O documento discute a import?ncia da alfabetiza??o e do letramento na pr¨¢tica pedag¨®gica do professor. Argumenta que a alfabetiza??o e o letramento devem caminhar lado a lado de forma din?mica, contextualizada e significativa para os alunos. Tamb¨¦m enfatiza a necessidade de parceria entre a escola e a fam¨ªlia para um aprendizado mais efetivo.
Security Compass provides different levels of support depending on whether a customer has an enterprise agreement or not. For all customers, support is available through an online ticketing system 24/7 as well as self-help resources. For enterprise customers, phone support is also available during business hours and appointments can be made to discuss specific issues. The document also outlines the different ticket priorities and response times depending on the severity of the issue. Customers may be charged for support requiring customizations to courses based on changes to their learning management system.
Dokumen tersebut merupakan spesifikasi kurikulum untuk mata pelajaran Matematik Tambahan Tingkatan 4 di Malaysia. Ia menjelaskan tujuan, objektif, organisasi kandungan dan pendekatan pengajaran dan pembelajaran untuk mata pelajaran tersebut. Matematik Tambahan bertujuan memperkukuhkan pengetahuan dan kemahiran matematik murid serta menggunakan pendekatan berpusatkan penyelesaian masalah. Kandungannya dibah
FAQ - How do I pull reports for my students?Oliver Ng
Student reporting features allow users to view course and user reports. Course reports provide an overview of student progress in a course, including completion status, scores, and enrollment dates. User reports show detailed learning progress for individual students, such as course and lesson completion, scores, and time spent in the system. Reports can be exported to Excel or PDF formats for printing and data manipulation.
There are three ways for SaaS customers to register students on the hosted learning management system (LMS): 1) Administrators can register individual users through the administration panel. 2) Users can self-register by entering a unique key that assigns them courses. 3) Administrators can import user, course, and group data in bulk through comma separated value (CSV) files.
Security Compass regularly evaluates and updates its cybersecurity training courses based on customer feedback, industry best practices, and research. Major updates that change course content or structure are done every 6 months in July and December, while minor bug fixes or updates occur every 4 months. All subscription customers receive automatic updates to hosted courses, while on-premise customers are notified of updates but must implement them voluntarily.
FAQ - How does LMS exporting work if I want to host courses?Oliver Ng
Security Compass courses can be imported into a company's existing learning management system (LMS) if the LMS supports the SCORM, AICC, or TinCan standards. Security Compass will create a customized project plan to integrate their courses into the LMS, building the courses to specifications and providing support. Each course will be exported in .zip files via FTP for the LMS to easily import and recreate in order to make the Security Compass courses available on the company's LMS.
The document summarizes research on the effect of field size on the number of bumble bees in Estonia. Data was collected from 66 farms, counting bumble bees along transects in fields of varying sizes. The results showed a negative correlation between field size and the number of bumble bees, with fewer bees found in larger fields. This is consistent with previous studies showing bumble bees have limited foraging ranges, and requiring food resources, nesting places, and overwintering areas near their habitats. Smaller, more heterogeneous field sizes surrounded by semi-natural areas help support bumble bee populations.
FAQ - Please describe the metrics programOliver Ng
This document discusses using assessments to measure security knowledge in teams. It recommends administering a baseline assessment before a security training course to establish initial knowledge, then a post-assessment after to measure knowledge gained. The assessments contain questions mapped to the course's learning objectives to evaluate understanding of each topic. Comparing pre- and post-assessment results provides early insight into how well material was understood and helps improve security education programs.