Интерактивный развивающий комплекс для детейYaroslav BikhovskyАвтор: Брусиловская Юлианна
Руководитель: Бронштейн Борис Зеликович
Московская технологическая школа ОРТ (Гимназия № 1540)
Wolfe family calendarTravetta SmithThe document is a 2012 calendar for the Wolfe family. It lists family members' names on their birthdays throughout the year. The calendar contains 12 pages, one for each month, with names of family members written on the dates of their birthdays.
Интерактивный развивающий комплекс для детейYaroslav BikhovskyАвтор: Брусиловская Юлианна
Руководитель: Бронштейн Борис Зеликович
Московская технологическая школа ОРТ (Гимназия № 1540)
Wolfe family calendarTravetta SmithThe document is a 2012 calendar for the Wolfe family. It lists family members' names on their birthdays throughout the year. The calendar contains 12 pages, one for each month, with names of family members written on the dates of their birthdays.
The management of_change_in_public_organisations_-_a_literature_review_-_publ...Fshion KBThis document summarizes a literature review on change management in public organizations. It analyzed 133 articles published between 2000-2010 using a framework that examines the context, content, process, outcomes, and leadership of change. The review found a lack of detail on change processes and outcomes in the literature. It also identified a gap between common theories used to study change and the complex realities of change in public sector organizations. The review proposes future research should build theoretical bridges and conduct more in-depth empirical and comparative case studies of change processes to better understand this complexity.
An act of remembranceRiceNinjaDouglas Elliott Berry was born in 1920 in Ottawa and lived at 792 Somerset St. He attended local schools and was involved in various sports. Berry enlisted in the military in 1940 and served as an air gunner and observer in the 428th Squadron of the RCAF. On February 2nd, 1945, Berry's aircraft burst into flames and exploded over Wiesbaden, Germany while on a flight, and his body was never recovered. He is commemorated with a gravestone at the Durnbach War Cemetery in Germany.
English club top-20-business-vocabularySan CelineThis document provides an introduction and overview of key business vocabulary terms organized into topic areas such as advertising, banking, company structure, contracts, employment, import/export, insurance, law, marketing, and meetings. It presents 20 terms for each topic area along with concise definitions. The purpose is to help readers identify and learn some of the most important words for different areas of business English. More resources for business English can be found on the provided website.
Fragments and runonsSan CelineThis document discusses fragments, run-ons, and how to correct them. It defines a fragment as an incomplete sentence missing an essential element, and identifies common types of fragments. A run-on is formed when two complete sentences are incorrectly joined without proper punctuation. The two types of run-ons are fused sentences joined without punctuation and comma splices joined solely by a comma. The document provides examples and explains four main ways to correct fragments and run-ons: adding missing elements, attaching to another sentence, and separating or joining sentences using punctuation like periods, semicolons, or conjunctions.
Preguntassimonberri94Este documento proporciona consejos para formular preguntas sobre un tema de estudio con el fin de guiar la investigación de manera responsable. Recomienda cuestionar lo establecido con fundamentos y considerando los derechos de los demás, así como fomentar valores como la humildad, empatía e integridad para adquirir un conocimiento imparcial. Finalmente, señala que los estudiantes de medicina deben indagar constantemente con preguntas para estar preparados para tratar pacientes.
La trata de personasAndersonRuizParedesLa trata de personas es un problema global que involucra el traslado ilícito de personas con fines de explotación como la prostitución forzada o el trabajo forzoso. Las Naciones Unidas estima que más de 2.4 millones de personas son víctimas de trata cada año, principalmente mujeres y niños. Aunque existen leyes y organizaciones para ayudar a las víctimas, la trata de personas sigue siendo una de las actividades criminales más lucrativas a nivel mundial.
Fundamento tarea 4pablo163El documento explica los pasos para instalar un dispositivo virtual Android en una PC usando VirtualBox: 1) Descargar e instalar VirtualBox, 2) Descargar el sistema operativo Android, 3) Crear una nueva máquina virtual en VirtualBox, 4) Seleccionar el archivo del sistema operativo Android descargado para instalarlo en la máquina virtual.
Special places - Special facesAnetta PizágThis travel article discusses several Southeast Asian and Pacific island destinations, including Vietnam, Cambodia, Vanuatu, Samoa, and Thailand. Each location has its own unique culture, people, and natural beauty worth experiencing when traveling abroad.
e-business - ERPJErickPPTsO documento discute como os sistemas ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) se adaptaram às novas exigências do e-business. Os principais benefícios dos ERP na era digital incluem simplificar processos como compras e melhorar a integração com fornecedores. O documento também indica que projetos ERP modernos são mais dinâmicos e incrementais em vez de exigirem "reengenharia massiva".
Ano Novo Submarino.JErickPPTsReveillon Submarino 2013 / 2014.
Expectativas para a utilização das mídias sociais no marketing políticoTom ComunicaçãoGrupo Tom de Estudos realizado no dia 10/11/2009.
Relator: Marcelo Sander, do blog "Mercado Web Minas"
PistamaluysolEl documento presenta la información sobre el diseño de un microtaller dirigido a docentes con el objetivo de fortalecer su competencia en la planificación de sesiones de aprendizaje. El microtaller dura 4 horas y utiliza metodologías vivenciales y participativas. Las actividades incluyen dinámicas para analizar y replantear sesiones de aprendizaje, identificando procesos pedagógicos y utilizando rutas de comunicación, con el fin de que los docentes mejoren sus habilidades de planificación.
Развитие психических процессов посредством предметно-практической деятельностиlogopaedistРазвитие психических процессов посредством предметно-практической деятельности