Almiaad pptalmiaadlingua- Almiaad-Lingua is a translation company that provides translation and language services through a team of professional translators.
- They offer translation services in over 50 language pairs as well as interpreting services for meetings, conferences, and diplomatic meetings.
- The company aims to efficiently communicate clients' messages and products to international audiences through high-quality translation services.
DatasheetkellyjohanagaravitoThis document provides information on decade and binary counters from National Semiconductor, including the DM5490, DM7490A, and DM7493A models. It contains specifications, pinout diagrams, logic diagrams, and truth tables for the counters. The counters can be used for divide-by-ten counting in BCD format or divide-by-five/eight binary counting. They have features such as master-slave flip-flops, gated zero reset, and maximum operating frequencies of 32-42MHz.
NABIC 2014Francisco SerdioF. Serdio, A.-C. Zavoianu, E. Lughofer, K. Pichler, T. Buchegger and H. Efendic, Hybrid Genetic-Fuzzy Systems for Improved Performance in Residual-Based Fault Detection, World Congress on Natural and Biologically Inspired Computing, NaBIC 2014, Porto, Portugal, 2014, pp. 91-96.
Vonis gayus 1198 k_pid.sus_2011Yus EfendiDokumen tersebut merupakan putusan Mahkamah Agung No. 1198 K/Pid.Sus/2011 tentang kasus Gayus Halomoan Partaha yang dituduh melakukan tindak pidana korupsi. Putusan menjelaskan riwayat perkara, tahapan persidangan, dan keputusan akhir pengadilan.
Comune di Calenzano IngleseIrecoop ToscanaThe document discusses a housing model for non-EU workers implemented by the Municipality of Calenzano, Italy. It hosted 40 non-EU citizens in 12 flats, costing a total of €1.9 million, with various government funding sources. Residents pay reduced rent of around €7/sqm per month. While the housing intervention itself is financially self-sustaining, local municipalities struggle under the pressure of providing social services to immigrants, which account for 25-40% of users but only 6% of the population. A long-term stabilization model is advocated to improve immigrants' lives and reduce costs to municipalities over time.
Ahad1 welcome from cpnpeducationThis document outlines the course information for an Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnosis course taught by Dr. Lynne Thibeault. The course objectives include applying diagnostic reasoning frameworks to advanced interviewing and history taking skills, integrating physical assessment skills, analyzing complex clinical presentations, selecting and interpreting diagnostic tests, utilizing evidence-based practice, formulating diagnoses, communicating findings, and collaborating with health care teams. The course consists of weekly modules, seminars, readings, skills labs, assignments including clinical placements, and evaluations including a comprehensive assessment, midterm, case paper, and OSCE testing. The goal is to expand students' knowledge and skills to prepare them for their future role as nurse practitioners.
Evaluation Question Six: What have you learnt about technologies from the pro...georginabarkerThe student learned to use various technologies throughout the process of creating a film opening. They used Wikipedia for research, Blogger to document their progress, YouTube to find inspiration and source footage, Microsoft Word for planning documents, royalty free websites to find music, a digital camera to take photos as evidence, a camcorder to film, an SD card to store footage, Photoshop to create mockups and a logo, and iMovie to edit the final product together. While familiar with some technologies, the student became more proficient in technologies they were previously unfamiliar with, such as Blogger, royalty free websites, and iMovie, and learned the importance of technology in creating high quality media.
Camera ShotecsmediaClose ups show a character's whole face to convey emotion and story, while extreme close ups focus on just the eyes to scare audiences or show internal experiences. Low angle shots look up at characters for drama, while high angle shots look down from above. Extreme long shots show faraway scenery, and medium shots capture characters from the waist up during conversations.
Pediatricscarlymiller10The document discusses pediatrics and school settings for physical therapist assistants (PTAs). It notes that only 1.4% of PTAs work in school settings nationally. The average salary for a PTA working in pediatrics is $41,360, but it can range from $29,120 to $55,000 depending on the state. Common pediatric diagnoses seen include fractures, spinal issues, brain injuries, and muscular diseases. Advanced training is recommended and continuing education is required in most states to maintain opportunities working in pediatrics.
PaaSing a Java EE ApplicationJagadish PrasathThe document discusses deploying Java EE applications to Platform as a Service (PaaS) and outlines key concepts. It covers:
- The benefits of PaaS including simplified deployment and automatic management of services.
- How Java EE principles map well to PaaS through features like declarative references and scalable components.
- New roles defined in Java EE 7 to support PaaS scenarios, and how applications and services are modeled and specified to enable automatic provisioning and wiring.
- A demonstration of deploying a sample conference planning application to a PaaS runtime.
Why I love UXJason HareThis a brief overview of my career as a UX professional. 18 years later I still have a passion for good design and managing the user experience online.
Tuning parallelcodeonsolaris005dflexerThis document summarizes a presentation about tuning parallel code on Solaris. It discusses:
1) Using tools like DTrace, prstat, and vmstat to analyze performance issues like thread scheduling and I/O problems in parallel applications on Solaris.
2) Two examples of using DTrace to analyze thread scheduling and troubleshoot I/O performance problems in a virtualized Windows server.
3) How the examples demonstrated using DTrace to identify unbalanced thread scheduling and discover that a domain controller was disabling disk write caching, slowing performance.
Early supported discharge_for_strokebluebuildingThis document discusses early supported discharge (ESD) for stroke patients. It notes that stroke is common, serious, expensive to treat, but also treatable. ESD programs can reduce death and disability from stroke compared to traditional hospital-based care. The benefits of several stroke treatments are presented, including aspirin, treatment in a stroke unit, and thrombolysis. Statistics on stroke outcomes in London are provided, which show higher thrombolysis rates and shorter hospital stays compared to other areas. Characteristics of a typical ESD team and patient outcomes from one ESD program in London are described. Patient quotes support the benefits of ESD in allowing earlier discharge from hospital with continued rehabilitation at home. The conclusion is that E
Anes and HaydenecsmediaThis document lists different types of camera shots including extreme long shot, long shot, medium shot, close up, extreme close up, high angle, and low angle shots.
Pre production work jordanecsmediaThe document outlines a student's pre-production work for a horror film called "Check Up Night" about a young boy investigating the source of a zombie-like virus outbreak at a local hospital. It also lists two additional potential horror film ideas, proposed props and locations including a house, park and road, crew members for filming and editing, and necessary technical equipment like video editing software and a camera.
Cenik Jegeg Company Profile cj art | design Cenik Jegeg Art adalah usaha rumahan yang memproduksi batik dan karya seni lainnya seperti lukisan pada pakaian dan tas. Visi perusahaan adalah melestarikan dan membudayakan batik sebagai ikon daerah dengan harga terjangkau. Perusahaan didirikan untuk mengembangkan kreativitas para pekerja kantoran sambil menjalankan bisnis rumahan. Saat ini, perusahaan lebih fokus pada produksi batik rumahan dengan
8 Сьвєнтокшиський центр обслуговування інвесторів та експортерів - Каріна Кем...Main Department of Economy of Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationThe Świętokrzyskie Voivodship in south-east Poland has many advantages for investors, including a central location between major cities, a young and educated workforce, low costs, and sectors like construction, metallurgy, and health tourism. The region aims to attract investment through its Investor Assistance Centre and Special Economic Zones offering prepared lands and partnerships.
Evaluation Question Six: What have you learnt about technologies from the pro...georginabarkerThe student learned to use various technologies throughout the process of creating a film opening. They used Wikipedia for research, Blogger to document their progress, YouTube to find inspiration and source footage, Microsoft Word for planning documents, royalty free websites to find music, a digital camera to take photos as evidence, a camcorder to film, an SD card to store footage, Photoshop to create mockups and a logo, and iMovie to edit the final product together. While familiar with some technologies, the student became more proficient in technologies they were previously unfamiliar with, such as Blogger, royalty free websites, and iMovie, and learned the importance of technology in creating high quality media.
Camera ShotecsmediaClose ups show a character's whole face to convey emotion and story, while extreme close ups focus on just the eyes to scare audiences or show internal experiences. Low angle shots look up at characters for drama, while high angle shots look down from above. Extreme long shots show faraway scenery, and medium shots capture characters from the waist up during conversations.
Pediatricscarlymiller10The document discusses pediatrics and school settings for physical therapist assistants (PTAs). It notes that only 1.4% of PTAs work in school settings nationally. The average salary for a PTA working in pediatrics is $41,360, but it can range from $29,120 to $55,000 depending on the state. Common pediatric diagnoses seen include fractures, spinal issues, brain injuries, and muscular diseases. Advanced training is recommended and continuing education is required in most states to maintain opportunities working in pediatrics.
PaaSing a Java EE ApplicationJagadish PrasathThe document discusses deploying Java EE applications to Platform as a Service (PaaS) and outlines key concepts. It covers:
- The benefits of PaaS including simplified deployment and automatic management of services.
- How Java EE principles map well to PaaS through features like declarative references and scalable components.
- New roles defined in Java EE 7 to support PaaS scenarios, and how applications and services are modeled and specified to enable automatic provisioning and wiring.
- A demonstration of deploying a sample conference planning application to a PaaS runtime.
Why I love UXJason HareThis a brief overview of my career as a UX professional. 18 years later I still have a passion for good design and managing the user experience online.
Tuning parallelcodeonsolaris005dflexerThis document summarizes a presentation about tuning parallel code on Solaris. It discusses:
1) Using tools like DTrace, prstat, and vmstat to analyze performance issues like thread scheduling and I/O problems in parallel applications on Solaris.
2) Two examples of using DTrace to analyze thread scheduling and troubleshoot I/O performance problems in a virtualized Windows server.
3) How the examples demonstrated using DTrace to identify unbalanced thread scheduling and discover that a domain controller was disabling disk write caching, slowing performance.
Early supported discharge_for_strokebluebuildingThis document discusses early supported discharge (ESD) for stroke patients. It notes that stroke is common, serious, expensive to treat, but also treatable. ESD programs can reduce death and disability from stroke compared to traditional hospital-based care. The benefits of several stroke treatments are presented, including aspirin, treatment in a stroke unit, and thrombolysis. Statistics on stroke outcomes in London are provided, which show higher thrombolysis rates and shorter hospital stays compared to other areas. Characteristics of a typical ESD team and patient outcomes from one ESD program in London are described. Patient quotes support the benefits of ESD in allowing earlier discharge from hospital with continued rehabilitation at home. The conclusion is that E
Anes and HaydenecsmediaThis document lists different types of camera shots including extreme long shot, long shot, medium shot, close up, extreme close up, high angle, and low angle shots.
Pre production work jordanecsmediaThe document outlines a student's pre-production work for a horror film called "Check Up Night" about a young boy investigating the source of a zombie-like virus outbreak at a local hospital. It also lists two additional potential horror film ideas, proposed props and locations including a house, park and road, crew members for filming and editing, and necessary technical equipment like video editing software and a camera.
Cenik Jegeg Company Profile cj art | design Cenik Jegeg Art adalah usaha rumahan yang memproduksi batik dan karya seni lainnya seperti lukisan pada pakaian dan tas. Visi perusahaan adalah melestarikan dan membudayakan batik sebagai ikon daerah dengan harga terjangkau. Perusahaan didirikan untuk mengembangkan kreativitas para pekerja kantoran sambil menjalankan bisnis rumahan. Saat ini, perusahaan lebih fokus pada produksi batik rumahan dengan
8 Сьвєнтокшиський центр обслуговування інвесторів та експортерів - Каріна Кем...Main Department of Economy of Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationThe Świętokrzyskie Voivodship in south-east Poland has many advantages for investors, including a central location between major cities, a young and educated workforce, low costs, and sectors like construction, metallurgy, and health tourism. The region aims to attract investment through its Investor Assistance Centre and Special Economic Zones offering prepared lands and partnerships.
Vinnytsia region - promotional brochure (EN) 2010Main Department of Economy of Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationVinnytsia region is located in central Ukraine and promotes itself as a business location in the heart of the country. The region provides information for companies on operating and investing in the area, with contact phone numbers listed for further information.
Vinnytsia investments (EN) 2010Main Department of Economy of Vinnytsia Regional State AdministrationThe document summarizes investment opportunities in Vinnytsia region of Ukraine. It highlights the region's advantageous location in the center of Ukraine, availability of infrastructure like highways and an international airport, skilled workforce, and availability of unoccupied lands and production spaces. It provides details on the region's industries, resources like mineral deposits, plots of lands available for investment projects, and incentives for business.
Oleksandr Khainas: Data science на Upwork за останні 10 років: мої фейли (і н...Lviv Startup ClubOleksandr Khainas: Data science на Upwork за останні 10 років: мої фейли (і не тільки) (UA)
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Дмитро Бєлоусов - Контрактне виробництво в Китаї. Як створити власний бренд б...SEO.UAКонтрактне виробництво в Китаї. Як створити власний бренд без зайвих ризиків і переплат у 2025 році
Yuriy Humenchuk: AI Evolution or Revolution (UA)Lviv Startup ClubYuriy Humenchuk: AI Evolution or Revolution (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
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Артем Степанчук - Власний бренд в Китаї – покрокова інструкція виробництва та...SEO.UAВласний бренд в Китаї – покрокова інструкція виробництва та доставки по світу на 2025. Де виготовляти: на фабриках, на яких виготовляють свої товари відомі бренди, чи на невеличких невідомих фабриках?
Anastasiya Dzyakava та Anastasiia Shuplat: АІ як інструмент насильства над ді...Lviv Startup ClubAnastasiya Dzyakava та Anastasiia Shuplat: АІ як інструмент насильства над дітьми в онлайн-світі в Україні (UA)
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Катерина Романенко - Продаж і доставка за кордон без стресу: інструменти та л...SEO.UAПродаж і доставка за кордон без стресу: інструменти та лайфхаки для продавців
Andy Bosyi: Невирішені завдання ML – працюємо чи чекаємо на агентів AI (UA)Lviv Startup ClubAndy Bosyi: Невирішені завдання ML – працюємо чи чекаємо на агентів AI (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
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Ігор СироваткоЛідерство, що масштабує бізнес: внутрішній розвиток для зовнішн...SEO.UAЛідерство, що масштабує бізнес: внутрішній розвиток для зовнішнього зростання
Kateryna Hrytsaienko: MLOps з нуля. Будуємо СI/CD для моделі з Ray та K8s (UA)Lviv Startup ClubKateryna Hrytsaienko: MLOps з нуля. Будуємо СI/CD для моделі з Ray та K8s (UA)
Kyiv AI & BigData Day 2025
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Volodymyr Koval: AI як стратегія: більше ніж просто автоматизація (UA)Lviv Startup ClubVolodymyr Koval: AI як стратегія: більше ніж просто автоматизація (UA)
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