CMG Australia Industry Day 2014Trevor WarrenThe objective of CMGA’s Annual Industry Day is to achieve the following -
Promote CMGA as the industry body which promotes practice of Proactive Performance Management
Annual Event with a focus on promoting Proactive Performance Management practices through engagement with leading Industry Professionals, Academic and Research
Provide CMGA Partners an opportunity to showcase their products and capabilities
Provide learning opportunity to members and professionals with interests in SPE across the SDLC
Provide members and partners an opportunity to network with industry professionals and showcase outstanding talent in SPE
Ewrt 1 c class 25jordanlachanceThis document provides the agenda and homework assignments for an EWRT 1C class. Students are asked to read "Rita Hayworth and Shawshank Redemption," then make two discussion posts analyzing trauma and doing a psychoanalytic character profile from the story. They also must answer discussion questions about the reading. The instructor encourages students to email if they need help.
Historia organizadoremmanuelxD500Este documento presenta un esquema gráfico para organizar la historia de México en cuatro bloques principales, cada uno marcado por líneas horizontales, con el propósito de ayudar a comprender los eventos más importantes de manera ordenada.
International Journal of Engineering Research and DevelopmentIJERD EditorElectrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering,
Information Engineering and Technology,
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,
Automation and Mechatronics Engineering,
Material and Chemical Engineering,
Civil and Architecture Engineering,
Biotechnology and Bio Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Petroleum and Mining Engineering,
Marine and Agriculture engineering,
Aerospace Engineering.
[북리뷰] 데이터포인트 1장Newsjelly네이선 야우의 데이터 포인트 북 리뷰. 데이터가 무엇인가부터 데이터를 시각화하고 인포그래픽으로 나타내는 과정까지를 설명했습니다.
1. 데이터의 이해
1) 데이터의 표현
2) 가변성
3) 불확실성
4) 맥락
데이터 저널리즘의 새 바람, 뉴스젤리(Newsjelly)
International Journal of Engineering Research and DevelopmentIJERD EditorElectrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering,
Information Engineering and Technology,
Mechanical, Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering,
Automation and Mechatronics Engineering,
Material and Chemical Engineering,
Civil and Architecture Engineering,
Biotechnology and Bio Engineering,
Environmental Engineering,
Petroleum and Mining Engineering,
Marine and Agriculture engineering,
Aerospace Engineering.
Fmp production log_280414Thomas_Giblin_16This document is a production log for a student named Thomas Giblin completing an extended diploma in creative media production with a focus on games design. Over the course of 11 weeks, Giblin worked on a final major project to design armor sets for four character classes from the game World of Warcraft. The log details the research, planning, design, and feedback stages of the project, including creating basic outlines and hand-drawn designs that were scanned and refined digitally in Illustrator. Giblin faced some issues with file corruption but was able to complete the project on time with feedback-driven improvements made after the initial deadline.
CDLS 2015 ReportJulian TheseiraThis document summarizes the proceedings of the 2015 Caux Dialogue on Land and Security, which brought together participants from various organizations to discuss land restoration and sustainable development. The dialogue focused on identifying opportunities and drivers for restoring degraded land on a large scale. Participants shared case studies of successful land restoration projects and discussed the key requirements for expanding these projects, including community engagement. Presenters emphasized the importance of sustainable land management for food security, economic growth, and environmental benefits. The dialogue also examined issues related to global food trade and how to ensure farmers are incentivized and rewarded for sustainable practices. Relationship building and collaborative approaches across sectors and borders were seen as important for addressing land degradation and conflicts over natural resources.
Fmp production log_280414Thomas_Giblin_16This document is a production log for a student named Thomas Giblin completing an extended diploma in creative media production with a focus on games design. Over the course of 11 weeks, Giblin worked on a final major project to design armor sets for four character classes from the game World of Warcraft. The log details the research, planning, design, and feedback stages of the project, including creating basic outlines and hand-drawn designs that were scanned and refined digitally in Illustrator. Giblin faced some issues with file corruption but was able to complete the project on time with feedback-driven improvements made after the initial deadline.
CDLS 2015 ReportJulian TheseiraThis document summarizes the proceedings of the 2015 Caux Dialogue on Land and Security, which brought together participants from various organizations to discuss land restoration and sustainable development. The dialogue focused on identifying opportunities and drivers for restoring degraded land on a large scale. Participants shared case studies of successful land restoration projects and discussed the key requirements for expanding these projects, including community engagement. Presenters emphasized the importance of sustainable land management for food security, economic growth, and environmental benefits. The dialogue also examined issues related to global food trade and how to ensure farmers are incentivized and rewarded for sustainable practices. Relationship building and collaborative approaches across sectors and borders were seen as important for addressing land degradation and conflicts over natural resources.