This letter of recommendation is for Mr. Odainii Eugeniugradu who graduated from the Technical University of Moldova with a degree in food industry technology and management. He was one of the best students in his specialty and successfully completed his master's thesis in 2010 under the supervision of the author. The author witnessed Mr. Eugeniugradu's professionalism and significant results during winemaking campaigns in 2008 and 2009. The author recommends Mr. Eugeniugradu for a traineeship at the recipient's factory based on his intelligence, honesty, eagerness, correctness, and ability to be entrusted with serious tasks.
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5_letter advisor
1. Letter of recommendation
Mr. Odainii Eugeniugraduatedthe Faculty of TechnologyandManagementin Food Industry at the
TechnicalUniversity of Moldova. He wasoneof the beststudentsat his specialty.Throughoutthe year 2009,
I washis ScientificalAdviser at his,Master'sThesis,which he passedsuccessfullyin 2010,period in which I
convincedmyself of his professionalism.He hasgood skills of applying his knowledgeinto practice.I sawhis
resultsduringthe wine-making campaigns2008 and 2009 andl canattestthat they aresignificant.
Being endowedwith a row of valuablequalitieslike intelligence,honesty,eagerness,correctness,it is
very simpleto entrusthim with serioustasks.
I recommendhim for the traineeship at your factory. I am surethat he will show himself asa good
specialistandwill contributeto the successanddevelopmentof your factory.
Yours respectfully,
Headof the Sub-facultyof Enology
Date:25.03.2010 /Signature/
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