On Going Evaluations (unfinished)cloesteadChloe created an experimental photography piece exploring themes of fear and being "thrown in at the deep end". For her second experiment, she photographed a model using a slow shutter speed to capture movement. She then painted watercolors and dotted acrylic paint over the image. While some colors were distorted due to the materials reacting, Chloe was happy with how the final image conveyed her theme through the model's haziness and the shapes and colors used. She discussed how her work was influenced by other artists and evaluated both the aesthetic and technical qualities of her piece.
Surfers Against Sewage Finished Products Evaluation (improved)cloesteadThis document provides an evaluation of logo and campaign poster designs created for the organization Surfers Against Sewage. For the logo, the designer created a geometric wave shape using two shades of blue and stripes. They reflect on how effective the techniques and content are at communicating the organization's message. For the campaign posters, one was designed for children and one for adults to promote a design competition. The children's poster uses bright colors, waves, and octopus tentacles while the adult poster uses geometry and minimal text. The document analyzes how well each design fits its purpose and audience.
Interviw techn workshop Asif JamalThis document provides information about the interview process from the perspectives of both the candidate and the interviewer. It discusses researching the company beforehand, appropriate interview attire and behavior, common interview question types and strategies for answering them, how to discuss past experiences using the STAR technique, body language tips, and factors that are often evaluated in interviews. The overall goals are to help candidates understand what to expect and how to make a positive impression, while obtaining information about the position and organization.
Design for Advertising pro formacloesteadThis document describes the development process for an advertising design project. It discusses font and color scheme options explored for the logo, including mood boards and experiments in Photoshop. Packaging designs are presented for different drink flavors. An advertisement design is created featuring the panda mascot character overlaid with the drink image. Various iterations are shown making adjustments to text visibility, background opacity, and social media links. The final advertisement and an alternative concept are evaluated.
Social Action PitchcloesteadThe products were designed to appeal to Surfers Against Sewage's target audience and client with a modern yet creative style. The color scheme, style, and copy were carefully considered to portray the right impression. The designs aimed to draw in a wider audience including designers, children, parents, surfers, and those concerned with the environment. Different designs appealed to various audiences, such as the adult poster appealing to designers and the kids merchandise appealing to children and potentially their parents. Various tools and work space were used including Photoshop, paper, pens, and a scanner. Assistance from a writer may be needed to develop the copy for the campaign poster and membership form.
Energia xerachxeritxuEste documento describe los diferentes tipos de energía, incluyendo la energía mecánica, lumínica, térmica, química, nuclear y eléctrica. Explica que la energía puede transformarse de un tipo a otro, y proporciona ejemplos de fuentes renovables como paneles solares, aerogeneradores y presas hidroeléctricas, así como no renovables como el petróleo, el carbón, el gas natural y la energía nuclear. Finalmente, señala los problemas ambientales asociados con la obtención y uso de energía, como
Question generating processsorbiekuThe document provides guidance on developing research questions. It includes steps for brainstorming what is already known about a topic and what remains unknown, identifying the 10 best statements or questions, changing statements to questions, making questions more open-ended, using question stems to improve questions, and evaluating the final research question. The overall purpose is to help generate high-quality research questions through an iterative process.
Recipe Card EvaluationscloesteadThe document describes the design elements used in various recipe cards. Some key design elements discussed include using colorful graphics and images to appeal to children, sectioning text into lists for easy reading, including brand logos and contact information, and using photography techniques like shallow depth of field to draw attention to the food. The intended audiences of the different cards, whether children or adults, are considered in the design choices around fonts, layouts, and visuals used.
NUJ Presentation Part 3cloesteadDefamation involves communicating false information about a person to harm their reputation. Journalists must be careful not to publish untrue claims due to personal biases. Copyright law protects creators' ownership over their work and prevents others from stealing and claiming it as their own. Journalists are given guidelines for handling stories about children to prevent exploitation, such as not interviewing or photographing them at school without permission. Confidentiality restrictions apply to protecting sensitive sources from potential risks if their identity is revealed.
InDesign ExperimentscloesteadThis document describes experiments with different grid layouts. It contains grids of varying sizes including a 3x3 grid, a 5x6 grid, and a 2x4 grid. The grids were used to test different text wrapping and layout options.
Canon Getting Started Guide (with Improvements)cloesteadThe document discusses various camera settings that impact photographs, including aperture, shutter speed, ISO, white balance, and post-processing techniques. Aperture refers to the depth of field and is measured in f-numbers, with lower numbers producing a shallower depth of field. Shutter speed determines how movement is captured, with faster speeds freezing action and slower speeds blurring it. ISO controls the camera's light sensitivity, with higher numbers increasing noise. White balance settings adjust the color temperature to compensate for lighting conditions. Post-processing can refine images through cropping, adjusting levels and curves, dodging and burning areas, and modifying color.
Working to a BriefcloesteadThe document provides definitions and discusses advantages and disadvantages of various types of briefs that can be used for media projects, including contractual, formal, informal, co-operative, negotiated, commission, tender, competition, and vegetarian recipe card briefs. It also discusses the importance of thoroughly reading and discussing briefs with clients prior to production to ensure clear understanding and scope for negotiation. The vegetarian recipe card brief requires creating 9 recipe cards within 9 weeks using sustainable materials and branding.
Orlando Economy Update - 2015 Q2Bobby PaltaThis document summarizes key information about Orlando, Florida and its economy. It highlights that Orlando has no personal income tax, a population of over 19.5 million, and a thriving tourism industry that saw over 97 million visitors and $50 billion in economic impact in 2014. Additionally, it notes that Orlando's economy is booming, with the city experiencing record-breaking job growth and being named the number one city for job growth by Forbes in 2014.
Surfers Against Sewage FactfilecloesteadSurfers Against Sewage (SAS) is a UK-based organization dedicated to protecting oceans from pollution, climate change, and coastal development through campaigns, beach cleanups, and education. SAS advocates on issues like marine litter, water quality, and protecting surf spots. They provide facts on their website, such as 40.4% of marine litter comes from the public and plastics are the most common form of litter found. SAS campaigns have successfully pressured companies to reduce plastic packaging and set up educational programs to teach youth about marine conservation.
Asif jamal Topic writing an effective_resumeAsif JamalThe document provides guidance on writing an effective resume. It discusses including key sections such as name, contact information, objective, education in reverse chronological order, experience also in reverse order, achievements and awards, skills, and references. The summary emphasizes organizing the resume clearly and concisely, using strong action verbs, and creating a clean professional layout and format.
Graphic Narrative Evaluation (Improved)cloesteadThe document discusses how the graphic narrative created by the student aims to achieve a surreal, homemade collage style. Various techniques were used to create this style, including drawing characters by hand, cutting and arranging photographs from online and their own collection, and outlining images in Photoshop. The student analyzed how they anchored scenes with concise text, used signs like color and imagery to signify meanings, and aimed to positively represent the female protagonist in contrast to conventions of fairy tales from when the story was written.
Merchandise IdeascloesteadThis document discusses 8 sets of merchandise design ideas for an adult line and 4 ideas for a kids line for a charity called SAS. For the adult designs, the author experiments with using the logo shape in different colors, sizes, and placements on various merchandise items. They find the shape works best small on t-shirts. Later designs add geometric patterns and the organization's name. The kids' designs aim for a more playful, childlike look using pastel colors and a whimsical fish drawing to distinguish them from the adult items.
Gyrokinetic plasma theoryRobert La QueyThe document summarizes general gyrokinetic theory, which describes a symmetry in magnetized plasmas. It discusses:
1) Developing geometric Vlasov-Maxwell equations on a 7D phase space defined as a fiber bundle over spacetime. This determines particle worldlines and realizes kinetic integrals as fiber integrals.
2) Constructing the infinite small generator of gyrosymmetry by applying Lie coordinate perturbation to the Poincare-Cartan-Einstein 1-form. This generates the most relaxed condition for gyrosymmetry.
3) Developing general gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations in the gyrocenter coordinate system rather than new equations, automatically carrying over properties like conservation laws. The pullback
Introduction of Organisation Behaviour Asif JamalThis document provides an introduction to organizational behavior. It discusses the historical background of OB, including the Hawthorne studies. It also outlines several models for managerial roles, including those proposed by Robert Katz and Henry Mintzberg. The document examines key topics in OB like organizational citizenship, focal points, contributing disciplines, and challenges/opportunities in managing today's diverse and globalized workforces. It provides insights into improving quality, customer service, managing change, and balancing work and life.
Evaluation - Question 4beckyhamiltonmediaEvaluation
'How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?'
Idea development pro forma (with improvements)cloesteadThe summary is:
1. The document discusses 5 initial ideas for recipe cards, including a pizza theme, curry recipes, cheap student meals, Halloween treats, and summer superfoods.
2. Feedback is provided for each idea, highlighting what is liked about the ideas, what could be developed, and what is found interesting.
3. The feedback is then assessed, agreeing that some ideas like the Indian theme and student meals could be developed more.
4. One idea of spellbook Halloween treats is identified as the favorite.
5. The ideas are then treated further, with one developed as recipe cards shaped like pizza slices that combine to form a whole pizza when placed together.
Energia xerachxeritxuEste documento describe los diferentes tipos de energía, incluyendo la energía mecánica, lumínica, térmica, química, nuclear y eléctrica. Explica que la energía puede transformarse de un tipo a otro, y proporciona ejemplos de fuentes renovables como paneles solares, aerogeneradores y presas hidroeléctricas, así como no renovables como el petróleo, el carbón, el gas natural y la energía nuclear. Finalmente, señala los problemas ambientales asociados con la obtención y uso de energía, como
Question generating processsorbiekuThe document provides guidance on developing research questions. It includes steps for brainstorming what is already known about a topic and what remains unknown, identifying the 10 best statements or questions, changing statements to questions, making questions more open-ended, using question stems to improve questions, and evaluating the final research question. The overall purpose is to help generate high-quality research questions through an iterative process.
Recipe Card EvaluationscloesteadThe document describes the design elements used in various recipe cards. Some key design elements discussed include using colorful graphics and images to appeal to children, sectioning text into lists for easy reading, including brand logos and contact information, and using photography techniques like shallow depth of field to draw attention to the food. The intended audiences of the different cards, whether children or adults, are considered in the design choices around fonts, layouts, and visuals used.
NUJ Presentation Part 3cloesteadDefamation involves communicating false information about a person to harm their reputation. Journalists must be careful not to publish untrue claims due to personal biases. Copyright law protects creators' ownership over their work and prevents others from stealing and claiming it as their own. Journalists are given guidelines for handling stories about children to prevent exploitation, such as not interviewing or photographing them at school without permission. Confidentiality restrictions apply to protecting sensitive sources from potential risks if their identity is revealed.
InDesign ExperimentscloesteadThis document describes experiments with different grid layouts. It contains grids of varying sizes including a 3x3 grid, a 5x6 grid, and a 2x4 grid. The grids were used to test different text wrapping and layout options.
Canon Getting Started Guide (with Improvements)cloesteadThe document discusses various camera settings that impact photographs, including aperture, shutter speed, ISO, white balance, and post-processing techniques. Aperture refers to the depth of field and is measured in f-numbers, with lower numbers producing a shallower depth of field. Shutter speed determines how movement is captured, with faster speeds freezing action and slower speeds blurring it. ISO controls the camera's light sensitivity, with higher numbers increasing noise. White balance settings adjust the color temperature to compensate for lighting conditions. Post-processing can refine images through cropping, adjusting levels and curves, dodging and burning areas, and modifying color.
Working to a BriefcloesteadThe document provides definitions and discusses advantages and disadvantages of various types of briefs that can be used for media projects, including contractual, formal, informal, co-operative, negotiated, commission, tender, competition, and vegetarian recipe card briefs. It also discusses the importance of thoroughly reading and discussing briefs with clients prior to production to ensure clear understanding and scope for negotiation. The vegetarian recipe card brief requires creating 9 recipe cards within 9 weeks using sustainable materials and branding.
Orlando Economy Update - 2015 Q2Bobby PaltaThis document summarizes key information about Orlando, Florida and its economy. It highlights that Orlando has no personal income tax, a population of over 19.5 million, and a thriving tourism industry that saw over 97 million visitors and $50 billion in economic impact in 2014. Additionally, it notes that Orlando's economy is booming, with the city experiencing record-breaking job growth and being named the number one city for job growth by Forbes in 2014.
Surfers Against Sewage FactfilecloesteadSurfers Against Sewage (SAS) is a UK-based organization dedicated to protecting oceans from pollution, climate change, and coastal development through campaigns, beach cleanups, and education. SAS advocates on issues like marine litter, water quality, and protecting surf spots. They provide facts on their website, such as 40.4% of marine litter comes from the public and plastics are the most common form of litter found. SAS campaigns have successfully pressured companies to reduce plastic packaging and set up educational programs to teach youth about marine conservation.
Asif jamal Topic writing an effective_resumeAsif JamalThe document provides guidance on writing an effective resume. It discusses including key sections such as name, contact information, objective, education in reverse chronological order, experience also in reverse order, achievements and awards, skills, and references. The summary emphasizes organizing the resume clearly and concisely, using strong action verbs, and creating a clean professional layout and format.
Graphic Narrative Evaluation (Improved)cloesteadThe document discusses how the graphic narrative created by the student aims to achieve a surreal, homemade collage style. Various techniques were used to create this style, including drawing characters by hand, cutting and arranging photographs from online and their own collection, and outlining images in Photoshop. The student analyzed how they anchored scenes with concise text, used signs like color and imagery to signify meanings, and aimed to positively represent the female protagonist in contrast to conventions of fairy tales from when the story was written.
Merchandise IdeascloesteadThis document discusses 8 sets of merchandise design ideas for an adult line and 4 ideas for a kids line for a charity called SAS. For the adult designs, the author experiments with using the logo shape in different colors, sizes, and placements on various merchandise items. They find the shape works best small on t-shirts. Later designs add geometric patterns and the organization's name. The kids' designs aim for a more playful, childlike look using pastel colors and a whimsical fish drawing to distinguish them from the adult items.
Gyrokinetic plasma theoryRobert La QueyThe document summarizes general gyrokinetic theory, which describes a symmetry in magnetized plasmas. It discusses:
1) Developing geometric Vlasov-Maxwell equations on a 7D phase space defined as a fiber bundle over spacetime. This determines particle worldlines and realizes kinetic integrals as fiber integrals.
2) Constructing the infinite small generator of gyrosymmetry by applying Lie coordinate perturbation to the Poincare-Cartan-Einstein 1-form. This generates the most relaxed condition for gyrosymmetry.
3) Developing general gyrokinetic Vlasov-Maxwell equations in the gyrocenter coordinate system rather than new equations, automatically carrying over properties like conservation laws. The pullback
Introduction of Organisation Behaviour Asif JamalThis document provides an introduction to organizational behavior. It discusses the historical background of OB, including the Hawthorne studies. It also outlines several models for managerial roles, including those proposed by Robert Katz and Henry Mintzberg. The document examines key topics in OB like organizational citizenship, focal points, contributing disciplines, and challenges/opportunities in managing today's diverse and globalized workforces. It provides insights into improving quality, customer service, managing change, and balancing work and life.
Evaluation - Question 4beckyhamiltonmediaEvaluation
'How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?'
Idea development pro forma (with improvements)cloesteadThe summary is:
1. The document discusses 5 initial ideas for recipe cards, including a pizza theme, curry recipes, cheap student meals, Halloween treats, and summer superfoods.
2. Feedback is provided for each idea, highlighting what is liked about the ideas, what could be developed, and what is found interesting.
3. The feedback is then assessed, agreeing that some ideas like the Indian theme and student meals could be developed more.
4. One idea of spellbook Halloween treats is identified as the favorite.
5. The ideas are then treated further, with one developed as recipe cards shaped like pizza slices that combine to form a whole pizza when placed together.