Colonial Life is providing access to CCH HRAnswersNow, an online resource for human resources questions and guidance, at no cost to its customers. CCH HRAnswersNow provides up-to-date information on topics such as employment laws, benefits, hiring and firing practices, and workplace policies. It aims to help HR professionals and administrators easily research employment issues and develop compliant policies. Customers can access CCH HRAnswersNow through Colonial Life's secure online portal, ColonialConnect.
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Cch Hr Answers Now
1. Electronic Services
An Entire Library at
Your Fingertips
CCH HRAnswersNow®
With Colonial Life, you have much more than just a variety of personal
insurance products to o er your employees. We strive to make it easier
for our accounts to do business with us, so we seek ways to support
plan administrators in their work, to make bene ts count in every way.
Through an arrangement with CCH (Commerce Clearing House) Inc., we are pleased to o er you access
to CCH’s HRAnswersNow website, a one-stop shop for quick answers to thousands of HR questions. CCH
is a provider of a number of highly reputable human resource products. CCH’s HRAnswersNow is just one
of our Employer Services available at no cost to you, and it is accessible to Colonial Life accounts through
our ColonialConnect for Plan Administrators website.
What is CCH HRAnswersNow?
Whether you manage an HR department or are your company’s
sole HR person, or even if you’re talking with a small business
owner who manages the HR issues, HRAnswersNow is the
easy-to-use resource that provides expert guidance. Typically,
you pay a substantial fee to enjoy the benefits of a CCH website,
but we are able to provide this link to our accounts at no cost
to you.
HRAnswersNow provides valuable, convenient online references
and support for those in human resources or administrative fields.
It includes research tools and practical information and checklists
to help users develop, implement and communicate their human
resource policies.
The site is designed to be current and comprehensive, yet
searchable and user-friendly, and includes practice tools,
samples of employee forms, and policies and charts.
CCH HRAnswersNow
Direct link to CCH’s (Commerce Clearing House) HRAnswersNow website,
accessible through ColonialConnect. Provides valuable information regarding
human resource policies and guidelines, as well as state and federal laws and
regulations explained
2. How can HRAnswersNow It’s easy to join!
help you? HRAnswersNow is just one of the convenient
services you can enjoy through our secure
If you or your staff struggle daily to keep up with
ColonialConnect for Plan Administrators
employment policies and laws, you’ll benefit SM
website. As a ColonialConnect member, you
from its extensive information and tips.
can enjoy the ease and time savings of Ez Billing,
HRAnswersNow can help you:
our online bill reconciliation service, plus other
E-Services including Ez Administration, E-Bill
• Increase the resource tools for your HR sta .
and E-Pay.
• Decrease the risk of nes that result in not
To join the ColonialConnect for Plan
complying with employment laws.
Administrators website, see your Colonial Life
benefits representative, or if you’re an existing
• Become less dependent on consultants or
Colonial Life account, just complete the online
other outsourced HR expertise and services.
form available at
You’ll nd information on topics such as:
• FMLA, maternity leave
• promotions, transfers and layo s
• complaints, grievances
• occupational safety and health
• recruiting and hiring
• Social Security and workers’ compensation
• employment law
• work rules, discipline
• morale and productivity
• orientation and training
• leaves, holidays, vacation
Colonial Life
1200 Colonial Life Boulevard
Columbia, South Carolina 29210 Colonial Life products are underwritten by Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company, for which Colonial Life is the marketing brand.
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