .103 .502 3.667 .001
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized
t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 2.145 .509 4.210 .000
Vehicle Payment
.432 .132 .460 3.279 .002
1.198 .625 1.918 .062
Vehicle Payment
.319 .133 .341 2.398 .021
Payment accuracy .342 .144 .338 2.384 .022
Therefore, the satisfaction level of Accuracy and efficiently of the payment system can be
write as a model of Satisfaction Level = 1.198+.319x(1)+.342x(2)
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)
From the survey results and interviews, the main concerned is on the speed of each
process. Moreover, the ambiguous of payment method and unorganized process decrease the
efficiency of the checkpoints. Regarding the survey interpretation results, we reach the following
Steps of the checkpoints should be decreasing along with more clearly explained
Integration of technology can significantly increase the productivity of a whole system.
Thai and Laos should have a coordinate in improving the satisfaction level together to
prevent the occurrence of bottle neck.
More parking spaces should be provided due to the chaos of vehicles waiting for custom
Limitation of time is the main issue of this observation. Due to classes from Monday to
Friday, we have only two days to collect the data. Therefore, the sampling is much less than our
estimation. Moreover, the complexity of questionnaire leads to time consuming in interview.
Obviously, participants in the age between 20 to 25 understand the questions easier than elder.
This project will not succeed without greatly support by Transportation Research Center
of SIIT and Department of Highways.
Pilan Praithongyeam (2010) Comparison Of Cross-Border Transportation Facilitation For
Exports At Thailands Strategic Border Checkpoints. Technical Report, Department of
Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University.
Gomez, Jr., Jos辿 Edgardo, Nittana Southiseng, John Walsh, and Samuel Sapuay, (2011),
Reaching across the Mekong: Local Socioeconomic and Gender Effects of Lao-Thai
Crossborder Linkages, in: Journal of Current Southeast Asian Affairs, 30, 3, 3-25.
Sr. Col. Somchart Nanudorn, et al, (2012) The Effectiveness Of ThailandLaos Border Trade
Strategic Management. International Business & Economics Research Journal, The Clute
Ruth Banomyong (2010) Benchmarking Economic Corridors logistics performance: a GMS
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)
12. border crossing observation. World Customs Journal, International Network of Customs
Heini Suominen (2012) Efficient Cross-Border Transport Models. Research Journal, United
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The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade; The Australian Embassy in Laos; The
first Thai - Laos Friendship Bridge report by Thai Embassy in Vientiane; Ministry of
Commerce, Thailand; Nong Khai Customs House.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Engineering, Project, and Production Management (EPPM 2013)