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Letter of recommendation
Mr. Odainii Eugeniugraduatedthe Faculty of TechnologyandManagementin Food Industry at the
TechnicalUniversity of Moldova. He wasoneof the beststudentsat his specialty.Throughoutthe year 2009,
I washis ScientificalAdviser at his,Master'sThesis,which he passedsuccessfullyin 2010,period in which I
convincedmyself of his professionalism.He hasgood skills of applying his knowledgeinto practice.I sawhis
resultsduringthe wine-making campaigns2008 and 2009 andl canattestthat they aresignificant.
Being endowedwith a row of valuablequalitieslike intelligence,honesty,eagerness,correctness,it is
very simpleto entrusthim with serioustasks.
I recommendhim for the traineeship at your factory. I am surethat he will show himself asa good
specialistandwill contributeto the successanddevelopmentof your factory.
Yours respectfully,
BalanutaAnatol, dr.prof.univ,
Headof the Sub-facultyof Enology
Date:25.03.2010 /Signature/
licenliatin limbdmodern,
din limbaromdndin limba englezd
launuapriliedoudmii zece.
licenseein foreignlanguage,
certificatetheauthenticityof thetranslation
fromRomanianintoEnglishwith the
onthethirst of April two thousandandten.

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5_letter advisor

  • 1. Letter of recommendation Mr. Odainii Eugeniugraduatedthe Faculty of TechnologyandManagementin Food Industry at the TechnicalUniversity of Moldova. He wasoneof the beststudentsat his specialty.Throughoutthe year 2009, I washis ScientificalAdviser at his,Master'sThesis,which he passedsuccessfullyin 2010,period in which I convincedmyself of his professionalism.He hasgood skills of applying his knowledgeinto practice.I sawhis resultsduringthe wine-making campaigns2008 and 2009 andl canattestthat they aresignificant. Being endowedwith a row of valuablequalitieslike intelligence,honesty,eagerness,correctness,it is very simpleto entrusthim with serioustasks. I recommendhim for the traineeship at your factory. I am surethat he will show himself asa good specialistandwill contributeto the successanddevelopmentof your factory. Yours respectfully, BalanutaAnatol, dr.prof.univ, Headof the Sub-facultyof Enology Tel:(+37322)50-99-77 Date:25.03.2010 /Signature/ Subsemnata,TatianaGoro, licenliatin limbdmodern, certificautenticitateatraducerii din limbaromdndin limba englezd cutextulinscrisului,careafostvizatdemine launuapriliedoudmii zece. Theundersigned,TatianaGoro, licenseein foreignlanguage, certificatetheauthenticityof thetranslation fromRomanianintoEnglishwith the originaltext,thathasbeenundersignedbyme onthethirst of April two thousandandten. Semnaturatraducatorului Translator'ssignature-y